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Anyone a doctor?


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Anyone on here a doctor able to write a prescription. I need a prescription for amoxacillon(sp). I get sick this time every year and usually I just call my doctor and have her send me in one to the pharmacy. But last year she gave me a hard time because I wasnt paying for the visit for her to tell me I need it. Waste of time and money. I have gotten sick like this every year since I was very little and I know what I need, I just dont want to put up with the hassle her office staff gives me. Thanks
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Wouldn't that be illegal? I don't know what amoxacillon is, but I would assume a doctor writing the prescription would feel you need the meds, and without seeing you, how could they treat you without possible legal action?


Oh yeah, BTW, I need a prescription for cannibus, I usually run out around this time of year because I party so much, anyone care to hook a brutha up? ;)

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Guest fixerupper
Amoxicillin is a form of penicillin, and is used alot for treating strep throat. Trust me I know alot about it.... You'd probably actually save yourself some down time if you just had your tonsils removed. I know my younger siblings are doing that in a week, because they've had so many within the past couple years.
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good luck getting your drugs lol Nice meeting you today.


You too. If I wasnt covered in paint I would have come over and properly introduced myself. My buddy just bought the place over there. I thought I heard the mustang start today? Oh yeah, I just got ahold of my sister and she happens to have a new bottle of it so I am in luck. Thanks though

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Amoxicillin is a form of penicillin, and is used alot for treating strep throat.



It's just an antiboditic. They prescriped it to me when I had a bad reaction to a root canal. I had a whole bottle still full of them, but I don't know what happened to it, I'd give it to you if I could find it. Although I don't see it in my medicine cabinet.

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I'm about to have my tonsils removed. I've had really bad tonsilitis for several months, and with my venture to college we had to put the operation off.


Recovery time for an adult is 1-2 weeks. I should probably be taking about a week, since I've got a resilient immune system.


My doc has been phoning in prescriptions to Boston for a few weeks; Student Health Services is full of shit and refuses to prescribe me anything. Getting an amoxicillin prescription filled isn't a big deal.

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  • 1 month later...
thought id bump this instead of making a new thread. i dont know if you were able to find a dr that was able to write you a prescription. if theres one here, i need to get my albuterol (sp) inhaler refilled for my asthma. had it all my life, but last couple years i havent needed it, and being inbetween insurances right now, i may have to go in and for up the $ for a visit, w/ no insurance. if someone here can write me a prescription, ill throw you a few $.
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That was a option when I was younger, however I kept putting it off. I heard its harder on you as an adult. Mine are severe and extremely painful. I wonder what the downtime for an adult is?


Don't be a pussy. :p I had mine taken out two years ago, and was back to work the next day. The first week was cake. Hell, I even got into a shouting match with my mom about 4 hours after having mine taken out (she wouldn't let me drive anywhere with the anethesia in my system).


The second week, however, sucks. It won't keep you from doing anything, but I guarantee you won't be eating anything. I lost like 20-25lbs from taking mine out. Your throat really starts to scab over during the second week, and you start hacking up some NASTY looking purple/brown/red globs.


I only had one hiccup during the whole experience. As soon as I woke up after the surgery, I jumped up out of the hospital bed, and fell flat on my face. :eek: Stupid drugs made me dizzy as hell. Oh, and I puked on the way home from the hospital, because the anethesia always makes me sick to my stomach. That was enjoyable after your throat was just cut on...


Foreign anethesiologist, "We're going to give you something so you don't get sick from the anethesia" :bs:


Worked great... :asshole:

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