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New 06 R6


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So yesterday I went to spend some time with my little brother as he has been working backshifts at his job and I don't get to catch up with him too often. We had both planned to get the new R6 this spring but my unexpected layoff nixed mine but he still got his which I'm happy for him. He didn't have a jacket and I already bought mine so I am letting him use mine until he gets his own since I really have no need for it right now. Well I went over there and I was checking out the bike then I went inside to eat some lunch and while I am eating he tosses me the key!!! I was like sweet so I hop on it and I get the feel of it just riding it around my parents neighborhood which is a low traffic area and once I ride up and back a few times I take it out on the road.


Man is that bike nice as hell and A LOT different then the MSF bikes LOL It handles like a dream and he is still on his break in period but that thing has balls its SO much different from being in a car. I had a lot of fun and I am thankful that my little brother let me ride his brand new 06 R6 with 400 miles on it. I put about 50 on it yesterday and I want one so bad, being on a bike is like nothing else in the world. Anyway just thought I'd share my day with you all.

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very nice bike there. 2nd most power but the midrange is almost non existant. although in full supersport build they are putting out around 122hp!! that's as much as the 1000's were puttin out in the early-mid 90's. best handling bike as well, some say they are like 250gp bikes.
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Well since he is following the owners manual and it is HIS bike and he was nice enough to let me ride it he said don't go over 8.6K which I think I might of went to 10K once or twice but mostly I didn't get over 9K. Once its broken in I hope to take it out again and wail on it to see what it does.
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