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Elena scored tickets, we just got back. Never thought that an hour and a half of 2 guys answering questions would be such a fulfilling experience. 8)

It bgan as, more or less, an on-stage enterview with a chick from WNCI. After that, they aired a test that will never see tv*, then opened up the floor to questions. Kids mostly, a couple adults, along with some creepy 30 something overweight chap in a "PEGAN" T-shirt. Hilarious stuff and anecdotes, great to hear the guys cuss. The show ended and we hit the streets to kill 1/2 hour, hoping the exodus from the parking garage would pass. We got back to the garage to find a pack of folk, mostly kids (and the "PEGAN" guy again), behind the theater. They were standing between a Caddilac and a back door chanting "Jamie, Adam!". We watched from our garage level 4 pearch as the two cam out and began signing autographs. I slightly regretted not bringing a camera. The croud thinned out, and the two were still there chatting with strragglers, the "PEGAN" guy had since been dragged off by his woman. It though "Damn, they're accessable as hell", and lamented my lack of camera. I tossed Elena my Keys and flew down the steps and met up with the remaining group. I stuck my hand out, said "Thanks for bringing legitimacy to screwing around!", Adam replied with "It's the least we could do!", and I left them to their picture taking. would have loved to talk more, but I didn't want to be "that guy". I may write them later, deffinately will take in another show if they do one.




*The test that never aired, PETA be warned.

Whats more nutritious, kids cereal, or the box it comes in?

No one wanted to eat cardboard, so they got 12 lab mice, devided into groups of 3.

Control - given mouse food

Set 1 - given Cereal A

Set 2 - given cereal B

Set 3 - given cardboard. The cardboard was soaked in water, turned into a paste, and mixed with a simple sugar.


They left the 4 groups for 2 days. They come back to a distrubing smell. they look to Set 3 and find that;

A: the cardboard pelets wre un touched

B: the was only one mouse in the enclosure. A very fat mouse at that.

Some time over the course of two days, the mice had done battle, leaving one the champion, the others got eaten. Hilarity. What became of the cannable mouse? They fed him to a pet snake.


Comedy gold, shame it'll never air. Also, they apparently have high speed film footage of adam Lighting a fart.

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Mythbusters is a great show. The description of the PEGAN T-shirt sporting chap gives me images of Comic book guy on the Simpsons. He probably emails them feedback on every misstep he believes they made in their experiments.
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