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Insurance price drop at 25?

Trouble Maker

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Mine droped a whoppin 5 dollars a month on my car insurance when I turned 25 about 5 months ago..Makes me kinda mad..I was expecting to have a good decrease. My friend, however went from 1200 a year to 450 a year on his bike insurance when he turned 25 3 months ago..WTF?
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wow. thats shitty. im hoping mine starts to go down. when i bought my new car, for full coverage on my parents plan it was 832/6mo....i had an accident in june 04 i was cited for, new insurance term started in january and it didnt go up at all...this past january would be the 2nd new term since it happened, and my mom tried to tell me a couple weeks ago my insurance is 3000$/6mo.


havent had any tickets or anything claimed on my insurance since june 04 so i hope it starts going down

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They keeping changing in when I turned 25 they then said it was 30...I think if you are married it drops a lot. CJ


no when you turn 25 your nolonger considered a youthful operator, also if you're married and under 25 you're considered the same as someone that is 25.

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mine dropped considerably....


oh, fair warning to anyone with Allstate, your prices will jump a lot at renewal time... they had 2 charge increases within the last 4 months.... mine just jumped up 60 dollars a month and I have a completely clear record, own a house, over 25, etc.... bastards!

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oh, fair warning to anyone with Allstate, your prices will jump a lot at renewal time... they had 2 charge increases within the last 4 months....


Ahhh, I have All State. Maybe most of the drop got eaten up in these increases? :confused:


Mine went down a little bit. Maybe when your 6 month premium renews you'll see the change?


you really wont see a price difference until renewal.


I'm not retarded. I know it won't change in the middle of a six-month period unless you call in and bitch (and it still probably won't get changed). My policy is renews in May so I just got the new policy in the begining of April.


Maybe I will have to shop around since All State decided to hike up their prices.

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mine dropped considerably....


oh, fair warning to anyone with Allstate, your prices will jump a lot at renewal time... they had 2 charge increases within the last 4 months.... mine just jumped up 60 dollars a month and I have a completely clear record, own a house, over 25, etc.... bastards!



Allstate is losing money like it's going out of style. I am not sure of the reasons why, it could be Katrina, it could be operational, but they are not doing "well" at this current time. They seem to have recovered a little bit, but it's always going to be at the policyholders expense.


Back to the orginal topic of insurance rates dropping at 25.


A few years ago the auto insurance industry was plagued by unfair rates. The reason being that most insurers grouped drivers for the ages of 18-24 and 25-60 to be the same. Therefore there was only two basic age brackets. As of lately most insurers have gotten a better handle on it, rating their policy holders according to age, not just a group of ages. Therefore drivers at 25 no longer see the decrease that they once did. Before, when a driver turned 25, they got the 60 year old driving rates. Now they get a more accurate representation of age.


The idea is that it is not fair for all of the older crowd to pay for all of the younger crowds misfortunes. The older you get (to a point) the less you wreck, that's blunt honesty. Now rates are better associated with the risk that they take on. Insurance companies are better matching risk to premium and that's what policyholders should want.

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