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A story within a picture

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Cool pic, photochopped or not.


BTW, since my g/f bought a teacup Yorkshire terrier, I am convinced that it'll be attacked by a hawk one day while she's out walking it. I've advised her to hold on to the leash tightly when that happens.

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Cool pic, photochopped or not.


BTW, since my g/f bought a teacup Yorkshire terrier, I am convinced that it'll be attacked by a hawk one day while she's out walking it. I've advised her to hold on to the leash tightly when that happens.


Certainly is a cool pic... I wonder if bunnies can utter the words... "WTF?"


Regarding your g/f's snack on a string... the talons will penetrate the chest of the terrier killing it almost instantly then she would be left to contend with an upset raptor on a rope. May I suggest she either get the pup a kevlar walking vest or a break-away leash! ;)

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Certainly is a cool pic... I wonder if bunnies can utter the words... "WTF?"


Regarding your g/f's snack on a string... the talons will penetrate the chest of the terrier killing it almost instantly then she would be left to contend with an upset raptor on a rope. May I suggest she either get the pup a kevlar walking vest or a break-away leash! ;)


LOL - I'm laughing right now imaging my g/f struggling with a "raptor on a rope." That would be hilarious. Kind of sad, but still hilarious.

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But if she held onto the leash as the raptor flew away she would probably end up in some sweet secret hawk's nest.


True. Then, she'd probably befriend the raptor and all of his raptor friends, and they would go on explorations together, kind of like in a choose your own adventure book.

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True. Then, she'd probably befriend the raptor and all of his raptor friends, and they would go on explorations together, kind of like in a choose your own adventure book.


Having met her, I am convinced she could easily take the raptor.

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True. Then, she'd probably befriend the raptor and all of his raptor friends, and they would go on explorations together, kind of like in a choose your own adventure book.


Yes. Then one day the girl would feel woozy and the hawks wouldn't know what's up. Next thing you know, she lays an egg. BUT - it's not a hawk that comes out, it's a lizard. The hawks feel betrayed.

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Guest powers
But if she held onto the leash as the raptor flew away she would probably end up in some sweet secret hawk's nest.
The raptor would never be able to fly away with her as she now sports those new concrete shoes.
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Jesus pete, what happened to the thread? Dr. Jon, whatever happens, film it. In fact, My folks have a regular red tail that hunts song birds around their house..you and she should visit some time, just leave the pooch tied up out back. ;)


Back on topic, the phoito is real, it's got a reputable source. Those who've spent alot of time in the snow know how this print can happen. It' forms in layers, fellas. ;)

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I'm not doubting the legitity of this picture, BUT, wouldn't a rabbit in the snow create a single oval shape. They're feet are somewhat "under" their bodys, and their belly touches the ground when they walk/run.


So, I do not think it is a rabbit. It was most likely one of the Dr's women.

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Looking at the pic, and considering the thought process of a hungry bird of prey, wouldn't I attack the bunny from the sides (broadside, greater target for my razor-sharp talons) or from behind, where the bunny can't hear my silent aerial dive of death?


The hippity-hop and sudden stop in the bunny's tracks suggests an angle of attack I would not have expected from a huge bird circling two miles up in the sky.


PLUS, if I grasp a bunny head-on and then perch in a nearby tree to feast, I'd bring my talon up to my mouth and be eating a bunny's ass. I'd rather grapple it from behind to easily bring the bunny head and shoulders up to my beak.


But then, that's just me. Acting like a bird of prey.

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Another thing is, unless the bird landed how can it's wings touch the snow beginning at the body? If it was in flight only the tips of its wings would impact the snow. Also, if its talons grabbed a bunny, how would its full tail feathers impact the snow?


This picture is not coming together right.



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Come on guys... what is wrong with your perspective? OBVIOUSLY it was a human in snow shoes that was attacked. You can clearly see bunny tracks off to the right.


As far as Clay prefering to attack things from the rear... well... let's just let that one go...

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