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Reason #10448 Why Macs > *


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Just sold my PowerMac G5 on eBay. I have had this computer for a year and 5 months now. Bought it new for $3500, and just sold it for $2000. You would never be able to get that kind of a turn around with a pc. My current pc cost me $1500 to build 5 months ago, and now it aint worth shit. Just thought I would share :)
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Just sold my PowerMac G5 on eBay. I have had this computer for a year and 5 months now. Bought it new for $3500, and just sold it for $2000. You would never be able to get that kind of a turn around with a pc. My current pc cost me $1500 to build 5 months ago, and now it aint worth shit. Just thought I would share :)


reason 10000000 why PC >mac you would have never had to pay $3000 to the same compents and preformance from a PC. yes you get resale but in the end its still a Mac. :)

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Actually, you get less performance from the $3000 mac than the $1500 PC...


How do you figure on both of those statements. Your paying for quality. Macs have the best parts all the way around. Also your getting the superior processor architecture, the PPC was one of the best processors on the planet, so good that all they had to do was string 1,100 PowerMac G5s together and they had the second fastest supercomputer on the planet. Beaten only by the earth computer. And now with the X86 macs coming out, shows just how inferior pcs really are. They work off the same instruction set, and thats about where the similarities end. Also, I use pc and mac side by side daily, i do similar tasks on each from codeing to gameing and video/image editing, 3d modeling and rendering is what ive been doing a lot lately. I know for a fact that macintosh out performes pcs in every way shape and form. I might hold your opinons a little higher, if they were a little more educated.


Oh yeah, Ben, isn't CR being hosted on a Mac :)

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For those who are Mac haters, come on over. I'll show you what Macs can do. I'd be more than happy to demo xServes, PowerBooks, PowerMac G4s and G5s, etc. Want to play Halo2? I'll show you difference between playing on a G5 and a P4. The G5 spanks the P4. Just let me know. Otherwise, I don't want to hear anyone saying shit about Macs, since they obviously have no idea what they're talking about.


And yes, CR is on a Mac. Its on an old G4 400MHz PowerMac. And yes, since we went to the Mac we get nothing but compliments on how much faster the website has been running. The old server was a dual Xeon P2 400MHz. The new server is a G4 400Mhz. Hmmmm... The single G4 is faster than the dual Xeon P2. Imagine that. And the trend continues. My 1.67GHz PowerBook benchmarks up there with 3.2GHz P4s. Why? Because throwing GHz at a processor is like racing a Tercel in a Vette. Pointless. Figure out your architecture first, then speed up the processors. Macs are more efficient at processing data. True story. Please, be educated about a topic before you start to debate it.


By the way, I'm not a Mac guy. I'm a computer guy. I started out on Windows 3.1, and moved through 95, 98, Me, 2K, NT, XP, and I'm currently beta testing Vista. I hate Windows. I love Linux. When Mac OS X came out, it was like an omen. I love it. It has all of the GUI functionality of Windows, plus much more. AND, it has a *NIX backbone. Its FreeBSD. It rocks.

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btw, you lost $1500 on both of those transactions, so i guess reason number 10449 is that macs dont bother with adding a calculator.

HAHAHAHAHA mathowned. I hadn't even though of that. Fucking hilarious.


Back to which computers are better. Giving an idiot either a super high powered Mac or an insane PC and I guarantee you that they will be able to freeze up both within 4 minutes of use. People just are ignorant of computer capabilities. However, I'd say I'm fairly savvy of PC usage (you know...don't start 12 programs at the same time and keep clicking left and right and hitting CTRL+ALT+DEL 50 times), and I still manage to get frustrated with macs. Fuck, it took them long enough to realize that a 2-button mouse is "in". Mac OS X is pretty nice, but I feel like they got too hung up on being ergonomic with both physical design and making all the icons and shit all bubbly and happy looking. Waste of time and money IMO. That said, you can't beat a Mac for music stuff. As someone who has done a small amount of work performing and recording music, i can easily say that Mac > PC in every way for music/video design.

