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Andy Milonakis


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I was hoping the article would be that he committed suicide and left a note saying how sorry he was for not being funny ever.




Everyone always got hyped up about that show or quoted shit. Too bad it was never funny, ever.

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He started on Wonder Showzen, a completely retarded show that was basically an un-PC spoof of a kids show. Then they realize the guy is so completely retarded that they might be able to give him a stupid show. They act like a second season is an amazing feat. Right...you got knocked off MTV to MTV2. That's like if ER got knocked back to UPN or the dubba dubba dubba dubba WB. Fucking worthless piece of tard shit.
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you guys are retarded if you don't think his sheer stupidity isn't funny. His first appearance on TV may be on the Wonder Showzen, but he was doing the same shit on the internet before anyone even discovered him.
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you guys are retarded if you don't think his sheer stupidity isn't funny. His first appearance on TV may be on the Wonder Showzen, but he was doing the same shit on the internet before anyone even discovered him.

his sheer stupidity may be sufficient to produce a few halfhearted guffaws from people of the same intellectual level, but no...you're wrong. It is one thing to laugh at Jackass because you're laughing at other people having a good time by kicking each others' asses. Its one thing to laugh at "The Ministry of Silly Walks" because Monty Pyton's Flying Circus is goofy and outrageously silly. Andy Milonakis is, as Carlos Mencia would likely say, a complete and utter "Dee Dee Dee." His brand of "humor" is basically just retarded. I flipped through it today to see him finding some fake pieces of treasure while vacuuming, and the skit basically went nowhere from there. Stupid? yes. Boring? yes. Funny? no.

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while i think his show is completely retarded, i can not seem to stop watching it. i dont plan my night around not missing the show, but if im flipping channels and its on, ill watch it, and its like its hard to stop watching


the skits where he screws w/ delivery men is usually the best ones


and "you know what im sayin"

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