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how much is a good hooker?


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My roommates and I have been debating this for about a month - since none of us have any clue


a cute/pretty one that you'd have a good chance of *not* getting a disease from - not the street corner $50 crackwhore


i don't know why i care, but i'm horribly curious of that sort of life - what a good looking woman could make





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bloody hell - grow up, dipshit


i knew i shouldn't have posted this - although it was a legitimate question

if you've nothing to add, shut your trap

no reason to make ad hominem comments



(roommates and i were wondering what sort of a life you could lead with having absolutely no education....and this came up, eventually)

Didn't mean to be rude or offensive to anyone - just curious

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Professional call girls get upwards of $1000 a night plus perks, dinners at nice restaraunts, going to the theater. Shit like that, and get clean well groomed johns that act like gentlemen. But those are few and far between. Average hoe's with all their teeth and no habit are about $100 a trick and turn 3 or 4 a night. So if you are looking, either save your money up, or get a earily date.
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google it. search massauge palor ohio.. hahahaha im sure you will be suprised . I have never been to one nor would i that whole hiv thing but my buddy's brother went to one by morse rd and for 120 he got a massage for another 50 he got happy ending
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Rumor says its about 300 for a round at one of the smaller operations out by Las Vegas. The variety where you get to pick from the lineup, you get a good time, but nothing to wild.

This is second hand knowledge, as I never have to pay. If anything, the ladies pay me for the privilage.

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Cover at gentlemens club: $20

Several watered down drinks: $75

Lap dances from same girl in VIP room: $200

Meeting up with her after the club closes for a "Good Time": $400

Never having to talk to the dumb cunt after you are finishd: Priceless.

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Guest Rane

Braclet,Watch, Necklace, Fronts - $500

Black T With White T underneath(Can rotate) - $3-5

Girbauds to match - $35-40

Hat - $35-50

Forces J's or Timbs- $100-150

Zip of something killer - $80-300$

Cars - $25,000-$75,000


Cute girls for the rest of your life - Free.


"Chevy fresh out the paintshop gatorade blue...Incase these hoes is thirsy. She wanna Fuck my car."

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i was waiting for some of the CR veterans to back me up....after this bunch of jargon:

i knew i shouldn't have posted this - although it was a legitimate question

if you've nothing to add, shut your trap

no reason to make ad hominem comments

i was beginning to wonder if people on CR were getting soft...though i do commend your use of "ad hominem" its probably been about 6 months since I saw an intelligent phrase used here
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  10xworse said:
ask your mom


I am such an optimist, I was just thinking, at least he said he thought your mom was a hot high dollar hooker. :cool:


At any rate you fucking took a bullet train into that one, kudos for 10xworse for pulling the trigger.

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Their called "personal escorts", get it right.


To answer your question, they make alot. I've never personally felt the need to purchase such entertainment but from what i know, they make alot. Hell some stripper's make upwards of 1k a week and those are the average one's.

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  Kevin R. said:
If Linn's stripper friend can get away with $1500 an hour, imagine how much a nice looking hooker will run you...nuff said.


$1500 hr F tha tfor that kind of money they better bring thier hot friends along to partake in the fun and there better be access to the balloon knot as well. :) :) :) There is just something wrong for having to pay for sex.

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