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macs and pcs can all play on a network, they all use similar network protocols (obviously because of High speed internet)


Macs are better. THey are. I own PCs cause i have a pile of software for them but if a MAC can run a windows program, than i have no doubt my next PC will be a, well, not a PC but a MAC.


I used a G5 for video editing and it spanked the crap out of my buddy's Opteron setup.

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Yes lets re-has the age old argument.

Wanna video edit ? MAC

Photochopper? MAC (or dual core pc ;) )


Oh wait lets get on and play some BF2 or CS:S..oh wait. your screwed


A. BF2 and Source suck, and 1.6 is available for the mac.

B. If all you look at while purchasing a computer is the ability to play fanboy games like BF2 and Source, your a fucking loser. Also if your just buying a computer for games, buy a console ( dont even retort to this, i know the reasons you give )


also, the only games that are out for windows that you cant get ( for the most part ) for os x are games like BF2 and Valves line.


Short list of os x games available:

Doom 3

Quake 4

Call of Duty

Call of Duty 2

Sims 2

Halo (interesting enough, was made for os x before windows)

Neverwinter nights

Colin Mcrae Rally


The list goes on. Plus you can play all the open source free games from the linux community.


Also as far as everyone thinking that macs are only good for only the artsy stuff like photoshop, tell me one just ONE thing that you cant do on a mac, that a pc will do better in. Again dont retort with a comment about HalfLife 2 or BF2. From server use, audio/video, 3d graphics, gameing anything you name it a macintosh is better.


And for those of you that complain about the cost, like i said before, apple uses the best of the best in computer technology. So when you buy a mac you can be sure that you have the best hardware available. So there is no cheap generic part that comes built into your mac. This also helps with the fact that, with fewer combinations of hardware you can stick into your computer, the less of a chance that your audiocard and your video card conflicting with each other. also it allows your computer to run the best it can for each one of those components and allows you to never have to worry about drivers. thats why on a macintosh for scanners, printers, cameras and every other peripheral that you can burden your computer with the all just work.


the way i look at it pc users are the ricers of the computer community. with the ability to spend fewer dollars for a computer that looks all pretty with lights and fancy cases with specs that look good and an operating system that crashes all the time. but in the end your shit is slow and worthless.

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Guest Luetic

"the way i look at it pc users are the ricers of the computer community. with the ability to spend fewer dollars for a computer that looks all pretty with lights and fancy cases with specs that look good and an operating system that crashes all the time. but in the end your shit is slow and worthless."


wouldn't this be the other way around? I'd think mac would be the ricer. The one that is out of step/out of sink with the rest of the world. What are there like, 1000 pcs for every mac? Ever have a mac tech come to your house to work on a system? I'm sure that is costly.


Can you right click a mac yet?


All I know is that my pc's don't crash, ever. Never have. I have them built. They run continuously for ~3 yrs. When their components are out of date for current games and I buy a new one. I've done this since 1993 and I've never had one complaint about my pcs. I don't dislike macs. I just have no reason to want to try one.

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being 1000 pcs to every mac makes me think of the mac as being more of a lotus and the pc being the run of the mill vehicle that anybody could co out and throw a cooling system or a processor swap onto to make themselves fell faster.


and chris did you not read my previous post? especially now with the intel switch, macintosh is going to become more of a gameing machine. before with the powerpc arch the developers hardly ever made mac ports because of the time and effort that went into the conversion from x86 to ppc. but now that macs will use the x86 it will be a whole lot easier for them to do the ports, and help eliminate the huge amount of time between pc and mac releases. Trust me, im in the game/simulation engineering field, macintosh will be the future of gameing. Instead of them porting everything from pc, it will be the other way around.


Edit: hell yeah you can right click, i use a 5 button mouse on my mac, and it works great! the only thing that really sucks about mac is that hoof mouse. back in the early years of mac, when they were using the two button mouse, they realized that the right button caused to much confusion with tech support. so they gave the user the option to be able to use a one or two button mouse. thats one of the reasons why when you call mac tech support ( not that you would ever need to ) you can talk to a good old fashion english speaking american whom lives in california. and mac technicians dont cost any more, theyre not that much differnt then pc. and macintosh has great support for anything that goes wrong with your computer. all you have to do is take it into the local apple store and its fixed in no time. also the only hardware problem ive ever had with a mac, was my power supply went out on my powerbook. i called apple and the overnighted me a new one, no questions asked. i got it early the next day, before my battery had died. again dont go assuming things. do just a little research before claiming things.

