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I quit smoking


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Okay guys, I need your help.


I quit smoking. Yeah, I know. Weird.


I'm not liking this quitting thing too much.


This time I'm doing it with the help of my doctor and the patch.


Replacing one habit with another. Its kinda working. Everytime I feel the urge to smoke, I go drink an 8oz glass of water. Amazingly, it seems to kill the urge. However, I am still really edgy. As in, I told some woman yesterday I was going to rip her head off because she cut in front of me at the grocery store. It was funny. Really funny.


So, to recap... I've quit smoking. Help me not kill people.

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Ben, the best advice I can give you is to crawl into a hole for a month or two and don't drink ANY alcohol or hang out with ANYONE who is drinking and smoking - period. If I would have had an event right after I quit smoking, there is no way I could have quit.


I quit on December 28th, two years ago. My first event wasn't until March and that whole time I didn't go anywhere or do anything. I concentrated on quitting. If you need someone to hang out with who isn't drinking or smoking, you know I'll come over and chill. It won't be as much fun as usual, but hey, what are friends for. :)

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These types of addictions are all about triggers. Think about when you smoke. Do you smoke in your car, after a meal, at certain times during the day. Identify when you smoked and then work on changing the triggers. Get in your car and chew gum or have someone else drive for a while. After a meal go do something other than smoke (but don't eat more cuz you will blow up like a balloon).


You will not be able to rid yourself of the constant need to kill people for the first month, just try not to see so many people in order to keep the body count low.

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Irritability is an expected side-effect of smoking cessation and nicotine withdrawal. Knowing that you're going to be irritable can help reduce some of the tension associated with the irritability itself. So, in other words, it's okay to snap at the lady in grocery store; after all, she did cut in front of you. :)


It's good to hear that you've already implemented behavioral contingencies (e.g., i.e., drinking a glass of water when an urge to smoke occurs); those, as has already been mentioned here, are extremely important to successful smoking cessation. Think of others - chewing a piece of gum, taking a jog around the block, doing 50 push-ups or 50 sit-ups - and implement those as well.


I smoked for several years before I quit. It was kind of sad in a way, and not smoking left a fairly big void - after all, for all those years, much of my life revolved around smoking (e.g., finding five minutes out of every hour to smoke, smoking after eating, after having sex, while driving, while playing video games, etc.). Some find it helpful to accept openly the loss of smoking, kind of like a grieving process. One guy I new even went so far as to take his ashtray and a lighter, went into his backyard, buried them, and had this little burial ceremony. (No, he wasn't as weird as what this might make him sound.) He found that just the symbolism of it all helped him a lot.


I agree with Chris - you've got to get away from all those triggers that made it easy for you to smoke. This may mean no parties, no bars, and (gasp!) no drinking for a month or more. Sorry, but there's no easy way around it; if you want to quit smoking, then, well, you've got to give up those things for at least a little while. In the same vein, I'd ask your friends that smoke to (1) not smoke around you; (2) never offer you a cigarette; and (3) support you actively in your attempt to quit smoking.


If I recall correctly, the patch is associated with some side effects of its own, including sleeplessness and weird dreams. Those side effects, if they occur, should diminish with time and with a lowered dosage of the patch.


Also, I think it's imporant to acknowledge that you may "slip up" and have a cigarette in the next day, week, month, or whenever. Those "slip ups" happen fairly often and should not be interpreted as catastrophic. So, you had a cigarette at a party a month from now? Okay, that's not the best thing, but it's not the worst either, so don't make the mistake of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Chastise yourself accordingly, affirm your resolve, and keep on not smoking from that point forward.


Good luck, Stillman. Feel free to call me.

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as one of your few non smoking, non drinking, yet hilariously funny friends, id like to offer my hang out serices as well.


and, even though many one here will empathize with you, killing someone WILL land you in a cell next to maurice clarett.

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Dude how have you not killed one of the little snots that attend your workplace? I have personally almost killed 6 dozen morons this week. Fuck I hate the first week of classes.


Moron-Excuse me, do you work here?

{keep In mind I am wearing a Columbus State Bookstore Work shirt}


Moron-Can you tell me where find my Biology books?

Me-Sure, you are standing right next to them.

Moron-Is this the Bio122 Laboratory Manual? (holding up the book)

{keep in mind right on the fucking cover it reads "Biology 122 Laboratory Manual"

Me-Yes it is. <--Me being a punk ass bitch....

{What I really want to say is, "college might be a bit much for you, you may want to get your money back and practice the phrase; "Would you like fries with that?"}


Fucking retards......


I actually got a phone call this week from a dumb fucking girl asking me to help her order her books on amazon.com :nono: I am the website manager of the CSCC Bookstore. Un-fucking real.....

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I've never found anything harder than actually trying to quit smoking. I've stopped for 8 months one time. I even tried a month or so ago. I bought my first pack at 7:45 this morning and just got another at 4:30. I need a support group. I know this winter it will get worse and by 4:30 I will be getting my third pack. To much free time working outside. I wish you good luck. Was it a new year resolution?
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Will you guys let me know when you are going to come over and hang out with Ben for one of thoes sober events.... so I can get really, really, drunk? :D



Just don't pass out like Joe... oh, and I won't be sober either. Fuck that shit. If I can't drink without smoking, well... I'll just keep smoking. Hahaha... So yeah, I haven't killed anyone yet. Yet.

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