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CBCS Scam warning! read.

Science Abuse

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So I get a call on my unlisted Cell phone from 1 800 395 8289, screen it, voicemail says "Hi Eric this is Amanda, please call me back ar 222 4300."

So, I google it and it and "CBCS" (the name given when I called the 800 number) and they show up like a rash all over the BBB and other such sites.

A: Has anyone here heard or dealt with them.

B: how the fuck did they get my number?

C: what form of legal representation handles this shit.

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they came after me after a workmans comp issue. firestone only paid a negotiated amount of my bill so the hospital turned it over to them to collect the rest the amount. the accident was on 4-24-03 and I just got a bill a month ago from them still bitching. so I would first look into hospital bills.
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they came after me after a workmans comp issue. firestone only paid a negotiated amount of my bill so the hospital turned it over to them to collect the rest the amount. the accident was on 4-24-03 and I just got a bill a month ago from them still bitching. so I would first look into hospital bills.

I have zero, I dont go to the hospital. They said it was for some properties management comany shit, over $3000. I damn sure would remember that. I think they have the wrong Eric Grothaus, google it.


Berto, are they on Town street?

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:) . thats the shit i do all day long, 40 hours a week. different company though. if youre getting messages like that, it sounds legit. by law (check the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, aka FDCPA) that is all we are allowed to leave on a voicemail. anything else that can disclose it is a collections call is a FDCPA violation. answering machines are always treated as 3rd party. dont know whos gonna check it.


it doesnt suprise me that a collections agency is on the BBB list. people are not happy they have to pay bills and will sometimes resort to extreme measures. i had a woman on the phone today who was refusing to pay a bill in her and her husbands name, called his POE, got his employment verification info, salary (rare)...called her back and let her know i would make a reccomendation to our client for a wage garnishment. she hung up, called back a couple hours later saying she talked to 4 attys and a family member who was a mayor and they said nothing can be done about the debt (this is in TX, a debtor friendly state). by the end of the call, i had her checking information and she was setting up payments. she wasnt happy, but she realized it was small payments or more fees/legal costs, etc. im sure if i wasnt able to turn it around, she would have filed a complaint w/ my groups client, which would end up there


ah. just looked...heres the report for the company i work for listed to the BBB.




mind you, NCO financial systems is the largest collections agency in the country. while the BBB shows it as "this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s)" the company is a billion dollar a year company.


like i said, it doesnt suprise me there are complaints w/ a collection agency. nature of the business

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That same thing happened to me. I had recordings on my voicemail for like two months telling me to call that place. I finally called and it turns out the guy there were looking for wasn't me, so they stopped calling. I wish I would have called alot sooner.
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I get something like this about once a year. There is a dude in town with the same name as me (well first and last anyway). I wasn't born in this state so my SSN starts with a different 3 numbers. I always ask what the first number of the person's SSN is. It hasn't been me yet. I sometimes have to be an ass with them to get them to shut-up and realize what they are doing is harrassing me.
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