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Read-ended w/ hit & run


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I just got off of the phone with the irresponsible bitch's "insurance company", Safe Auto. The claims adjuster said that the lady was insured yesterday, AFTER the accident.

It happened at 3:15pm yesterday. The bitch went and started a policy last night at some time, paying cash. The card she showed Adam at the time was for a policy that had lapsed due to non-payment.

So yeah, no wonder she ran when I told her she'd better be insured. At this point, I still have Uninsured Motorists coverage that will probably be used.

Will this make my premiums go up? Also, can't my insurance company go after her personally for payment? My fucking neck and jaw still hurt, outside of the normal realm of what I'm used to. Jessica has a pretty fucked up back, yay.

Has anyone else dealt with this?


they always say its illeagal to not carry insurance in Ohio, so if she doesnt end up paying id try to get her in legal trouble, hopefully they will suspend her license. make sure you press charges and all that, or do what you can, got to make sure people like that pay one way or another,


Way back when, when i had my 84 Transam, i was in down town dayton, playing around racing this chick in a 300z, well i got to a stop light that just turned red, i stopped she went through, then all of the sudden, Whamo!

bl** kid in a beat up old lamans or something just rear ended my TA which about 4 weeks earleir i just got repainted.

i jump out to asses the damage, and less then a minute later a cop pulls out from some parking lot, he gets out, i guess he saw him flying after me and asked if he was following/chasing me, i said i didnt know as i didnt see him till he rearended me.

cop goes back talks to the kid comes to me and says "he claims to have nationwide insurance"

well about that time another beat up old car comes rolling up to the cop and this bl** lady starts screaming to the cop something fierce, she opens up the door and falls out, the car pulls over and the passengers/driver are all talking profusly to this cop, they get something out of the trunk and show the cop then he calls in a bunch of other cops, they come then the cop tells me that i and the guy who hit me can leave, never found out about the other driver or what happened ......strange


but then back to the first part of the story go and see about my claim so i contact nationwide and nope he's not insured by them, he doesnt have insurance.

i ended up not doing anything as two weeks later some wh** kid in a pick up truck changed lanes right into my side of the TA, then another two weeks go by and a semi pulls out in front of me and totals the TA.


sorry about the offtopic part of the story but i cant tell one part without the other. dem people screaming in the car, falling out of the car was just wacked.

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When someone hit me with no insurance I wasn't even in the car. And we settled it ourselves. I wouldn't know what's best thing to do with that. You have that lawyer program thing. Maybe you should call and ask for the best course of action? Defidefinitely seek for maximum crap out of them. That person is in need of a lesson.
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Guest MissTypeS
hehe... I appreciate your attempt to not offend anyone, but I don't think that saying someone is "black" or "white" is offensive. I actually think saying wh** and bl** is worse, like its a curse word or something. If you were describing Kobe Bryant, you wouldn't say "he's very tall with brown hair and brown eyes and plays basketball" - you'd probably mention something about his being black, just as you'd describe Mike Holland as being a "strawberry blonde white dude with a penchant for wine tastings and Muirfield". :gay:
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If you were describing Kobe Bryant, you wouldn't say "he's very tall with brown hair and brown eyes and plays basketball" - you'd probably mention something about his being black


no id mention on how hes a big whiner, conceited and rapes woman and gets away with it.

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anthony, it seems everyone has there own opinion on this. i have personal experience with an 18000 claim and a non insured driver. if you have questions give me a call. well figure out who your insurance company is and ill give you a side by side comparison.


just to start ive been with state farm and nationwide.

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look, i dont take offense to people being described as black or white, but when people start harping on the "implied steroetype", it pisses me off. say what you want about stereotypes being earned, and ill even agree with you, but keep that dumb shit off this message board.
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Well, the bitch 100% dod not have an active policy at the time of the accident. Safe Auto called and will be sending out a letter of denial on the claim.


However, my insurance will be covering the injury side of things, along with the medical bills associated. This will not be held against me and will not raise my rates since she was at fault. They'll be going after her personally to recoup costs with my compensation.


It just pisses me off because some people are so careless and don't give a fuck. Hopefully this bitch will when they start garnishing her wages.


Amazingly enough, Adam called last night and we were talking about this shit. He said that about 50% of the people he pulls over are not insured, go figure. About 10-15% of people he pulls over don't have a license, and the majority of them lost it due to not having insurance.


I hope this bitch gets hers.

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He said that about 50% of the people he pulls over are not insured, go figure. About 10-15% of people he pulls over don't have a license, and the majority of them lost it due to not having insurance.


Dude.. that is seriously a scary stat. I'd like to know how many people on CR do not have insurance? Anyone wanna cop to that???

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that is a crazy stat, penalties should be steeper for that kind of crime...it really ruins the whole insurance system.


For example my corolla only has liability so what do i do if some uninsured dude hits me? should i just beat his ass? that some fucked up shit.

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that is a crazy stat, penalties should be steeper for that kind of crime...it really ruins the whole insurance system.


For example my corolla only has liability so what do i do if some uninsured dude hits me? should i just beat his ass? that some fucked up shit.


Berto you can still carry uninsured coverage with liability only I do with State Farm for exactly this reason. There are too many irresponsible morons out there that just don't give a crap.

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He said that about 50% of the people he pulls over are not insured, go figure. About 10-15% of people he pulls over don't have a license, and the majority of them lost it due to not having insurance.


Reynoldsburg > * :nod:

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Well, the bitch 100% dod not have an active policy at the time of the accident. Safe Auto called and will be sending out a letter of denial on the claim.


However, my insurance will be covering the injury side of things, along with the medical bills associated. This will not be held against me and will not raise my rates since she was at fault. They'll be going after her personally to recoup costs with my compensation.


It just pisses me off because some people are so careless and don't give a fuck. Hopefully this bitch will when they start garnishing her wages.


Amazingly enough, Adam called last night and we were talking about this shit. He said that about 50% of the people he pulls over are not insured, go figure. About 10-15% of people he pulls over don't have a license, and the majority of them lost it due to not having insurance.


I hope this bitch gets hers.


Fuck that "loophole" mentality. I hate that shit were people try and get away with shit instead of paying up.


If you do get a lawyer, I got a recommendation for Pete Gibson of Koltak & Gibson from another member on CR (I forget who...speak up, because I owe you bigtime) to work out shit on my 2nd speeding ticket (when i was under 18:o). I don't know how much he does in this kind of litigation, but he was an amazing lawyer and a really really good guy to work with.

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She was issued a citation by the City of Reynoldsburg Prosecutor. No insurance, no license anymore. It has been taken away.


On top of that, it will remain revoked by the BMV until she makes restitution to my insurance company. They hold a "lien" on her license now in some legal way or another.


Stupid bitch deserves more than that, but at least she's feeling some pain now.

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On top of that, it will remain revoked by the BMV until she makes restitution to my insurance company. They hold a "lien" on her license now in some legal way or another.




After re-reading this thread, I think that if she ever gets a Federal tax return, they will take that from her, if she doesn't have the money to pay out of pocket.


Might be something to mention to yours and her insurance company...

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