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I was first on the scene.....


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of a double fatal crash lastnight on Powell Rd. Some kid was coming up Powell towards Polaris doing atleast 100, lost control at the crest of the hill, flipped the car and it hit a tree upside down on the passenger side. Passenger died instantly...Driver was barely there. He was choking on his blood. The car was so mangled there was nothing that could be done, but tell him help was on the way. I crawled beneath the car and the sight of the passenger who took the tree....HORRIBLE!! Never seen anything quite like it. Blood was everywhere. Also, OnStar really works...They were yelling in the car trying to get a response from the driver. I told them they were gone and she said help was on the way, she called in the location. It was a white Impala.




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So that's why the 3 state troopers and the 10TV truck was there around noon today. I was traveling up that hill towards polaris to pick up my daughter, I saw the skid marks/the tree that was hit and it didn't look good, but that's too bad. What were they doing 100 up a hill and around a bend at 1am in freezing/icy conditions???
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Damn, Putty. It's admirable that you stopped to offer what aid you could. I'm sorry to hear that you had to witness the carnage - there's something especially horriffic about hearing someone choking on their own blood. I've experienced it, and wish I never had.
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We drove by there tonight on the way to dinner and saw the trees broken. On the way home there was someone out there pulled over looking around. I assumed it was a family member looking to see the place their loved one died at. You just hate to see the unnesscery loss of life and grief. Very tragic indeed.
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i hate to be the one to sound like an ass but if your doing 100 mph and kill yourself, its better you die then put other people on the line. sounds like a bad decision on that kids part, any one that is going 100 mph+ and kills them self on a public street gets whats comming. if your going to fuck around with your damn car and go over the speed limits, take it to the fuckin track. we dont need this around here anymore. if your going to race and think your a bad ass, go to the track. track is way more fun because you can give it your all and not worry about harming anyone else because most the time its a very safe envirement. RIP to those that died and to all that was around there that race... take it to the fuckin track... we truly need to start some kind of club of racers that only race on the track.
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"Two men dead after fatal crash"



...as opposed to two men alive after fatal crash? Sorry, just caught my attention.


Anyways, Sorry to hear this. Sounds like it could have been prevented though.

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It hasn't been easy dealing with the sight of this in my head. You hear about this happening all the time, but never face to face with it. I felt so helpless. Driver was there barley living and there was nothing I could do. By the time they got the "jaws of life" to rip the car up, he was gone. His body laid there on the pavement. The car was twisted so bad, the EMTs had to wait for the wrecker to get the car off the tree to get the passenger out. I guess there was no hurry, since he was already gone. This makes you, well me, put things in perspective. Several times this could have been me. Racing here, doing this there.....you never realize how dangerous this shit is until you hear of someone passing doing such. I'm not saying I speed up twisty roads at 3am, but you see where i'm going..

My bad, didn't mean to ruin your day by reading this, but.........

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Damn Putt, thanks for stopping. Seriously, I know it may not mean a lot, but hopefully it can help you cope with what you saw a little bit. Just know that, maybe in another situation, you could have saved that persons life, and you did all that you could.


I stop pretty often when I see wrecks and there aren't any officers or ambulance at the scene yet. I've never had to deal with anything worse than a banged up car and a distraught person though.


This is exactly why I want to get my EMT-Basic. I'm absolutely sure I couldn't have done anything in this case, but other times, maybe I could have. That and so when I break my arm when I'm in the middle of nowhere like is eventually going to happen, I can do something about it. :D I'll probably be getting it in the spring if I can work it around trying to get on Ski Patrol too. Too many damn things to do.

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Guest MissTypeS

I'm so sorry to hear about your experience - it's certainly one thing to read about it, but actually being there is a whole different animal. I witnessed someone get hit and killed while walking across High St. down in the Brewery District a few years ago and it has bothered me ever since. Every time I try to tell someone about it I find that just describing the scene comes no where near what it was like to actually see it.


The most tragic thing for me is the passenger's death though- he was the victim of someone else's carelessness/"fun"/arrogance. Guess this is a very morbid and unfortunate reminder that we all need to keep our heads on straight, especially considering most of us do things like this every now and then.

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Me and my buddy saw the same thing this summer. We were getting on 270 at Rt 3, heading towards Easton, and a white chevy lumina was the car I think, passed us doing every bit of 95 mph, when we passed the Dempsey Rd. bridge, and got just a little around the corner where the construction is, all you could see was dust, and I told my buddy I bet the car just lost it, and when we got closer the car was upside down, and just crushed, with the driver stuck inside, and apparently the passagner were thrown. The site of a car crash is kind of upsetting, espically if you know that someone died
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Good Riddance. Better them than someone else as a result of their stupidity.


Get real!


You have no idea what was going on when they wrecked. They could have been on the way to the hospital for all we know. All you know is they lost control and died.


Good thinking pointing the finger. :(




Let them RIP and pray for the familys.

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