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Opinions/land mines needed.. what to do about stray cats?


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Okay, here goes. My neighbor (who I've known for years) has always fed stray cats in our cul-de-sac, and it never bothered me until now. It has become a problem. I can't walk through my yard without stepping in cat shit. They crawl on the cars that sit outside, they spray around my door, windows, etc. Now that it's gotten warmer, the smell is almost unbearable. There are 11 of them as we speak, and two are pregnant and due any day now. They fight, howl, fuck, scratch, and shit and roll around in it. Don't get me wrong, I love cats. I have one. But this is unreasonable; what should I do? Another neighbor approached her last year about them, and her response was that she didn't care, she'd continue putting out food until more showed up. I don't particularly want to make her angry, but it's un-neighborly and inconsiderate to expect everyone else to put up with it. Animal control won't do anything about them, because they're not dogs. The Humane society will take them, but I have to gather them up and take them in. Almost any suggestions are appreciated, except putting out antifreeze/poison/whatever to kill them. :)
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Air soft gun. I have my house cats trained to not eat my fish anymore. it dont really hurt um. I shoot my self but it does startle the shit out of them. My cats all i do know is fire it in the air no ammo they know the sound and stop being bad
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Would you mind having another pet? :D


Or another cat:



Get something mighty, get something carnivorous, and more importantly, get something territorial. The eagle will kill and eat, but only average a cat every couple days. The Savanna cat is fast, lean, and agressive toward other cats all the time. He will fuck them up on a more dynamic level; he see's, he attacks....or he fucks. If he knocks up a cat, be sure to get the litter, it'll be worth some coin. ;) Raise him around people and he won't be disfuntional like ours. ;)


Point: The only way to fight nature is with nature. Find a lawn fertilizer that is a skin irritant, or just cover your boarders with urushi oil. The bad things about these, and land mines, you cant tune them to effect only the cats, they effect all ife forms, even you. Get an animal to chase them off.

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Call the local animal peeps. The warden or whoever they're called.


Funny you mentioned this. I almost typed something like this today.


I come home from work and I see this small kat. Gray. Sweet cat under my deck in the back yard. I call him out.. He's nice as it gets. Probably 6 months old if that. He's meowing up the ass. I know he's hungry, but if I give him food, he'd be all over my house. I leave to go help Mike with his fuel pump in his Sonoma. He's chilling under my wife's car.


I have a cat. I REALLY don't want another one, but damnit, this one was so cute and it really didn't look like a field cat. Clean, no burs or anything.


However, since you have 11 cats roaming around your neighborhood, I really don't condone killing them. That's just cruel. Call the animal shelter or someone in that nature and have them taken care of.

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Savanna Cats are real. But can I interest you in this?




He's my dog and he's really bored here, so far. He hates cats... alot. I believe this is due to my old Persian cat who would go out of his way to be an absolute ass to him.


Seriously though, if you don't want to harm them (I wouldn't either, it's not their fault), Spray at least your yard borders with Re-pel, anise oil or Eucalyptus oil. The smell will usually drive them away. You can place pieces of cardboard with Tanglefoot applied. Cats step in it once and leave quickly! Get a scarecrow impact sprinkler that is motion controlled. It comes on loudly, runs for about 10 seconds in an arc and scares the cats away. These are the best suggestions I have at this hour.

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I was thinking blowgun. Paintballs to start, and keep an acurate count of how many there are. Then darts to start weeding them out a little.

.22 with 2liter is nice, but riochet could suck, and discharge of firearm in city limits is illegal if you get caught.

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Is it legal to 'catch' them in live traps?


Go over and tell her that it is very much bothering you and everyone else around. She will probably tell you to go away like the other neighbor. Tell her that they are a nuisance and a health hazard and although the Humane Society/Animal Control will not come out and get them, you are allowed to take them in. Then you start catching them in live traps. It shouldn't hurt them, and you don't really have to handle them. But they will be very, very pissed and she will see these cat's being 'hurt' and it will at least make her mad/upset and might get her to stop feeding them. Then you take them into the humane society to get rid of them, you can even take them into a 'non-kill' shelter if you are so inclined. When she ask what you did with them, tell her that you took them to a shelter thinking they would be adopted and they said they had to put them to sleep because no-one wants to addopt cats.


But that's just what I would do and I'm an asshole when people act like that.

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This is what happens when you start feeding most any stray animal. It's just gonna stick around and eat. You're being much nicer about it than I would. I have a cat, it's my wife's. I'm not a cat person, so I could do without it in a second. But I vote you "borrow" a couple of large, cat hating dogs to hang out in your yard for a while... :D
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From what I have read concerning your problem, and if they are truly stray, or feral cats, the only way to get rid of them is to trap and relocate the animals.


Living outdoors for most of their lives a paintball or pellet will not take them away from getting their food. Also, you will not be out there 24 hours a day to shoot at them, so they will come back.


Have you tried calling whoever is in charge of your neighborhood/complex? They will probably not see this as a very pleasant thing to put up with.


Not sure if you have called them, but I found this:


If you are searching for help with a dog or cat issue, you need to call your local Franklin County animal control or SPCA. They can assist you with problems such as a dangerous dog, stray cats, lost pets, etc. There is no free service in Franklin County that provides assistance with wild animals.


Franklin County Animal Services, OH: (614) 462-4360

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Have you tried calling whoever is in charge of your neighborhood/complex? They will probably not see this as a very pleasant thing to put up with.



I wish it were that easy; We own our home, and it's not in a subdivision. There's no one I could complain to. I don't want to hurt them, but they need to go.

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Like I said before you will probably need to catch them and relocate them or kill them.


If these animals have grown up outside all their lives, they won't let a paintball gun or what not get in the way of their food. Plus, you will probably only get one shot off of any kind of gun before the cat is gone. But, I guarantee you it will come back for the food when you're not around.


Have you called the Franklin County Animal Services as I posted?

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