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Big Chief201

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There are reasons the Bungles unis are orange with black stripes.

The Brownies have a tough schedule this year, but should win the division. I can see my season tix from here, and can't wait to hear that first stub tear off!!!

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whoo!!!! time to jump on the browns bandwagon...


well, there's never any room for a lot of us, on this thing, and it usually doesn't go very fast, but sometimes we pop a wheelie, and we usually have a good time...

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Nick reminds me of the joke about the molester walking a kid into the woods. The kid looks around at the dusking sky and says, "man, it's gettin' dark and sure is spooky out here. I'm scared!" To which the molester replies, "You're scared?! I gotta walk out of here alone!"

Speaking of molesters and football, I wonder how far the Stillers are gonna fall this year.

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Just when I thought CbrGirl was all that and then some....rides a Honda...faithful companion to Satan...quality contributor to the board...then she comes out pimping the Stillers.:nono: Nick I can understand. He's a ninja, and ninjas are aloof and lurk in the shadows. Classic case of Stiller-itis. :p BUt CbrGirl?! For shame!

Reminds me of a day at school way back in kindergarten.

The teacher asked us one day what our parents did for a living. For the most part, the answers were typical...nurse, fireman, salesman, etc. But this one kid migrated to the back of the classroom, trying to avoid becoming part of the conversation. This was obvious to the teacher, who then decided to call on him and ask what his daddy did for a living. As he let go of a heavy chest-heaving sigh, he explained, "My Daddy is a stripper in an all male cabaret. He dances naked in front of other men for money, and if some of those men have enough money, he takes them out back in the alley behind the club and has screaming crazy mad fag sex with them." The teacher was mortified, and we kids were shocked silent. As the teacher quickly attempted to resolve the situation, she scolded the lad saying, "BEN! What a horrible thing to say! Is this anywhere near true?!" "No," Ben replied, "My Daddy plays for the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was just too ashamed to admit it."

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Ohio has NFL teams??? Really? Thought the closest team is the one and only.....

(grossly over sized picture of fecal matter swirling in a toilet edited out)


...shame on you! :villagers:

I'll be honest, as a kid I was a huge Cowboys fan (before they were pimp with Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman, and Michael Irvin) and I HATED the Browns. Then after we lost 'em and they came back in '99 I've been a huge Browns fan ever since. It's not been an easy road, but I will never be a fair weather fan!!!


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