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red eclipse


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So i am going home from c-bus and going north on sawmill parkway towards home rd. A red newer eclipse with red neons and red tire flys gets next to me and revs and then takes off like a retard like i was racing him but i did not want to waist my time . so he takes off and then brakes and dose it again so we get past powell road and i wait then he dose it again go i drop it to second and we go i pull 3-4 cars by the time i get to third so i thought the stupidness was over he wants to go again so i slow to 20 i honk and he takes off same out come as before but after i slow down he swerves at me and trys to hit my car -------now pissed i roll down the window and he turns off on the next side road. What an ass hole fucking ricer. end rant
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does not dose ;)


shouldn't this be in the kill section and not the kitchen? All I could make out of that entire rant was that someone in a red eclipse wanted to race you.... and you calling him a ricer yet you drive a civic.... irony?

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does not dose ;)


shouldn't this be in the kill section and not the kitchen? All I could make out of that entire rant was that someone in a red eclipse wanted to race you.... and you calling him a ricer yet you drive a civic.... irony?


It's in The Kitchen because of comments like that. Civics aren't rice, it's what you do with a car that makes it rice. I drive an import, is that rice also?

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I started flaming BECAUSE it is in the kitchen.


No, but you can have a stock SI and act like a ricer (case in point) and I will call you one...


**edit, ok, it's not stock, (I honestly have no clue why I wrote stock in the first place... I think it's a force of habbit) but who cares... at the end of the day, it's still a civic... My camaro and GP are not stock but if anyone asks... They are stock...


jesus, get off your high horse... it's a CIVIC!!! I don't care if it has a turbo or not... Now if you have a Z06... then you are elite. :D

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It's in The Kitchen because of comments like that. Civics aren't rice, it's what you do with a car that makes it rice. I drive an import, is that rice also?



I would agree with that to a point, I would say your actions have to do with someone being defined as "rice" but not the persons car, Shit i thought a VW could never be rice until i saw one in CBUS last year that was gold had underglow green neons and was trying to drift around a light pole @ hooters. Guess i was proved wrong lol

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Don't worry about smokin5s, his opinions matter less than anyone besides a select few.





Another example of complete ignorance to the truth: Calling the car in his sig rice, and accusing it of being stock, when his USERNAME says TURBOsi. What school system produces jackasses like that?

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