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Interesting fact of the day

Science Abuse

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From the Jan. 06 edition of National Geographic:


" More than 50 million people were systematically murdered in the past 100 years---the century of mass murder: From 1915 to 1923 Ottoman Turks slaughtered up to 1.5 million Armenians. In mid-century the Nazis liquidated six million Jews, three million Soviet POWs, two million Poles, and 400,000 other "undesirables". Mao Zedong killed 30 million Chinese, and the Soviet government murdered 20 million of its own people. In the 1970's the communist Khmer Rouge killed 1.7 million of their fellow Camodians. In the 1980's and early 1990's Saddam Hussein's Baath Party killed 100, 000 Kurds. Rwanda's Hutu-led military wiped out 800, 000 members of the Tutsi minority in the 1990's. Now there is genocide in Sudan's Darfur region."


"In sheer numbers, these and other killings make the 20th century the bloodiest period in human history"


Worse yet, these numbers do not include millions more who were killed by legitimate acts of war. Also, the article contains a table which clearly shows that the vast majority of genocide has been committed since World War 2 ended.


Thank god we live in a civilized society! :wtg:

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well, here we are, more advanced, and more prone to self destruction than ever.

It's so much easier. Use to be ya needed a standing army of at least a couple hundred thousand soldier to kill off a million enemies. Now you just need good networking skills.


I blame Whitey :nono:

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its good you pointo ut those statistics, because everyone makes the jews out to be omg 6 million died. which is huge and wrong.....thats not my point my point is there have been much worse death tolls. where is the National "Chinacaust museum"? we should try and remember all genocide as an evil so that it doesn't happen again.


i really can't make sense of what i'm trying to say i guess.



also if i remember right close to 45 million died in russia because of starvation?

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Or Stalin having them executed.. Surprised that wasn't on the statistical list.

"Soviet government murdered 20 million of its own people"


There are varying estimates, I'd go with the highball myself. Technicaly most were "arrested". They just died while working in the gulags...totaly different then being murdered. :p

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"Soviet government murdered 20 million of its own people"


There are varying estimates, I'd go with the highball myself. Technicaly most were "arrested". They just died while working in the gulags...totaly different then being murdered. :p


bah, reading > me


I've seen some pretty high estimates too. (over 40 million)

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