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Drive Thru window edicate


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So im going thru the KFC drive thru to grab myself a mashed potato bowl and a couple of those buffalo snackers. In front is a Honda Pilot with about 9 kids stuffed in it. Little miss soccor mom orders $65 worth of food... THROUGH THE DRIVE THRU! So while i only order $5 worth of food that takes all of 30seconds to prepare, myself as well as 4 other vehicals wait a sweet 13min while the bitchass analfuck cuntbag infront gets all 9 of her drinks and 4 bags of food.




Theres no reason for me or the others behind me to have to wait for your inconsiderate ass while you make an attempt to give your Ethiopian sponser child the KF-fucking-C expierence. The drive thru window is a time convience for everyone, not you. If people have to wait on you to get your over zealous order, dig for change in your seats, or start your car up and put it back in gear... youre fucking with the system. Does it matter that i couldnt eat my food untill 12:30 instead of 12:17... no not really, but it still pisses me off. :mad: :doh: :slap:

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oh, you meant "etiquette". i got it.


i agree with your rant. write that down, because that may be the first time ive ever agreed with you about anything.


on the other hand, what the fuck is your non-license having ass doing driving anywhere, including the pull up window at kfc?

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oh, you meant "etiquette". i got it.


i agree with your rant. write that down, because that may be the first time ive ever agreed with you about anything.


on the other hand, what the fuck is your non-license having ass doing driving anywhere, including the pull up window at kfc?


Thanks for the spelling correction... i fuckin suck :p


I wasnt driving, my roommate was. My car doesnt have a left front headlight or indicator anyways... they were both removed yesterday.

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Would YOU want to be the one to unbuckle 9 kids, walk them inside, get their food, and then get them all back into your vehicle?


There are too many real issues out there to get worked up about. If you would have been behind her and the 9 kids in the INSIDE line, you probably would be here bitching about that.

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i just wish i had the time or amplitude to seriously be concerned about something like this. you have a lot to learn. good luck.


Im out of work on disability for another week, i dont have a license so i cant go anywhere or buy anything... the little things start to get to you after a few weeks of severe bordem.

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i just wish i had the time or amplitude to seriously be concerned about something like this. you have a lot to learn. good luck.
I don't think anyone who post on a forum should tell anyone else "I just wish I had time" It takes time to post doesnt it. I hate the person in the quick mart/gas station who plays the lottery but doesnt know which numbers to play and just when u figure the dipshit is done wasting your time they usually start picking random numbers of different scratch off game cards to buy.
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Taco Bell, Pickerington --- I got behind the guy who ordered $156 worth of food. Luckily when it happened I was in the monte carlo (much more ground clearance than the Celica), and I just drove over their little concrete divider thing and went in and got my food.
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I hate the person in the quick mart/gas station who plays the lottery but doesnt know which numbers to play and just when u figure the dipshit is done wasting your time they usually start picking random numbers of different scratch off game cards to buy.


Fridays will be forever known as "White Trash Fridays" to me after one day last Summer. I was at the the car wash down the street from my parents house right one the west side of Columbus one Friday afternoon. The smallest bill I had was a $20 and the quarter machine only takes $1's, $5's and $10's so per usual I go over the the Dairy Mart right next door to buy a pop and get change. I have about six people in front of me all trying to get lottery tickets before the deadline. It took about 20-30 minutes to get through line. To top it off some woman and man were behind me 'needing' tickets before the deadline. She was bitching in such a way to imply 'if your only buying that pop let me get in front of you so I can get my ticekts before the deadline.' I had to listen to that shit the entire time I was in line. What a fucking waste of space those people are.

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I just accept the "drive thru" thing as just another daily challenge. What pushes me over the line are the ass clowns in the grocery stores in the "10 items or less lane" doing their weekly food purchase of $200 + just calmly placing their items on the counter being oblivious (but knowing damn well what they're doing) & of course the store will not enforce their rule. Sometimes I make sure to embarrass them & even show them the sign, of course this always results in a verbal altercation with the store clerk privately thanking me afterward. It's a hassle so I only do it when I have the time & I'm really getting pissed & annoyed -
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how about when one person answers the speaker then another reads back your order and then when you say thats wrong another says WHY!!! i went thru the tim hortons on roberts rd to get coffe and cookies and i had to talk to 5 diff people over the speaker then a diff one took my money GRRRRRRRRRR
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im pretty sure thats not true. you cant put 9 kids in a pilot


if 12 adults and 2 children can fit in a phone booth, im sure its POSSIBLE to fit 9 kids in a Pilot... im not for sure if it was EXACTLY 9 kids, but there were an awful lot of bodies in the back seats. If there were 9 drinks, and 2 adults... you could ass-u-me 7 kids... but sometimes kids share drinks... so do adults... in any case, too many people in one vehical, and too much food ordered through the fuckin drive thru.

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