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WOW's Customer Service


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Long story short.


In March last year, I needed three letters of credit reference to get my mortgage approved. WOW was one of three utilities I'd had for more than a year. After two weeks of being jerked around and lied to, I found the email address for the Senior Vice President of WOW. So, I emailed him with my problem, not really expecting a response.


Not only did he call me back within 15 minutes of the email being sent, he had my letter faxed to my bank within an hour of him reading the email. Done and done. He also told me to contact him if I ever needed assistance again. Which I did this morning.


Due to my pending divorce and taking sole custody of the kids, I've had to consolidate my bills. Until last month, I had WOW everything. Digital cable, DVR, phone service, 6MB internet, etc. The total BEFORE taxes was $151/mo. Too much, so I dropped everything and retained only analog cable and 4MB internet, for $70/mo.


Yesterday, I received a flier in the mail from Insight about their latest package deal. Everything listed above I had with WOW, except for DVR and they have 3MB internet, for $89.99/mo. $60/mo less than what I was previously paying with WOW up until last month. So, being more than happy with WOW and hearing horror stories about Insight, I called WOW Customer Service last night for a price match. The guy on the phone was a dick. He not only told me they COULDN'T price match that low, but that since "policy" could only give me $20 off of my bill for the same package ($107.99/mo), that I'd be better off going with Insight. This had me confused. WOW couldn't price match due to policy, and this guy who worked for them told me to go to Insight as they had a price WOW wouldn't touch. I thanked him and hung up, not sure about what to do.


This morning I dug through my emails and found the SVP of WOW's last letter to me. So, I responded to it and explained the situation. His Administrative Assistant called me within two hours, and apologized profusely.


They not only matched Insight, but gave me additional DVR and 4MB internet for, after taxes, $92/mo for the entire package I had last month. This price is guaranteed for a year. Not only that, but they have me getting both services hooked up the same day and same time, whereas I've been told previously that internet and phone have to be installed separately (Joe, chime in here).


So, I was pretty happy. This guy, who hadn't heard from me in almost a year, still came through and resolved the situation better than I'd expected. On top of that, he emailed me about 30 minutes ago making sure I was taken care of and that the situation was handled as best as possible.


Again, this is a big reason I stay with WOW. This is customer service that cannot be beat. I only wish all companies handled things this way.

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Guest Evl Mdgt

I loved it when we lived on the east side and had wow... being over here in hilliard sucks cuz we only have one choice... Time Warner. THEY SUCK! Internet is constantly slow and i dont know how many times has gone in hibernation and not worked.


Good to see you got things taken care of. Thats customer service that I like to hear about.

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I have had insight for over 5 years and currently have RR, DVR, HD, Digital Cable for $96 a month. Every year insight tries to up my bill and I threaten to change to wow and they end up letting me stay at the same price. Hell we just got the DVR 6 months ago and it cost me $3 a month. My insight RR connection has not been down once that I have tried to use the computer in 3 years. Nor is it ever seem slow. I have heard some real bad horror stories about Wow's internet with packet loss though.


I have seen WOW's TV picture quality and it is a bit clearer on the regular Digital cable channels. This was a time warner to Wow comparison though.


Anthony I would like to point out that WOW custermer service clearly bites since the customer service people you called did nothing but told you to switch to insight. It seems to me VP helped you and then you got service.......

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Lemme reiterate that their regular customer service has been top notch, and last night was the exception, not the rule. That individual will be "coached". My guess, canned. That's what he gets for being a dick.


I did at one point, have RR (back in 2001 when I moved here, until 2002). I fucking hated it. Consistantly slow, piled on the network with every other swinging dick in the area, and packet loss? How about lucky to get any packets received since RR was down more often than not. RR blamed it on weather, old lines, pretty much anything but them.


As soon as WOW started, I signed right up and haven't looked back since. I'm glad :)

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Thats good you have had a good experience w/ WOW I havent I have Internet, phone and cable deal when I first moved in I was told by other cable places WOW was the only provider in the area so I called WOW and got the deal.To make a long story short my internet and phone go out every once in awhile but cable is aways strong thou (at one time in went out 6 days straight )I would call to see what the hell was going on and get answer service non real person thing and have to wait a hour(no lie) to get a help desk or anything breathing I pretty much have a system(I think) when it goes out and I do acouple of things and it comes back up no thanks to WOW so i was kinda of shocked when i seen this thread.
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Guest Evl Mdgt
  Rotarded said:
Time Warner just showed up at my door with a FREE month... and FREE INSTALLA...."I'll keep my WOW, thanks!"


