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how to deal with an uninsured driver???


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anybody got any tips on how to deal with an uninsured, illegal alien who wiped out the front of my cutlass, & speaks so little english, i can't understand most of what he says...


he was ticked for failure to yield , no ops, failure to control etc...& his suv was impounded...





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Well my Dad had this same thing happen with his '91 SHO 6 years ago. My Dad at least had full coverage on the car and had to have his insurance company pay for it then they went after the Illegal which did show up for court which was a miracle but could not show legal documents but had a letter from his employer that he had been employed for 1 year. I went with my Dad for the heck of it and the Judge did nothing and told the Insurance Lawyer that since my Dad was covered that the case closed. The insurance company totalled my Dads SHO and my Dads insurance went up for 2 years till it dropped off. I still want to know what the unisured motorist part of insurance we pay is for. My Dad dropped Allstate after that deal and he had been with them 32 years and only one claim 12 years back for a Deer hit and no speeding tickets in 20 years. From what I have seen i think your screwed.
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i was hit in 01 by a non english speaking man, he gave me 500 on the spot my insurance covered my vehicle. they went after him for the amount payed to me. he tried to counter sue me but didnt get anywhere, judge found the case in my favor and the insurance companies, never hurts to carry a camera with you all the time.
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honestly if you do not have uninsured motorist coverage with oyur insurance there is little or nothing your insurance company can do for you. Since you have a police report and proof that he did the damages. MY onlky advise would be to take him to court (if possible) and sue him for damages but its doubtful even if you win you will see anything from him.
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Go after his suv. Sue him and if he has no cash, see if you can use his suv as payment and part it out. Bound to be some sort of recourse for this shit.

Seize his personal property maybe? They can put a hold on property in a divorice setelemnt, why not here?

I am probably using the wrong legal terms, just conveying the general idea. Talk to a quality slimeball lawyer, they sould be able to help.

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How much damage was really done?


If it's not several thousand, it will cost you more time and money than it is worth. However if it is serious damage and he proved employement for a year, you could try and have his wages garnished for your repairs. If that doesn't work, you could even sue for his vehicle if your lawyer is good enough. But that is crossing your fingers that his vehicle is paid off which if he has NO INSURANCE is doughtful.


Is the person that hit you at least trying to make it right or is he telling you FU?

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Uninsured motorist covers your bodily injury of hit by an uninsured driver. Ohio offers Uninsured motorist property damage (UMPD)so if your car is hit by someone with no insurance your policy will pay up to $7500 toward the damage to your car. No increase in your insurance premium if this is used.


If you have full coverage (Comprehensive and Collision) the state doesn't allow an insurer to give you UMPD. You would have to claim the damage with your collision deductible and that will affect your rates for 3 yrs (make them go up). If the damage is less or even close to your deductible I suggest just paying out of your own pocket because in the long run when your insurance increase it will probably total more than if you just paid it yourself.


If you sue the alien he may not have any property in his name or they can place a lien on the car.

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I have a good idea - why not deport the fuckers.


Sue him, get what you can out of him, then call INS on the fucker and have his sorry ass deported.


This is going to become a HUGE problem in the next few years. I say we landmine the US/Mexico and US/Canada border. THAT will control access.

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