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Reason #10448 Why Macs > *


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I disagree on the lock up issues. when the wife was up in the hostipal using her powerbook it would lock up all the time while on the internet. Mind you the connection was dialup which i think was part of it for some reason. Here at the house I have used it enough to see if it still locks up. To say its better then a PC when it comes to reliability I disagree I havent had a single problem with my system it the last year + and I only reimaged it once because I wanted to add a partion and clean up a bunch of shit that I wasn't using. I like the powerbook I'll never use it to its full potental but it is hands down the one of the nicest laptops I have ever used (aside from it missing the ability to touch click with the touchpad).
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You make a post about how you sold your computer for 2k. You paid 3500. That is a loss of 1500.


You then say you paid 1500 for a pc which isnt worth shit now.


Did I miss something?


yeah, you missed the part where i pointed that out already, and was way more funny about doing it. hop on the clue train, smart guy.

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I disagree on the lock up issues. when the wife was up in the hostipal using her powerbook it would lock up all the time while on the internet. Mind you the connection was dialup which i think was part of it for some reason. Here at the house I have used it enough to see if it still locks up. To say its better then a PC when it comes to reliability I disagree I havent had a single problem with my system it the last year + and I only reimaged it once because I wanted to add a partion and clean up a bunch of shit that I wasn't using. I like the powerbook I'll never use it to its full potental but it is hands down the one of the nicest laptops I have ever used (aside from it missing the ability to touch click with the touchpad).



You can use the trackpad to click. And you can use it to scroll, too. :eek:

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I care nothing about coding, editing or anything in the like. Some people don't give a shit about "hosting the most ultimo server in the universe." I care for gaming and school work, therefore pc=hard on. I've never had any problems with mine because I'm not a moron. I also enjoy the whole customization to pcs. Also, how does liking BF2 make me a loser?
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"whats wrong with columbusracing.com?"


lack of IQ and class, mostly.


anyone with half a brain would look at the ultimate truth of the matter, the Mac is a better computer. Period. the OS is more stable than windows.


all these things are facts and you can argue them, but numbers dont lie and they are all in favor of the Mac ...


SOOOOO that means, clear my throat, the Mac is superior. IF you cant get over that, um, well, dont... i dont care if you drive a slow car, but dont brag to me about how fast it is when we all know it isnt.


with that i conclude, Mac > Pc.

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"whats wrong with columbusracing.com?"

lack of IQ and class, mostly.

So you should be the posterchild for IQ and/or class for CR? I'll give you a hint where to start:

SOOOOO that means, clear my throat, the Mac is superior. IF you cant get over that, um, well, dont... i dont care if you drive a slow car, but dont brag to me about how fast it is when we all know it isnt.

Don't convey your phlegmatic bodily functions in text form for us all to read about. Also, indecision while typing is often fixed with either the "delete" or "backspace" button.

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I care nothing about coding, editing or anything in the like. Some people don't give a shit about "hosting the most ultimo server in the universe." I care for gaming and school work, therefore pc=hard on. I've never had any problems with mine because I'm not a moron. I also enjoy the whole customization to pcs. Also, how does liking BF2 make me a loser?


Not to get into another subject all together, but Battlefield 2 should have bombed. but because of the fanboy fanbase that they have, its doing pretty good. Theres no excuse for the cut corners and the short comings of this game. The problem is, when everybody buys into these shitty game (WOW for example) they just feed the problem. Thats why no one should be suprised when shit like 50 Cent Bulletproof, and the gay ass marc ecko game. Its because the shitty developers say "HEY these guys are totally loving these horrible games, so if we make something equally bad, and not spend a lot of time on it, and release it early and people will LOVE IT!" You all might not see the problem as well as I do, but its there, and as long as there are fans of games like Final Fantasy (post SNES) it isn't going to stop. and if you enjoy BF2 your a loser because you like a game that G4 told you to like.


On yet another note, I am currently using this 466mHz Powermac G4, running OS X Tiger on it, and it is nice! for being 6 years old ( and an absolute base model macintosh) its been taking everything ive thrown at it and keeps on trucking. I am truely more impressed by macintoshes now.

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Ohio Wookie, I just needed an upgraded 1942. That game was the shit, I never got around to buying CoD2, so BF2 works. I dont' have cable, so I can't watch G4 :)


Either way, I think my point is proven. Mac people actually think they're better/more intelligent then pc users, for whatever reasons and whether or not the actual machine is an overall better machine or not.

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How do you figure on both of those statements. Your paying for quality. Macs have the best parts all the way around. Also your getting the superior processor architecture, the PPC was one of the best processors on the planet, so good that all they had to do was string 1,100 PowerMac G5s together and they had the second fastest supercomputer on the planet. Beaten only by the earth computer. And now with the X86 macs coming out, shows just how inferior pcs really are. They work off the same instruction set, and thats about where the similarities end. Also, I use pc and mac side by side daily, i do similar tasks on each from codeing to gameing and video/image editing, 3d modeling and rendering is what ive been doing a lot lately. I know for a fact that macintosh out performes pcs in every way shape and form. I might hold your opinons a little higher, if they were a little more educated.


