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For those who were on E. Main tongight, 4/8

Guest 1sweet3.4

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Guest 1sweet3.4

There were way too many people doing stupid shit out there tonight. Some giant chick and a skinny dude got in a fight, i almost got ran the fuck over and there was enough tire smoke to call in a friggin Wildfire fighting C-130 with full tanks. Im fairly new to the columbus area but I think this kind of shit is a serious problem that reflects badly on Columbus Racing. The street racing on the highways and stuff is fine, there is no one coming at you and it's safe (relatively speaking) but the shit that a few *cough* hondas * cough cough* were doing was fucking stupid. that is exactly why alot of people on here hate ricers.


Anyway on a sidenote, I was part of the group that followed the yellow Z06 vs. Black Rx7. P.S. I was not stalking you (Yellow Zo6) but like I said I don't know the area well and I thought you were going back to E. main. When you pulled in your driveway let's just say I wound up in Groveport. :-? Oh well. I met back up with the guy in the grand National that was with us and the rx7. I'd like to eventually know all you guys by more than what you drive, but for now that is what ill refer to you all as until i get to know you.


BTW whoever has the BMW M3 i was kinda hoping to have a run with you, something a little more formal than following the other two mentioned above. I drive a Teal/green DSM. later

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there was a lot of stupid shit going on ..look like some was trying to race around the lot ..maybe if some one went up and made them leave for doing that shit .to big of a chance to get your car hit with there dumb ass running around .....that’s what makes the cops run every one off...need to fig something to get them to stop now so we all have a place to go when it warms up
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Guest DenseAir
There is nothing to prov3 by showing you can somewhat break you tires loose on a cold ass night when your tires are hard. Plus it is right on Main st. in clear view for the cops to see us. Enough added attention
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Guest 1sweet3.4
Not sure where the other location is but i think it was the second big parking lot. I know that CR doesn't have a lot of ricers and dumbasses alike but like maverick grabber was saying if someone doesn't get these dumbasses to knock it off we won't have a place to go when it's real nice.
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Guest 1sweet3.4
Air soft guns... ohh yeah

NICE. :-P but that would prolly cause too much of a ruckus. but seriously I was glad to see that there were a lot of people out that weren't being retarded, but all it takes is one asshole and it's over. So Even if none of those guys were CR is there a way we could have just a CR gathering? If it's bad like this now what will happen when the weather is nice?

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There is nothing to prov3 by showing you can somewhat break you tires loose on a cold ass night when your tires are hard. Plus it is right on Main st. in clear view for the cops to see us. Enough added attention


When you use a "3" as an "E" it makes you look stupid.


Welcome to CR.

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Ed, this has been a reocurring problem since the early days of CR. Granted, the members here help filter and chase out the ricers away online. However, they continue to plague us at meets and always will, because it seems like their "fad" will never die off like we wish for.


There's a half-life to uniterrupted CR meets. We move, we get a few weeks or months of peace, the assholes find us, they get us kicked out within a matter of the above said time period.


It's a matter of time before we get removed from the Schott. We'll find somewhere else like clockwork. Right now all we can do is out-distance them when we leave.


Welcome to CR :)

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I went out once to the Kroger lot on Broad st. and this same kinda shit went on. A bunch of fucking losers who think their the shit just cause they can squeal their tires and drive like a bunch of fucking morons. It does ruin it for the people just looking to sit back and BS. For that reason I will not be part of any meetings anymore, once was enough for me. I don't need the problems and bullshit in my life that these dumbass disrespectful lowlifes bring w/ them everynight.




"The street racing on the highways and stuff is fine, there is no one coming at you and it's safe (relatively speaking)"


This in my eyes is just as bad as the parking lot losers......It's going to get someone killed.....Take it to the track

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I still say we enforce some kind of security. Block off all entrances to a parkling lot, leave one open with a few guys standing there letting people in..If they get out of hand, then someone get's their ass kicked and no ricers allowed.


It worked back in TX for me, I really don't see why it wouldn't work here.

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FWIW, the same shit I remember on the east side is the same shit that happens here in FL...except here the high school punks are replaced by a bunch of guys that don't speak English. Worse, they like to walk up to your car to touch your rims and look inside if you have the top off :mad: :mad: No respect for other people's shit.


I've given up on parking lot hang-outs...It was nice to shoot the shit in a friendly environment but it's lost its luster...you have to get a group together at a common meeting spot, take off, and keep rolling. Driving is always more fun anyway :)

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