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One of the wrecks from the Hocking ride


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There any details that are pertinent? About what speed caused that kind of damage? I'm not so much asking to see if he was speeding, but how fast did the bike hit the ground/pole/fence to cause that amount of damage? It's an engineering-thing.

Glad things are turning out OK for the rider.

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I dunno guys. I think it'd need a lot more than that...

Right clip-on was snapped off. Both steering stops were hit.

We couldn't move it to see the right side because the trooper hadn't done whatever he's gotta do yet...It's hard to say what damage that side has.

It was leaking gas from the gas cap...

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Yeah, I'm sure its totaled.

No idea about speed. There were no skid marks, so its hard to estimate speed.

No flat tires, no broke chain, it just doesn't make sense. The Sheriff didn't know who called it in. I'm wondering if a car was involved. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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Not gonna second guess what happened, but it wouldn't be hard to just miss a corner a bit and sail off of the road either. Have to wait until you hear it from the rider though.

That portion of 78 has lots of blind crests with curves on top of them - wicked road to ride if you've not done it before. We rode right past the accident scene prior to the cops and ambulance showing up and I had no idea anyone had gone off the road. Kinda pissed I didn't notice anything.

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Not gonna second guess what happened, but it wouldn't be hard to just miss a corner a bit and sail off of the road either. Have to wait until you hear it from the rider though.

That portion of 78 has lots of blind crests with curves on top of them - wicked road to ride if you've not done it before. We rode right past the accident scene prior to the cops and ambulance showing up and I had no idea anyone had gone off the road. Kinda pissed I didn't notice anything.

We all were! When Ben and I passed you guys going back to find the accident, we got really confused for one. But that was because you guys took the long route and so it made sense later.

I really hope he remembers what happened after he's back too and all. It was an interesting spot to lowside the bike and wreck.

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yeah hopefully he can remember some of the details...looking at the tires (which really isnt anything to base off of) maybe he low-sided on the stator side. I would really expect to see skid marks either..I was also pissed we didnt see anything, considering we were going a lot slower after those 3 broke off from our group.

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Jason was riding behind Nick and in front of me when this happened. Neither of us actually saw the accident though. I was separated from Jason and Nick when I got stuck behind a couple cars and when I caught up to Nick without passing Jason I assumed Nick had let him go in front of him. It was only after we stopped to wait on the others that we realized he was missing (and then we saw an ambulance drive by and knew he must have gone down). Over 10 riders rode past this accident without seeing it...:eek::eek: I'm sorry that none of us noticed that accident sooner and thankful that Jason will be OK.

From what I understand (Dustin or Ben can explain better) this was a gradual turn in the road? So...I'm guessing it must have been just enough of a turn to keep our eyes focused on the inside of the turn.

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Jason was riding behind Nick and in front of me when this happened. Neither of us actually saw the accident though. I was separated from Jason and Nick when I got stuck behind a couple cars and when I caught up to Nick without passing Jason I assumed Nick had let him go in front of him. It was only after we stopped to wait on the others that we realized he was missing (and then we saw an ambulance drive by and knew he must have gone down). Over 10 riders rode past this accident without seeing it...:eek::eek: I'm sorry that none of us noticed that accident sooner and thankful that Jason will be OK.

From what I understand (Dustin or Ben can explain better) this was a gradual turn in the road? So...I'm guessing it must have been just enough of a turn to keep our eyes focused on the inside of the turn.

It isn't even that, he was down a hill and there were no skid marks. Even if you were looking, you wouldn't have seen him or the bike.

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Damn, hope he makes a speedy recovery. How did anyone find him?

Someone called 911. The Sheriff didn't know who. Dustin and I backtracked trying to find him, and ran across the EMS and cop. If they hadn't been there, we would've rode right past.

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That is always my biggest fear. Crashing and no one can find the scene or you. Looks like the bike had a hell of a flip or roll to tear all the plastics off. Did it hit that post?


In my opinion, he's fortunate the bike hit the post and went through the fence before he. (I'm assuming the bike went through first)

I think his injuries could be much worse had his body tried to take out the individual wires of the fence if you get my drift...

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He actually woke up this morning and I got to talk to him for the first time. He rememebers me going in the ditch, and tightening my rear set at the gas station, but that is it, nothing after Nelsonville. He had no idea why he was in the hospital. Don't they normally ask who you are when you call 911, and try and get more information about it? He has a few fractures in his foot, but with help he walked to the bathroom this morning. Hopefully afetr a couple weeks in a care facilty with rehab, he will get full function of his brain back.

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He actually woke up this morning and I got to talk to him for the first time. He rememebers me going in the ditch, and tightening my rear set at the gas station, but that is it, nothing after Nelsonville. He had no idea why he was in the hospital. Don't they normally ask who you are when you call 911, and try and get more information about it? He has a few fractures in his foot, but with help he walked to the bathroom this morning. Hopefully afetr a couple weeks in a care facilty with rehab, he will get full function of his brain back.

That is some scary shit.

Please keep us posted on his rehab.

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He actually woke up this morning and I got to talk to him for the first time. He rememebers me going in the ditch, and tightening my rear set at the gas station, but that is it, nothing after Nelsonville. He had no idea why he was in the hospital. Don't they normally ask who you are when you call 911, and try and get more information about it? He has a few fractures in his foot, but with help he walked to the bathroom this morning. Hopefully afetr a couple weeks in a care facilty with rehab, he will get full function of his brain back.

I wonder if it was he who called 911?

The sheriff said he knew his name.

Apparently while they were talking to him they were trying to find someone he knew. I noticed that my name was on the paper and asked the sheriff. So he at the scene knew my name as well. Kinda strange I'd only talked to him at Jimbo's when we were discussing our bikes since they are the same.

It's good that he's up and moving though.

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