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Great news, Top Gear may be coming here!


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Saw this posted on another forum.



"The Top Gear telly programme has quietly become a global phenomenon. Recent figures suggested an extraordinary viewership, something in the region of one billon people across the globe. This explains why Jeremy gets mobbed on the streets of Dubai, why Richard Hammond is swooned over by housewives in Auckland and why James May will shortly appear on a series of commemorative stamps in Luxembourg. Probably. Only one country has been strangely resistant to the charms of three blokes cocking about in an old aircraft hangar - the United States of America.

Untill now. Earlier this year, Discovery decided they wanted in on the Top Gear action, starting with 18 repackaged programmes using existing items from TG UK. Accordingly, our pluckly lads spent five days at the Top Gear base recording new studio linkds in a more American-friendly way. Basically, getting Jeremy not to call them fat and stupid. This, however, was a mere entree for Discovery’s main plan: to make thier own version of Top Gear on US soil. Thier own studio, thier own test track, even - since our boys were too busy and anyway James May doesn’y like places that don’t server a decent cup of tea - thier own presenters.


That’s why earlier this eyar a brand new TG USA production team assembleddeep in the Mojave desert to create a pilot show for thier version of Britain’s favourite almost-BAFTA-winning car programmer. And, liker thier idea of what constitues a decent cup of coffee, the American take on Top Gear wasn’t entirely the same as ours. Instead of a shabby hangar and a track built around arifield taxiways, they got a pit garage and a proper circuit. Instead of filling the studio with 200 grunting Subaru drivers, they did without an audience. And instead of The Tall One, The Short One and The Other Oen, they hired three rather different American presenters. Bruno, a professional drag racer with casual tales of crashing at 230mph. John, the super keen jock, blessed with quaint ’sir and m’am’ good manners that only Americans can do. And, Johnny, a former reality show winner with a nice line in wierd humor.


Fortunatly some reference points remained, including Star In A Reasonably Priced Car. But, to set the power laps, there could be no substitue - the Stig was flown to the US and stunned everyone with his blistering pace as he hammered the CLS55, Charger, and Mustang round the circuit.


After two days’ shooting, the show that popped out of the other end was something familiar and yet rather different. For one thing, filming in sunshine gives the show a glossy feel a million miles from another drizzle sodden canter down a runway in Surrey. And shouting “Bring on the Stig” just sounds cooler in an American accent.


If Discovery likes the pilot show, a series will follow in 2006. Then Americans can enjoy a weekly shot of Top Gear, just like the rest of the world." -Top Gear magazine

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This show won't be the same without Jeremy Clarkson, and all of the different small time carmakers that you just don't find in the US thanks to the EPA.




Who else can come up with stuff like... "This car is so fast, it can destroy your entire face." Or shoot shot guns at Porsches, or race public transit for hundreds of miles in supercars????

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That cast seems absolutely fucking retarded. Have we forgotten the crap that the Discovery channel puts out when it involves any sort of a cast? The only good things they do are documentaries with limited narration.

It's not the fucking cars that made the show popular, its the cast and crew. Smartassed commentary and stunning cinematography.

A fucking Reality show winner? I wanna shoot him in the face already, and I have no idea who it is.


The show will die without Jeremey sneaking in a "Cheese wielding surrender monkey" crack every now and again. The british are just better at making racism and feirce nationalism funny. :p

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Your fired


x eleventy billion


Fortunatly some reference points remained, including Star In A Reasonably Priced Car.


My ARSE! The stars of the shows are one of 3 things... XXXXX of the Year, an unconvientional superstar, or a supercar with a rediculous price tag. I dont ever remember them testing out a sweet Ford Escort, or Kia Sophia. Why??? Because it would cost less to buy the car outright, film 30 seconds of it being grenaded off the face of the planet, then for them to borrow it, and spend all the time to film a 12 min section on it.


This better be good....

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I dont ever remember them testing out a sweet Ford Escort, or Kia Sophia. Why???

Cuz Ford doesn't make the escort anymore, and no one gives a shit about Kia. They've tested many Escorts, including the first Cosworth, and they've tested a Focus RS or two. They've done many segments on many econo cars. You need to catch more episodes. ;)

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I'd love for it to come here. But, like blackbird said, if they get rid of the cast it won't be the same. If they keep the stunning camera work it'd be bareable, but those funny little bastards make it extra special. Just think if they brought it over here without the Stig!! Now that'd suck balls. For now, I'm content with just downloading the British episodes.
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I'd love for it to come here. But, like blackbird said, if they get rid of the cast it won't be the same. If they keep the stunning camera work it'd be bareable, but those funny little bastards make it extra special. Just think if they brought it over here without the Stig!! Now that'd suck balls. For now, I'm content with just downloading the British episodes.



Where does everyone get theirs? I'm using Torrent Spy mostly, and truthfully it kinda sucks.

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I use Torrentspy mostly, but recently they've been kinda slow on getting the torrents up. Torrentreactor.net has them up pretty quickly lately, so I've gotten my last few from there. FYI, this weeks episode doesn't premier till tonight, so the torrent probably won't be up for a day or two.
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