Oh yeah, Ben, isn't CR being hosted on a Mac :)


I thought macs used mostly off the shelf parts for things like...ohh...memory, hard drives, video cards, etc. Other than the processor and motherboard, don't they share components with PCs? How is the same part in a PC junk, yet, in a Mac, it is 'superior'?


If PPC is so superior (and I agree, that fundamentally it is a better achitecture), how come Apple is going away from it.


Could it be it doesn't scale that well for the future?

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cougar, i dont think im smarter than anyone, i just think my computers better ;). but seriously, macintosh and video games are my two areas of expertise. so before you start flaming me for having a very strong opinion towards the two, go make fun of tinman because he thinks he can weld better than you.


jmr3681, welcome to OS X! Im using a six year old machine and its not doing any of that! also apple+alt+esc can be done with two fingers, ctrl+alt+del needs three fingers and two hands.


interestingly enough, the only software that has EVER crashed on my mac the microsoft office suit. lol

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I thought macs used mostly off the shelf parts for things like...ohh...memory, hard drives, video cards, etc. Other than the processor and motherboard, don't they share components with PCs? How is the same part in a PC junk, yet, in a Mac, it is 'superior'?


If PPC is so superior (and I agree, that fundamentally it is a better achitecture), how come Apple is going away from it.


Could it be it doesn't scale that well for the future?



do all you assholes just look at the first post and then post? read my posts before you say anything!

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Also as far as everyone thinking that macs are only good for only the artsy stuff like photoshop, tell me one just ONE thing that you cant do on a mac, that a pc will do better in. Again dont retort with a comment about HalfLife 2 or BF2. From server use, audio/video, 3d graphics, gameing anything you name it a macintosh is better.


O rly?





Gosh...looks like some serious Mac ownage here...

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do all you assholes just look at the first post and then post? read my posts before you say anything!


Yes...and this is to what I was replying:

How do you figure on both of those statements. Your paying for quality. Macs have the best parts all the way around. Also your getting the superior processor architecture, the PPC was one of the best processors on the planet, so good that all they had to do was string 1,100 PowerMac G5s together and they had the second fastest supercomputer on the planet. Beaten only by the earth computer. And now with the X86 macs coming out, shows just how inferior pcs really are. They work off the same instruction set, and thats about where the similarities end. Also, I use pc and mac side by side daily, i do similar tasks on each from codeing to gameing and video/image editing, 3d modeling and rendering is what ive been doing a lot lately. I know for a fact that macintosh out performes pcs in every way shape and form. I might hold your opinons a little higher, if they were a little more educated.


Oh yeah, Ben, isn't CR being hosted on a Mac


So..where do you address my point of shared components? Maybe you should try reading your posts and my post before slinging the names.

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I thought macs used mostly off the shelf parts for things like...ohh...memory, hard drives, video cards, etc. Other than the processor and motherboard, don't they share components with PCs? How is the same part in a PC junk, yet, in a Mac, it is 'superior'?


If PPC is so superior (and I agree, that fundamentally it is a better achitecture), how come Apple is going away from it.


Could it be it doesn't scale that well for the future?



The PPC processor runs too hot, and consumes too much electricity. Apple is trying to boost their laptop sales and tecnology. They couldn't use the G5 is their laptops, so they had reached a breaking point. Plus, Intel (as they have stated) has started looking at things much differently. The Duo is a badass processor, and has great possibilities for Apple. For instance, the fastest PC right now? A dual Duo 3.2GHz Mac. That's basically four 3.2GHz processors... in a PC. That's bad ass. PPC was excellent for the time. However, a change was needed. This isn't the first time Apple has changed processors, and I'm positive it won't be the last. Times change. Technology changes. And fortunately, Apple has been able to grow and adapt. By the way, I just bought an iPod video. It fucking rocks.

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So in theory, I'm a loser for liking a video game because others do. Therefore by that same thought, MAC users pretty much love the cock. Honestly, I think some people just like Mac because of how they look. I built my pc myself with top of the line stuff and it's never crashed on me and it's running almost 24/7 with maybe 1 restart a week. So reliable and easy to upgrade as well.
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The PPC processor runs too hot, and consumes too much electricity. Apple is trying to boost their laptop sales and tecnology. They couldn't use the G5 is their laptops, so they had reached a breaking point. Plus, Intel (as they have stated) has started looking at things much differently. The Duo is a badass processor, and has great possibilities for Apple. For instance, the fastest PC right now? A dual Duo 3.2GHz Mac. That's basically four 3.2GHz processors... in a PC. That's bad ass. PPC was excellent for the time. However, a change was needed. This isn't the first time Apple has changed processors, and I'm positive it won't be the last. Times change. Technology changes. And fortunately, Apple has been able to grow and adapt. By the way, I just bought an iPod video. It fucking rocks.


LOL! So, in other words, it is a direct contradiction to everything Kip stated about why the PPC is better.


PM sent! Thanks!

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LOL! So, in other words, it is a direct contradiction to everything Kip stated about why the PPC is better.


PM sent! Thanks!


No, the powerpc arch is better because it is risc based and handles information better. I even said that the x86 switch isnt bad because will allow them to put the faster processor into the laptops. im not sure what the hell you were reading, but i never even specified exactly why i felt the ppc was better

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