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A Day of Reflection, and a salute


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I was at lunch today and recieved a call from a very close friend's family. He passed away this weekend serving in Iraq, US Marine Corps.


With everything going on in the world today: all of the freedoms we test as American's, all of the groundwork to the sky scrapers, I want to thank members in the armed forces. I realize that war is a terrible thing, people die. A mother, a brother, a father, a son is lost. When it's someone you remember playing cops and robbers with when you couldnt even fathom death, the meaning of the word casulty becomes real.


War is really a terrible thing. I know my peer's sacrafice was not in vain, he was the type to stand up, to take charge. That's the type of men I would want storming beaches carrying our flag. In a way I always looked up to him for having the courage to stand and fight. I guess the military would't be to militant if it consisted of a bunch of pacifists. :)


To give your life in the attempt to spread democracy, maybe not today, not tomorrow, but some day. To plant a seed for what could become. To try and change theocracy....


To all the members on here, thank you for serving. It really is the ultimate sacrafice.



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