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Rally Pat

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I've heard this argument a million times. Use what you're comfortable with and what works for you. Keep up with the proper security patches and don't click on every damn thing that blinks on your screen or every link you see.


Edit: On another note, that was my sweet 16 post. Who wants to give me my first kiss? :eek:

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Sorry, I don't like adding in 30 plug-in's just to get my shit to work correctly. Especially on customer computers.


dont know what you are talking about, i only use 1 extension. and thats bug me not. lets me log into websites without having to register for an account.

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How would you know? You've never used FF.


Oh? It's not installed on a couple of my PCs or anything....


I've tried it, and I don't like the incompatibility it has with several sites I use, along with the "please download this plugin to work" shit.


On top of that, Jason, try hitting INotes or HRAccess with it. Get back to me.

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Yea, I'm really dumb. Damn I wish I could "frag" everyone because "fragging" is the coolest thing in the world. Sitting around playing video games is awesome. I want to be an Oldsmobile driving pimp too. Can I be you? Let’s switch places, I want to be leet like you.
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Yea, I'm really dumb. Damn I wish I could "frag" everyone because "fragging" is the coolest thing in the world. Sitting around playing video games is awesome. I want to be an Oldsmobile driving pimp too. Can I be you? Let’s switch places, I want to be leet like you.


Sorry, thats a second rate insult. And you also say that like I made the fucking banner. Its not my lan party, I am just an administrator.


And yes, Olds are pimp.

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chris, be honest, you didnt serve up a first rate insult because you arent able to. that and the fact that all anyone has to bring up is how gay you are and you = teh l0s3r.*


seriously though, this argument is getting really old and gay, and it wasnt exactly macho to begin with. everytime i see a thread like this, i feel exactly the same way as when my cousin lindsay sends me a birthday/christmas/easter card and fills it up with confetti. i just know im going to open it up, and freaking pink sparklies are going to go flying everywhere and theres going to be huge, bubbly writing in yellow ink. you guys are killing me.




*- this l337-speak has been brought to you by too much time on the fucking intarweb. chris, if you fuck with me, ill turn your damn phone off.

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