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Volvo vs. Bambi


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The Volvo is thrashed. I was driving on Big Run Rd tonight and while exiting a corner, Bambi thought it convienent to cross the road. So, my inner self said Oh mY n03z!!111!1, and swerved to miss poor little Bambi. Fortunatly, i cleared Bambi's furry ass by about 3 inches. Unfortunatly, i said hi to about 18inches of woods with the right side of my car.


The front door is completely smashed in, the frame under the doors is mangle but seems to be still square. The front window exploded all over the inside of my car, the mirror took flight down into the creek, and there are scuffs/scratches from headlight to tail light from trees and branchs all down the right side. The roof, trank lid and spoiler are all scratched up from the glass sliding and rolling across it. The A-piller is fucked. I think my right front rim might be bent too... its deffinatly marked up... but it might be bent.


This does not make me happy. I try to preserve a small part of wildlife and what happens... a good $7000 worth of damage to my damn car. Next time i see Bambi, im going to fucking smash it.


Ill post pics tomorrow.


:( :( :(

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NEVER swerver for an animal period.



I don't understand why people do that I never will swerve for an animal as it always turns out worse.


+1....It jumps out, It gets HIT. I know with a deer there is lots of damage done, but whatever. I've seen idiots swerve for ducks, squirrels, rabbits, LOL! dogs, all that shit. I will hit all of the above. :marc:

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It sounded worse from the description. Lesson learned for you, don't swerve off the road to prevent hitting an animal. I might swerve into another lane if there isn't any traffic, but that's as far as I will go....and that includes deer.


Besides, it's gun season right now, so Bambi might be long gone anyway. :p I saw 3 of the little f'ers in the woods driving to work this morning from my g/f's house in BFE. I stopped in time that even if they did decide to cross the road I wouldn't have hit them.

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NEVER swerver for ANYTHING period.



I don't understand why people do that I never will swerve for ANYTHING again as it always turns out worse.



There, fixed.


I will NEVER swerve again, at least try not too. The last two times I have, I've wrecked my own car, and one got totalled.


First was 2 winters ago, this old lady was doing like a 360 down the street coming towards me, I swerved and jumped the curb to miss her, broken tie rod/few other things $=500, and she drove off once she got control. BITCH


Last time was this past february, coming home from work on 270 around 1am, it was pouring down rain and I see this big ass white thing in my lane, I'm like WTF, honestly it looked like a concrete divider, so of course I swerved. Well rearend came around faster than shit and I smacked the center divider backwards at 65. There goes that one, totalled. Come to find out later that it was a white leather couch that had fallen off a truck. FUCKERS!!! That cost me $6g's.


So I repeat, I will NEVER swerve again, I'll kill those anyone in my way before I do.

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from somone that has hit 4 deer and missed hundereds. swerving is ok. but Do NOT swerve OFF the road. if you can negotiate missing an animal with what you have to your left and right use it, don't go into traffic, don't go into the ditch.


I know it's alot to proccess in the matter of a second but i've had practice :)

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