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can i sell someones stuff legally?


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i loaned someone about 400$ in like august or september. wasnt really in a rush to get it back at the time because i knew of their situation. its now april...when i loaned her the money she ended up movin into my parents place for a couple months thinking we we're going to split an appartment soon...sh moved out like a month or two later, didnt talk to her for a while...she left a little bit of stuff at my place, namely a bunch of old vinyl records and a computer that technically belongs to her online schooling program...got back in touch with her a couple months ago...last month i got her a job at my work making somewhat good money...well, good enough for her...she is/was living in downtown columbus in a not so great part of town with her boyfriend and parents, smoking pot all day, not doing ****. so i get her a job making like 8.50 or so...she goes thru 3 weeks of training and walks out on the last day of training. doesnt come back. now she had told me like a week before she walked out she was going to try to get me at least 1/2 of the money when she got her paycheck...which would have been on the 7th. now, i know i make about 620/biweekly and make a little more than her so she probably had about a 500$ check. maybe a bit more. i have yet to hear anything from her at all, and the place shes living the number is disconnected.


now she knows i have this stuff and shes not getting it until i get my money. i said something about selling it while she was working with me to someone else, which got back to her, which led to her saying she would get me some of the money


so can i (legally) sell her records and try to recoop my money? i mean, its been 8 months and she hasnt paid me back a dime after saying time and time again she will...??

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what's she going to do, if you *do* sell them?


take you to court over $200 in records?

it'd cost her well more in time/energy/court costs than it would be worth


so - not even thinking about legal issues - seems like you could safely sell some of it



and even if she does take you to court, you'll owe her monetary damages

(whatever you get from selling the stuff - and a court would probably find that she owed you some of the money - while they were at it)


either way, you'll be rid of her stuff, and be closer to having her money


i don't know that i'd try selling the computer, though

that online company should be after her for it


i'd hide the computer and not offer it up until she came to get it with $$$ - the online class company will be after her to get that pc, eventually

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yeah, i wasnt planning on selling the computer first...its been sitting here since october, and she didnt do much of her schoolwork since september...i know the school called me once over the computer caus her parents gave the school my number but i havent heard anything since
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next time - tell them you don't know where the computer is (the girl must have it?)



the court is loathe to get into private matters like this

was she a live-in girlfriend?


"the family is a writ the court has no business in" or something, is a famous quote about how much judges 'enjoy' having squabbles like this, in court



furthermore, you'll have a headache if you don't have this $500.00 agreement in writing

there are statutes that require anything over 500 be in writing or it's not enforceable - i'd have to check to see if yours was one of those


what were the details of the loan?

a live-in girlfriend?

silly details like that make a difference

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not a live in girlfriend, was my best friend, she was just stayin with us for a bit to get a job and get her shit straightened out. she was living in buckeye lake with her dad and driving into columbus every day in a 78 mustang was costing her too much.


her dad was the legal owner of the car, and for her to get the car from her dad, she had to pay it off...which is why i loaned her the 400$. the deal was as long as she was doing her school work, and got it done in the few weeks worth she had left, i would delay her paying anything back to me. once she was done w/ school and working, she was to start paying me back. she moved in, started running around w/ my brothers girlfriend, getting into all her old habits, and basically forgot about my money


i guess the part that pisses me off the most is i had to work my ass off to get her a job with me and make money to get her shit together and she walked out on the last day of training

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dude, honestly, you can get in trouble for it. if she has any sort or record that you sold her stuff or has it then she has a case... as far as legally getting the 400 or 500 back from her, you have to have it in writing with hers, yours, and a whitness's signatures on it (preferably a notary) I went through this a while back... looks like you're going to have to bug her when you can and other than that, cut your losses. sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
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How can he get into trouble? Isnt there like a 70-90 day limit that she would have had to get her stuff back? Why not contact the school, and give them their comp back, then sell the rest of the shit? The only thing I can see you getting into trouble for is the computer since its owned by the school.
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she isn't going to take him to court over him selling $200, $300 in her records


he shouldn't have this post on here - record of him selling them



if he'd just sell them and say he doesn't know where they went

her only option would be to spend $500 in court costs/lawyer to *possibly* recover 200 or 300 - and the court would probably tell her to go away anyways

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you have to give her 30 days notice letter, followed by 60 days notice letter, followed by a 90 day notice letter, and i believe 120 days notice letter then its yours. You need delivery confirmation of each letter stating that you have her stuff, she needs to get it, and needs to pay you back in order to get it. Then you can claim it and sell it. Until then I wouldn't fuck around, not that she can afford to sue you and no lawyer will take the case. If you can get her on tape stating that she was going to pay you back or have witnesses to the verbal contract you can maybe make a case but then again if you two go at each others throats the court will prolly just declare you both screwed.


when i worked at best buy Service dept. every monday i would have to send out letters to people notifying them to come get their shit.



80s music PAH!!!

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you have to give her 30 days notice letter, followed by 60 days notice letter, followed by a 90 day notice letter, and i believe 120 days notice letter then its yours. You need delivery confirmation of each letter stating that you have her stuff, she needs to get it, and needs to pay you back in order to get it. Then you can claim it and sell it. Until then I wouldn't fuck around, not that she can afford to sue you and no lawyer will take the case. If you can get her on tape stating that she was going to pay you back or have witnesses to the verbal contract you can maybe make a case but then again if you two go at each others throats the court will prolly just declare you both screwed.


when i worked at best buy Service dept. every monday i would have to send out letters to people notifying them to come get their shit.



80s music PAH!!!



sounds like best buy's policy - not the law

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hell i would of sold that shit like 3 months ago. if she has enough money for weed she should of tried to at least set some type of payment plan up with you since u were nice enough to let her borrow the money. in my opinion it seems like there hasnt been much of an effort on her part sell it all :)
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STFU pansy.



Sell the shit.

Exactly. Sell all of it but the PC, that I would wait until the 1-year mark, then sell it too.


Really, do you people think some screwed up pothead is really going to get her act together enough to sue him when she can't even pay back that little of money?

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Guest powers
sell all of it. If she sues you can counter sue for the money that you loaned her. BUT you had better have proof you loaned her that money. The rest will wash in court. It costs 60 dollars to sue someone in small claims court and enough brain cells to do the paper work. So as long as she is lacking either the 60 dollars or the brain cells you are fine.
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