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LS7's turning out to be junk motors???


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I hear plans for an LT2. Apparently, it is powered by the sweat straight from the testicles of Chuck Norris, often a key ingredient in the production of Tri-NitroToluene (TNT). About 4mL of this has the explosive power of Chuck Norris' own body weight in Semtex, which he ritually eats for breakfast (along with a hearty pitcher of Satan's Piss...Bacardi 151 and Tabasco sauce, for you n00bs). The LT2 actually has foregone the need for forced induction, and instead uses a special air filter that draws the spirit of the souls of the damned (made by K&N of course). Torque is measured in TNm (TeraNewton-meters), and horsepower is measured in RhKp (Roundhouse Kickpower). According to early reports, these numbers both disprove Einstien's Theory of Relativity and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle; E no longer =mc squared, but =Rhk to the power of fear, and we precisely know that the Z06 will be here now, and be several light years away in three seconds.
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  Iluvmysupratt said:
People have to realize that the ls7 is like a honda motor.

That just sounds funny.


  Iluvmysupratt said:
It's engineered to make their target horsepower and not much more. The components are lightened to the point where they're just strong enough to take what they're meant for, but pushing it beyond it's limits is begging for consequences.


There are plenty of completely stock Honda motors making decent amounts of power. Either way, high CR+boost=dangerous.

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  10xworse said:
I hear plans for an LT2. Apparently, it is powered by the sweat straight from the testicles of Chuck Norris, often a key ingredient in the production of Tri-NitroToluene (TNT). About 4mL of this has the explosive power of Chuck Norris' own body weight in Semtex, which he ritually eats for breakfast (along with a hearty pitcher of Satan's Piss...Bacardi 151 and Tabasco sauce, for you n00bs). The LT2 actually has foregone the need for forced induction, and instead uses a special air filter that draws the spirit of the souls of the damned (made by K&N of course). Torque is measured in TNm (TeraNewton-meters), and horsepower is measured in RhKp (Roundhouse Kickpower). According to early reports, these numbers both disprove Einstien's Theory of Relativity and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle; E no longer =mc squared, but =Rhk to the power of fear, and we precisely know that the Z06 will be here now, and be several light years away in three seconds.




dude, you have too much free time.

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