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After my really fucked up, shitty week I had last week, this one is off to a great start. Please let it never end......


I'm now officially and legally single again. Not divorced, but dissolutioned (if that's a word). Marriage dissolved as if it never happened, although Tina still wants to keep my last name? I dunno, my mom did the same thing.


The whole process with the judge took like five minutes, literally. In, yes we agree, out. Take it downstairs to have it processed, done. Although I was nice and for some reason gave Tina the money to pay for the parking garage since she forgot to bring money or whatever. I had her take the kids tonight so I can celebrate and get my car closer to being finished as retribution :D


Then, I get a Certified Letter from the Navy Medical Board. Last time they tried to fuck me and find me at 10% disability, cut me off, and make me pay for my son's birth @ $13k. My final medical evaluation was two weeks ago at WPAFB, so I've been dreading this. It would determine one of the following outcomes:


1) I'm fucked up, at or above 30% disability, and will be permanently retired.


2) I'm kinda fucked up, but only at 29% or below diability. This means I get $13k severance, minus the $12k the VA Dept. has already paid me, and after taxes get like $400 total.


3) Hey ho, I'm 100% cured and off to active duty I go!


The letter states that I have lingering nerve damage, ligament damage, 60% head mobility (hence the blind-spot mirrors on my vehicles, Formula included which people give me shit for), and chronic headaches (all are true), and the Board of Line Officers found me at 40% disability. Do I wanna appeal? HELL NO. This means:


1) I get a pension the rest of my life, although 10% less than what I'm getting now (I was found at 50% initially)


2) I maintain my full medical coverage for me and the kids, at the $460/yr premium


3) I go to college for free through the VA (30% or above gets this bonus)


4) My kids go to college for free through the VA


5) The VA will cover any medical problems for free as long as they pertain to my injuries I've been retired for


6) I retain all benefits of a military member who's been retired (base access, decals, ID card, etc.)


Now, some of you may think it's fucked up that I'm 28 and getting these benefits that someone with 20 years in got. I didn't ask for this, and I didn't ask to break my neck. I planned on doing my 20 and retiring, especially with the badass job I had in the Navy (Tomahawk Cruise Missile Technician/Operator, JMCIS Technician, FOTC Command Operator). I thank God everyday that I'm still able to walk and that I'm alive, and the headaches and neck pains be damned.


If I had to do this all over again, I would not have chosen this route again and would have greatly appreciated being able to continue my career path, especially finding out after I was retired that I'd made E-5 had I stayed active duty, along with my $62,000 re-elistment bonus for my particular NEC (Navy Enlisted Classification).


So, I gave up a lot and a promising future in the military due to some jackass wrecking me and my car. So I'm quite happy with the eventual outcome considering the circumstances.


Anyways, it's been a great day so far and I hope this week continues on the path that it's started. Maybe the Formula will start and drive under it's own power this week, it's really close. Thanks to those who still support me and stand by me when I need them.


~ Your Single and Retired CR Admin :)

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Congrats Anthony!


That rocks. Hell i'm stupid I've been on this board for years now and never knew you were ex-Navy too. We need to go out and get a couple squid to squid drinks sometime.


Anyhow - congrats on being (mostly) ok with your health and Uncle Sam owning up to his responsibilities for you. Not sure how to respond to you re: the anullment, but if you're happy thats what matters so I guess thumbs up there too. :wtg


relish the week - they're few and far between

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Our tax dollars at work...


I hope Tina gets hit by a bus. Then, preferably, dragged a few miles. Then eaten by coyotes.


is that like wishing someone would die in a fiery crash? careful chris, shell put a hex on your ass.




good stuff, ant. let me know what your hours are this week.

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Guest chpmnsws6

congrats! looks like you have a brighter future ahead of you!


Dad got the medical boot from the army in september after 18 years..... he said he could not do the last two years (he has hated it in there since i was just a little squirt) so he's also retired.... at 38 haha


you will love every minute of retirement! i know he has

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Congrats man, I know you were waiting for this day to come and i'm glad it finally did. I also hope you do improve health wise as time goes on... health for cash never works and I know you wish you had it the other way:(



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