True story!


I dont feel special anymore :( jk


They showed up at our door earlier... we have only their internet and refuse to pay for their cable. We told her that but she just kept on talking... damn pushy people.

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#1: Anthony, are you sure Insights deal was for digital cable? That seems REALLY low for that kind of package. What you are getting (2 DVR's, 4Mbps, basic phone) should be $130.50/month, which is still a damn good deal IMO.


#2: I know exactly who you were e-mailing; not a guy we like people to e-mail, because he can make our lives a living hell. But things WILL get done ASAP when he is contacted.


#3: You can't compare Insights complete PIECE OF SHIT DVR to what we and Time Warner offer. Insights piece is a total joke; I'd buy a Tivo unit and pay for their service before I'd deal with Insight's joke of a DVR.


#4: TJ, something doesn't sound quite right about your story. If you call in for an outage of service, if it is before 2PM that day, someone will roll out the SAME DAY to fix it. The calls can be even later for phone outages for same day service. But you can't blame us if you don't call in for 6 days; how are we going to know its out, unless it is an area outage that either we see from a node being down, or from others in the area calling in. If you have someone come out and take a look, the intermintant problem you are having could probably be resolved. As for the hour wait, if it was during the Texas area huricane, our call center was down there, and we had VERY limited staff at another location; nothing we can really do about that.


#5: Thorne, we don't offer On-Demand. We have "In-Demand PPV" but that's totally different. On-Demand has proven for other cable companies to not be profitable, problematic, and not a big customer demand for it.


#6: Ben, please share your "horror" stories about WOW and packet loss. Because I'm going to bet they are just that, stories, most likely from people that don't know WTF they are talking about.


#7: Sam, where at in Reynoldsburg are you? There "might" be service in your area. There are cases where the prints the call center has aren't accurate for a certain area, and we might have service where the prints say they don't. I know we cover almost all of R-burg, which is why I ask.


#8: Anthony, phone and internet CAN be installed at the same time (we do it all the time). But, it may take longer to get your service than to do them seperately. When porting a phone number over, we have to get the ILEC 10 business days (by law, this applies to any phone provider) to allow for the number to be ported over. Nothing any phone provider has control over. Even w/ new phone numbers, it still takes us time to get everything provisioned and ready through the switch. That's why people tend to get their cable/internet installed first, and their phone ported over once the number is ready.


No company is perfect, WOW included. But last year WOW was rated #1 in the nation for customer satisifaction for cable/sat. providers by JD Power. WWWAAAYYY ahead of Warner, and of course even further ahead of Insight (who was below average, imagine that). Even ahead of DirectTV and Dish Network, who used to be #1 and #2 in the nation.

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Absolutely POSITIVE Insight was offering digital cable. I have the flier somewhere in the garabage since Jess threw it out. But yes, I read it word-for-word to the Rep and then to the AA later on. Yes, it is digital service they're offering.


If you have an idea of who I'm talking to (yeah, he's that high up), can he get you a raise? Ya know, coming from a customer about how kickass you are as an employee.... :D

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  DarkFormula said:
If you have an idea of who I'm talking to (yeah, he's that high up), can he get you a raise? Ya know, coming from a customer about how kickass you are as an employee.... :D

Though he "could" get me a raise, they don't work like that around there. I might get a nice pat on the back.

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I am thinking of switching to WOW here in a few months when I move back to Columbus. I have had Time Warner for 3 years now, but I am looking to switch when I move. My only question is, how does it do with home networks? I was reading on WOW's website and they said they do not support home networks, which really no one does, but I want to make sure my wireless network will work with WOW before I switch. I figure someone here has WOW and a wireless network at home.
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  punkrocker3_00 said:
I am thinking of switching to WOW here in a few months when I move back to Columbus. I have had Time Warner for 3 years now, but I am looking to switch when I move. My only question is, how does it do with home networks? I was reading on WOW's website and they said they do not support home networks, which really no one does, but I want to make sure my wireless network will work with WOW before I switch. I figure someone here has WOW and a wireless network at home.


I used to work for them and they really didn't want us to install a home network for a customer. But I, along with a few hundred other families, have my own network and it ran just fine. Hell, I had a server setup at one time with 4 workstations in my place and I really didn't notice any lag with that many computers on my network. And yea, I am now running a wireless network here.

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