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Mail in rebate woes.


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So I bought a sony DSC-H1 in December, 50$ mail in rebate. According to them there is a mistake. I bought the camera 1/28/2006.


Fucking stupid ass woman. Listen to what you are telling me. What u are telling me is that somehow I bought my camera in thefFuture. Was able to send in my rebate have you process and send out a response all in two days.




Take 2 seconds and work with the logic.



what are ur experiences with mail in rebates.

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I ALWAYS have problems with MIR. As a matter of fact, there is a rebate rejection postcard on my kitchen table right now from PLAYO DVD-Rs from the day after Thanksgiving, telling me I did not send in the right documents. I made copies of everything I sent. Doesn't really matter when the 800 number they give goes unanswered day after day after day after...
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I HATE mail in rebates.. bought a cell phone online from Circuit City a couple years ago w/ a $130.00 mail in rebate. The list was a mile long so I had a feeling they were going to screw me. One of the things was, "copy of 3 statements showing balance paid in full". And the big catch is this all must be dated w/in 120 days. So the first statement I received does not show a balance paid since this is my first statement. This pushes me back 30 days. I wait for each upcoming statement, and of course by time the 4th statement comes around I'm close to the deadline, but thought I mailed it in time.. NOPE! get a rejection letter in the mail saying they got it late! I was furious. I called the number and talked to some worthless moron. She kept telling me I should have just mailed in the first 3 statements.. I couldnt get it through her head that it said "showing balance paid in full". I didnt have a balance on the first statement, and thought they were going to use that as a loophole to screw me.. regardless I'm never going to Circuit City again.
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they are only there to MAKE $, if they weren't they would give the discount at the checkout!

over half of the people who buy MIR products either don't send them in or do so late, so NO $ for you! then the ones that do half of them get the hassle of having to call and bug the shit outta the company asking "where the fuck is my $"


SO the company who offers the MIR gets to "look" like they are giving a great discount when most of the time they are MAKING $



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I make photocopies of everything as well,but I'm getting frustrated now.


I've been waiting 2months last friday for a $40 MIR from Bed, Bath & Beyond.


And I'm waiting for $200 from HHGregg and that's going on 3months right now. I spoke to some lady last week and she said they were processing it now, and then I called her back today and she was like, "they were busy doing end of the month stuff, but they will get it out by the end of the week, blah, blah, blah"


Just gimme my fuckin money back...

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