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Donnie Darko


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LOL, It is a great movie. And no one knows what the movie is about. Is it about a kid that didn't take his meds or time travel? The movie was made that way so you can make your own call on it and make you think. I doubt even the directors know what the movie is about.
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Guest FrancesTheMute
In the end he realizes it's better for everyone around him if he were dead. Watch the director's cut sometime, good stuff, great movie.
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Yea you have to read the pages of the book in the DVD (it's a bonus feature)as well. Something about the engine traveling through time making an alternate universe. Thee's so many therories on it it's insane. Entertaining movie thou.
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It's definitely my favorite movie, or pretty close to it.


In the end he realizes it's better for everyone around him if he were dead. Watch the director's cut sometime, good stuff, great movie.


This is pretty much what I took from the ending of the movie, after seeing it like 5 times.

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Yeah all three films were awesome.


As for Donnie it really does matter if you watch the dvd and read the pages to the book. I mean really gotta go through each thing and you'll see it had something to do with people who kept doing things like he did. There was the two main dead figures (the bunny and his girlfriend) who were the people who could most influence him. There was just a ton of stuff you'd have to read that book thing at the end to get it all.


And butterfly effect was fraggin' awesome.



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Donnie Darko is a must to like if you wanna be indie. Its got one of the most pretentious followings of any films in history. Its not even close to the best movies I've ever seen (A Clockwork Orange, City of God, Pulp Fiction, Boondock Saints, The Birds, Psycho, etc) but Jake Gyllenhal gives an A+ performance and it deserves its cult following.
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Here's something I can't figure out in Donnie Darko: What does the fat guy in the jogging suit symbolize? I've asked some friends who also like the movie and they aren't sure, either. Just thought I'd throw it into the discussion.
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The movie was a peice of crap. It was about as good as Napoleon Dynamite. There is no reason you should think this moving was good.


Don't be mad that you dont have the mental capacity to understand movies like Donnie Darko. I bet you didn't like the Matrix either.


Ashton Kutcher was awsome in Butterfly Effect, he should get away from comedy. ( except for that 70s Show was always entertaining. )

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Personally, I am probably absolutely wrong on this one but, I think the jogger was God. Knowing that the fate of existence lay in Donnie's hands he was just making sure that he did what was needed, and was watching over him. But that right there is my interpretation, so it is probably wrong.
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Or Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


I really like Donnie Darko and the Butterfly Effect, but Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind is a worthless pile of crap. It ranks right up there with Being John Malkovich for me.


The difference bettwen Donnie Darko & the Butterfly Effect, and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind & Being John Malkovich is this. Art for the sake of art is worthless, it just ends up being pretentious and overbearing. True art just happens when someone is trying to express an idea through a medium to others. True art is thought provoking because it envelopes an idea (or lack thereof) naturally, it's not trying to press an ideology onto someone. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind & Being John Malkovich are like the kids who smoke to try and look cool and Donnie Darko & the Butterfly Effect are like the cool kids who make smoking look cool and beat up the kids who smoke to look cool.

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there is a great read on DOnnie Darko at this link: http://www.mjyoung.net/time/darko.html


I think its one of the best write ups on the movie, and this write up came out before the director's cut. its a long read but IMHO worth it if you havent seen the director's cut yet.


The most interesting part is that there are really 4 time lines, but in the movie we only see the first 3.

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me and one of my good friends botch say donnie darko is one of our top 5 fav movies....and we both have differenet opionions about what exactly the ending means. And that makes me like it anymore. You can hear other peoples opinions and then watch it thinking of their opinions and all crazy shit like that. The movie fuckin kicks ass!
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