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Understanding foreigners from language standpoint?


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I have a real hard time understanding people from certain descents. Im trying to understand how a person can live within the United States and not be able to pronounce the English language with any accuracy.



There are people that have lived here nearly their entire lives and still cannot pronounce English words with ANY accuracy what so ever.



Is it a lack of will power? Are people too lazy? Do people even care? I think its a combination of the 3. Ive got quite a few good friends that came to the US from other countries, and can speak English so well that you’d never know they werent born and raised here.



I think if people tried to understand the English language and attempted to annunciate their words, maybe other Americans wouldnt be so harsh on them? Its so hard to support people and communicate when their English is so choppy. Does anyone else understand my frustrations?

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I think it's cause they're lazy, and believe that we as americans owe them something. Most of the foreigners I meet, I'm only meeting because they need a car, or they need thier car fixed. They are usually extremely rude, and mean. They ALWAYS want a discount, no matter what it is that needs fixed, from a damn tail light bulb to a head gasket, it's always too much. All I fucking hear is "last price" and "too much". I'm so sick of thier shit, I usually just ignore their presence. Now I will say however, that I have met some good people that are not rude, or mean. And just want to make a better life for themselves. And these people I'll help as much as I possiably can. The majority of them however I fucking hate, and wish that they would just go the fuck back to where ever they came from.
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I think we cater too much to people that don't speak English.so why put in the effort.I also run into the people who want a discount on everything but I think it's because that's what they grew up with,haggle on every price.I sell parts for a living and had a kid call in pricing out parts for a ML320.He kept saying is that your best price.I finally said here is the price,the first and only price I quoted,would you like the parts or not.He then handed the phone to his Dad who started the same thing over again.He was teaching his Son how to do it.I felt like hanging up on them.
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I think we cater too much to people that don't speak English.so why put in the effort.I also run into the people who want a discount on everything but I think it's because that's what they grew up with,haggle on every price.I sell parts for a living and had a kid call in pricing out parts for a ML320.He kept saying is that your best price.I finally said here is the price,the first and only price I quoted,would you like the parts or not.He then handed the phone to his Dad who started the same thing over again.He was teaching his Son how to do it.I felt like hanging up on them.

I know this sounds horrible but I had the loan for the mustang with HSBC and their customer service department was ALL Indian. I couldn't take it. I think I ended up hanging up on 2 different people just trying to get a payoff.



That story made me laugh that you got used as a test subject. I would have hung up, but I'm an ass hole.

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Does anyone else understand my frustrations? [/font][/font][/color]



i know exactly how you feel. Right now i'm attending the Defense Language Institute where the Marine Corps has me learning Arabic. every single one of our teachers is Arab. now granted, most of them understand english VERY well, but there are a few that have such a low grasp on english that it makes learning arabic from them impossible. these teachers, of course, i hate... and they probably hate me. so yeah, i feel your frustration... for 7 hours... every day...

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I know where you are coming from. I try very hard to understand the Indian people from a vendor we work with, and an Asain from Experian I have been working with recently. I am sure they get tired of, "I'm sorry... what?"


Normal English words are tough enough. Now, try talking in a programming language with them. :(

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i do collections, and the main file i work on is Ford Texas accounts. im not lying when i say that if i get 6 new accounts, 3-4 are "hispanic" (being that they're all from texas) right now, we dont have a spanish speaking collector in the whole office. but the way i see it, i live in america. i dont care how much of a mixing/melting pot this place is, i speak english, along with the majority of the country. these people owe money. they learned enough english to buy a car. if they want to play dumb and act like they cant speak english or try to avoid me that way, i dont waste time on them. i try 2x, ask them if they have someone to translate. if they still play games, i put the account in a different disposition (how they are organized) leave it alone, and when the account has reached its time limit of staying in our office, it goes back to Fords legal team. i have tried to learn a few spanish phrases (is x there, can someone translate, etc) and even when i speak to them in spanish, they hang up on me. i had a guy answer a few days ago "hello?" (anyone who calls a spanish speaker knows they answer "bueno?" every time) then tried to tell me he didnt speak english, although the whole convo we had was english.


basically, no english = no payment = your ass gets SUED! (which usually can go 3-5k$ beyond original debt in court cost/legal fees, etc)



so yes, i understand your frustration. try to understand mine. i cant even hit my company goals because i cant talk to 1/2 my accounts

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Try operating in a country where barely any english is spoken. Half the time we had no interpreters, so conveying a message in english is damn near impossible. HOnestly though, if one comes to America and plans on staying, LEARN ENGLISH!!!! Fine to speak a native language with others, but if you deal with the public at all, SPEAK ENGLISH! As far as annunciation, well accents are accents. Fuck go to Kentucky or West Virginia and tell me what folks from the hills sound like (most my family) :D But atleast if anything speak and understand our language before crossing OUR borders for your freedom.
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I grew up learning both languages so it wasn't a problem. I think a lot of the problem is people are too lazy. For example my mo insists she learned to annunciate and use slang from listening to the radio. most foreigners u see are blasting their mariachi shit or something in spanish. Its like they want to live in mexico but get paid in dollars and have great schools.


and also about the haggling comments. It really shows how some people are so sheltered from the rest of the world and tolerance is minimum to none. Every other country i've been to....anywhere. Haggling is a way of life. Maybe not in huge department stores but shops that provide services or markets. Don't even act like you guys don't haggle when you buy a car.


The same culture shock applies to Americans traveling. They are so amazed when their throat hurts that they can't go out to CVS at 3 am and get some chloraseptic. or that they can't do their grocery shopping at 11pm on a weeknight.



thats just part of understanding and dealing with different cultures. If you are all about a single way to do everything try living in japan they have no foreigner influence whatsoever and their culture is ancient as opposed to USA's measly 200 year old montage.

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