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Thursday Nights in Dayton


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Thursday looks to be sunny and a high of 67. Anyone up for some riding?

I should be riding to work and to class thursday. I should be done around 5:30, so i'll keep checking the posts to see if any of you donkeys are going to be out by the time i'm done. :cool:

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if any thing goes down saturday/sunday I am out. headed to blanchester after work to win the v8 mud drag races with a v6. If anyone wants to go 9 dollars to get in and camp and fish all night. Hit me up leavin fairborn around 330-4

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Dustin, you should just host a bike night at your shop then you can hang out and still work on bikes


and sonofabitch i just got fucked at 75/70....was cruising along @ 70mph in the truck and get off on the exit to 70.....a SHP was sitting just past the exit and he flips his lights on and comes after me......I was like WTF until I remebered it was a construction zone....There wasn't anyone out working as far as I could see though. soooo got a 70mph in 55...he was cool though, def. the nicest cop I've got a ticket from. He didn't mark the ticket that it was a construction zone and that it was my third moving violation in a year. Points do suck though, that makes 8 or 10 points now :eek:

13 over......I've got 2 speeding tix, and BOTH were 13 over :broke:both in the truck. the rest were BS tickets on the bike from dickhead smalltown cops.

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Crapolla..... stopped in the bike shop to get my baby and bad news. He was finishing up and the pet cock went to hell. He ordered a new on and it will (hopefully) be ready to roll on monday. He put new jets in my carbs............ stage 2's. Said she is scary fast now................... just what I needed, something to get me in even more trouble. lol

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WOW, sorry to hear that man. You need to start scanning better with your eyes for now on. I look for cops more than I look at the road...lol

DUDE!!! I wasn't thinking I was doing anything wrong so I wasn't even looking for them. When I know im speeding, like 10 or more over, I'm constantly looking for cops :eek:

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DUDE!!! I wasn't thinking I was doing anything wrong so I wasn't even looking for them. :eek:

You thought wrong. :p

Seriously though, that sucks man. You remind me of myself at 19. Growing up I had so many tickets that my license was suspended a few times.

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Seriously though, that sucks man. You remind me of myself at 19. Growing up I had so many tickets that my license was suspended a few times.

absolutely nothing about that statement surprises me....:lol:

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absolutely nothing about that statement surprises me....:lol:

Had to retake my test once because they got rid of my license and after a year I had to retake my test to get them back! With traffic school. :nono: my 16-20yr old days was a mess on my driving record..lol.

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I was sarcastically speaking to be more aware and scan for cops if you're going to speed. 31, no accidents here. Myself and my insurance speaks very well of my safety as a matter of fact. You wouldn't know though because you ride w/out insurance and about to lose your license. :bigfinger:


Edited by NinjaNick
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