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Is Wal-Mart Good For America


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good post. I am on the fence when it comes to walmart. Love em or hate em they are here to stay, so if you are the little guy, you better figure out how to make a dollar on their coattails.


One part of me says boycott them, they destroy the small towns you came from. The other says they are a symbol of the capitalistic spirit america was founded on.


I buy some shit from them, some shit, I don't, and for my money it all is the same in the end.

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I think everyone is on the fence. Kind of like a necessary evil IMO. They do have some low prices.


Just hope that China, Taiwan, etc... don't get greedy and start messing with labor prices etc... Right now they don't give a $hit about people but if they ever start = American Economy Bankrupt! True story!

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The American consumer is its own worst enemy. We shop for things mostly based on their price in the products market, cheapest being the most desirable.


The majority of items from walmart are China, or other Asian based. since they cost next to nothing to make, the shipping and tarriff costs do little to bring the prices up to competitive levels with US companies. The money spent on these items, which are much cheaper than US made goods, goes for the most part directly back to China. It is the same with cars, and any good produced overseas. The money you spend there is sent there, and gets taken out of the US market. The only jobs it preserves are those that get paid nothing at Walmart.


Lets take a Car for example, a Focus vs a Kia. Ford gets many of its resources from from the US market, so a car purchased from them, not only supports the US workers at Ford, but ALL the resourse markest that provided the suppiles and parts to assemble the car. this is a huge effect of the Economy. When you buy a Kia, the money is distributed to Kia, and the resource market that supports it, effectivly eliminating that $ amount from the US market. But, hey it was cheaper right?


This is why the trade deficit is rediculous


This is why China wil have a 1 Trillion $ surplus of US dollars by Summer.


We the consumers cast our dollar votes that in tern put ourselves in the hole as a country. If you or someone you know looses there job,especially directly due to foreing outsourcing, consider why the next time you fill your cart up at walmart.

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