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Lift heavy things carefully!!!


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I had surgery for a hernia last Friday morning. I've had the hernia for awhile & approx. 3 yrs ago it really started bothering me. I waited & waited hoping it would just go away, why???? (Because a Major in the Army performed hernia surgery on my other side in 1974 & he butchered me & 60 some other guys that were getting out)!!!!

Its now Tuesday & I'm still in "pain". Thankfully man has invented percosett 5 because without it I'D BE OVER THE EDGE!!!!! I'm getting better but it's a painfully slow process.

Moral of this thread - when you're about to lift a heavy object, lift CORRECTLY so you don't tear your stomach or abdomen wall. Sharing this because I'm hurtin, bored, & high on these narcotics ---

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Went through that Surgery a few years ago...not pleasant at all. I think the first couple of days after Hernia surgery were worse than after the shoulder surgery I had.


Good news is pain will greatly diminish in the next couple of days...you're past the worst part.



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What type of surgery did you have? I had 2 ruptured disks in my L4 and L5 and the surgery that was called for was endoscopic discectomy.... typically the recovery time for pain to go away is 2 weeks... but you have to take it easy for 6 months regardless if you feel good or not.
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About 5 years ago I had surgery on an abdominal hernia. I know what you are going through. I was on the couch for 4-5 days. I went back to work and had to leave early. On the way home I had to sneeze and did all I could to fight it off, but ended up sneezing. I thought I had ripped all the stichs. It was miserable. Coughing, laughing, and going to the bathroom sucks. Make sure you eat food that will be easy to pass. The pain killers can lock you up. The last thing you want to do is have to push. (I hated putting that out there, but I hope you don't have any issues). Hope you have a speedy recovery.
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Anthony?????? Whacking off is the LAST thing on my mind!!!!! Thanks to all that have shared sympathy & advice. I was really feeling better yesterday, now I've taken ALL of the percosett they gave me, so (naturally) they down graded me to darvocett, so my body is adjusting to less good drugs & of course the pain has returned????

I know the worst is behind me & everyday I'm getting better - I wonder how the pioneers did it??????

Oh yeah, I'm not permitted to drive "Kohones" for a month? Ya think Rick or Marc would help me with this issue??? Haaaaaaaaaa

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