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"the way i look at it pc users are the ricers of the computer community. with the ability to spend fewer dollars for a computer that looks all pretty with lights and fancy cases with specs that look good and an operating system that crashes all the time. but in the end your shit is slow and worthless."


wouldn't this be the other way around? I'd think mac would be the ricer. The one that is out of step/out of sink with the rest of the world. What are there like, 1000 pcs for every mac? Ever have a mac tech come to your house to work on a system? I'm sure that is costly.


Can you right click a mac yet?


All I know is that my pc's don't crash, ever. Never have. I have them built. They run continuously for ~3 yrs. When their components are out of date for current games and I buy a new one. I've done this since 1993 and I've never had one complaint about my pcs. I don't dislike macs. I just have no reason to want to try one.




I'm a Mac tech. I'll come to your house. I'm the same price as a PC tech. Dumb fuck. And yeah, you can right click. Jesus Christ should take a shit on your head for being stupid. True story.

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Just sold my PowerMac G5 on eBay. I have had this computer for a year and 5 months now. Bought it new for $3500, and just sold it for $2000. You would never be able to get that kind of a turn around with a pc. My current pc cost me $1500 to build 5 months ago, and now it aint worth shit. Just thought I would share :)


Either way you lost $1500.

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yeah, macintosh is switching to x86. im wasnt to excited when i found out, but its turning out to be pretty nice. plus with the new x86 core duo, they now have the fastest laptop on the market. Which is cool, the only problem with the ppc was the fact that they ran so hot, thats why you never saw a g5 laptop.



Either way you lost $1500.


Thats how computers and technology works, you fucking genius. But the point im makeing is, if you went out and bought one of the fastest pcs with watercooling and dual 64bit processors for $3500 a year and a half ago, you wouldnt get more than $1000 out of it now.

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yeah, macintosh is switching to x86. im wasnt to excited when i found out, but its turning out to be pretty nice. plus with the new x86 core duo, they now have the fastest laptop on the market. Which is cool, the only problem with the ppc was the fact that they ran so hot, thats why you never saw a g5 laptop.





Thats how computers and technology works, you fucking genius. But the point im makeing is, if you went out and bought one of the fastest pcs with watercooling and dual 64bit processors for $3500 a year and a half ago, you wouldnt get more than $1000 out of it now.


You make a post about how you sold your computer for 2k. You paid 3500. That is a loss of 1500.


You then say you paid 1500 for a pc which isnt worth shit now.


Did I miss something?

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yeah, macintosh is switching to x86. im wasnt to excited when i found out, but its turning out to be pretty nice. plus with the new x86 core duo, they now have the fastest laptop on the market. Which is cool, the only problem with the ppc was the fact that they ran so hot, thats why you never saw a g5 laptop.




Did anyone test throughput on an X86 running the MacOS X or whatnot OS?

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Yes lets re-has the age old argument.

Wanna video edit ? MAC

Photochopper? MAC (or dual core pc ;) )


Oh wait lets get on and play some BF2 or CS:S..oh wait. your screwed


not much longer. the x1600 as soon as drivers are working the macbookpro will be running games in XP when you reboot. So play games in your toy and do work with unix. I like that setup :)


Powerbook 1.5 17inch

G4 dual 800

g4 400


And a bunchp pc.s

I just know when i wanna get work done my mac usaly wont fail

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I'm not against mac, they very well may be the future of gaming, I dunno which way it's going, I don't read up enough until I'm ready for an upgrade. It doesn't seem likely whatsoever with so many pc fans. For the moment, my pc does wonders, I built it and it runs flawlessly since I've been up here in Columbus (bout 3yrs), no reformatting, major hardware/software troubleshooting. Why fix something that's not broke I suppose.


I guess a lot of people who have macs seem to think they're *better people* just because they don't use a pc, not all, but a majority have that attitude I've found. Just arrogant if you ask me.

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