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Are you in sales? Need answer


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I am consider moving to a salesman position at work. However some sort of aptitude test is required. Apparently it helps management determine if you inclined to become a good salesman. I belive it is, or sounds like "optius, or optus". I brieflyheard the name and I cant recall what it is exactly. I dont want to go in without having some firsthand knowledge on what it may contain. If anyone is aware of this test or have ever taken a similar test, please help me out and give me some insight as to what to expect. The job field is construction.

Thanks in advance.

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I've taken a couple stupid questions like

how many times were you late in the last year

would you report someone stealing

is it ok to take just pens from work

would you report your boss if he was stealing

how many times a week do you drink achohol




stupid shit like that

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seconded. any test ive ever had to take for sales had more to do with my social and psychological makeup than any hard and fast science like math.


indeed. There is one pretty standardized test used to test sales aptitude. It is called the DISC Personality Profile. It stands for "dominance", "influential", "steadiness", "compliance". The "S" is often called sensitivity as well.


A typical salesperson with be High D, High I, Low S, Low C. The test is manipulatable, but it is best to be honest with it. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a position you hate.

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If you have to take that stupid test that asks questions about how you feel about drugs and stealing just don't even bother with the damned position. I hate those and have no idea how its even supposed to work. I worked for a company that tried it out and they found that most of us would use drugs and would steal in a heart beat even though they knew us better than that anyway. Even the owner was considered less that a good employee according to the resaults so I'd say there bogus and lining some HR companies pockets.



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If you have to take that stupid test that asks questions about how you feel about drugs and stealing just don't even bother with the damned position. I hate those and have no idea how its even supposed to work. I worked for a company that tried it out and they found that most of us would use drugs and would steal in a heart beat even though they knew us better than that anyway. Even the owner was considered less that a good employee according to the resaults so I'd say there bogus and lining some HR companies pockets.




Ive never heard of this test.

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