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Thursday Nights in Dayton


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Wheras I love that you all instantly assume i got my ass kicked by a girl, it's not the case (this time). I've been going back to my gym for a while now, and last night we did heavy sparring for most of the night. I'm one of the older members, so by the time I couldn't go any more, I had been through 9 rounds.

Still doesn't prove that it wasn't a girl that put the hurt on you

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thanks for fixing my post for me, and then asking a question. You are a sneaky devil, aren't you...

it's Tama on Woodman right by the Research Blvd. intersection (hence right by Kodak, so I can swing by after work during the week). I went for a couple years, then took a break after money and time issues, but I started going again at the end of last year. It's interesting to be out of shape and try to do the things you were doing before. I can walk mostly normal today, so i'll probably do the same thing by next week too. Considering my size, I'd like to think I'm doing ok against these guys. Not getting killed when I tend to give up at least 40-60 lbs (and in one guy's case, a little over 80) is the only accomplishment I can muster right now....

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I def knew Ed when I was there before, he was unreal to watch. I'd never been so scared of a short asian kid in my life. He's not there anymore, I heard there was a sort of falling out when he and Rob left to go teach at another gym. I don't know if I know Sean, you'd have to describe him. I really might, but I'm terrible with names and a lot of people I knew before aren't there now to refresh my memory.

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Fusion - jesus i've never seen Ed get hit like that at the gym....good god. I miss that kid, it's too bad about him leaving, he was a really good guy in general and great to learn from.

Matt - People can always come in for a day for free and try it out. There are people doing MMA, but I only do Muay Thai. I tried Brazilian JuJitsu a couple years ago, but I couldn't hang with all the bigger guys in there. At least in Muay Thai my speed means more than it did when I was pinned on the damn ground. The big advantage of only weighing 125 (plus the obvious amount of training) is that I can get a foot up to face level in no time. It's something you're gonna need to be able to throw in there if you expect to have an oppent with 50-60 more lbs than you respect any attacks at all....

Edited by jarvismb
my grammar sucks....
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i'll try to be own for this too. I have class till about 5:45 at WSU, then I can just scoot right over to the N Fairfield area. Sounds like we may have our first thursday night escapade....

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