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159mph? It's ok he's a qualified advanced police driver!

Trouble Maker

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LONDON (Reuters) - A British traffic officer caught driving at 159 mph but cleared by a court of speeding and dangerous driving faces a legal move at the High Court in London Wednesday to convict him.


The Attorney General will appeal against the acquittal of constable Mark Milton and seek a High Court order that the advanced police driver should be convicted over his high speed blast in the early hours of December 5, 2003.


Milton, a qualified advanced driver, was recorded by an onboard camera in his upgraded unmarked Vauxhall Vectra police car traveling at 91 mph in a 30 mph zone and hitting 159 mph on the M54 motorway. The legal limit in Britain is 70 mph.


Milton's defense, accepted by the local judge in May 2005, was that he had taken the car on a test run around Telford, Shropshire, where he was based.


The judge said the prosecution had failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he had driven dangerously and that the car was being "used for police purposes" when the incident occurred.


The ruling prompted outrage in the media and condemnation from motoring groups.


Wednesday, lawyers for the Attorney General will argue the district judge erred in law when he made his judgment.

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It said that he did it in the early hours so if it were like 3am and there where no one else on the roads then I can kind of see why they threw it out. On the other hand, it's kinda fucked up. If that were anyone of us, we would have been completely fucked.

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i wonder if thats a true story.

In Britian you are guilty until proven innocent, so that reasonable doubt does not apply in that country.


I'm not sure that it's quite that extreme, but they certainly do have a no-nonsense aura about their justice system. Aka back when bitches were suing McD's over extra-hot coffee w/o warning labels that burned their laps and caused them severe mental stress along with a difficulty finding labor and getting pregnant or some shit like that, some bitch tried the same gag in the UK and it got thrown out of court.

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I'm not sure that it's quite that extreme, but they certainly do have a no-nonsense aura about their justice system. Aka back when bitches were suing McD's over extra-hot coffee w/o warning labels that burned their laps and caused them severe mental stress along with a difficulty finding labor and getting pregnant or some shit like that, some bitch tried the same gag in the UK and it got thrown out of court.

just shut up, you know nothing about the McD's court case. Stop repeating stupid rumors. I've researched the shit outta that case, and you my friend sound like a moron.

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just shut up, you know nothing about the McD's court case. Stop repeating stupid rumors. I've researched the shit outta that case, and you my friend sound like a moron.

Either way, who the hell takes it to court when you get burnt by coffee? I honestly hate people like that. People who try to sue over anything to make money, becsue they are to fucking lazy to work. Your drinking hot coffee, if it spills on you, oh well, learn how to drink coffee, we all spill shit but don't sue. Just get a napkin and move on. Dammit, I really hate people who sue over shit like that. :mad:

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so you wouldnt go to court if someone caused 2nd degree burns on the inside of your thighs,vagina,and butt that would cause you hospital stays and missing work?? It's not about the caution label or anything like that. it was about the fact that McD's had their coffee WAY too hot and new that it was hot enough to cause injury. They neglected to fix the problem and a woman suffered because of it. Regular coffee should never cause burns, hot yes, but not hot enough to cause blistering on your skin.
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How hot do you like your coffee? Becasue the last thing they want to hear is, "my coffee is too cold". How about this, let the fucking coffee cool for a few minutes, it's not going to get legs and run away. You know people sure over stupid things, and this is just another one of those.


Also, clean the sand out of you vagina.

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man this thread turn to crap fast.


I'm not sure that it's quite that extreme, but they certainly do have a no-nonsense aura about their justice system. Aka back when bitches were suing McD's over extra-hot coffee w/o warning labels that burned their laps and caused them severe mental stress along with a difficulty finding labor and getting pregnant or some shit like that, some bitch tried the same gag in the UK and it got thrown out of court.


but no seriously in the UK you are guilty until proven innocent, that is why we (the USA) had set up you are innocent until proven guilty.

dont you know your history?

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it's not about being dumb or whatever. it's about a company knowingly putting it's customers at risk. And BTW, she wasn't drinking it, she dropped it on accident trying to put in her cupholder. It was truly McD's fault for keeping it's coffee over 40degrees hotter than most people enjoy their coffee. If it's hot enough for 2nd degree burns and there is no warning about that, then it's their fault and they are liable for any injuries.
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