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Ricochet: ive never had a dropped call with cingular. I am just always on the hunt for a newer, sweeter phone. The phone I bought from Lustalbert is cool and all, but it doesnt have the range of functionality I want. IDK, maybe I will find an unlocked razr or something.

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i had cingular for over a year and they were great. no dropped calls, no shitty signal. i just got pissed off when i bought a phone from someone and it fried my sim within 10 minutes and all cingular said was "sorry. we cant get your info back. technology isnt that advanced yet"


so i walked over to verizon....other than that i woulda stuck w/ cingular

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rs, you are welcom. anthony is using an lg vx 9800. its been renamed "the v" because someone at marketing thought that was sexy. if he lived in my part of town, hed be sleeping with the aforementioned cingular employees.


ask anyone ive dealt with, the force is strong with me, so the "cr hookup" is damn near as badass as a lightsaber.

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rs, you are welcom. anthony is using an lg vx 9800. its been renamed "the v" because someone at marketing thought that was sexy. if he lived in my part of town, hed be sleeping with the aforementioned cingular employees.


ask anyone ive dealt with, the force is strong with me, so the "cr hookup" is damn near as badass as a lightsaber.


Hey DJ, If I "misplace" my e815, can I get into a razor? :D

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jason - lol, no. there are other ways, but youll have to give me a call to discuss those. this is the mafia, remember?


scott - are you already a verizon customer and just want to change. or start a new one? you have to be a little less vague, homie. the mind trick only works on morons (like mandilator) so you gotta actually tell me what you want to do.


sean - the 9800, like i said.

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You have to be kidding, right? I'm stuck w/ Sprint for my work phone; you could honestly give me a free contract w/ a free phone, and I wouldn't use it, it sucks THAT badly.


There have been countless times I've had to whip out my personal phone (Verizon), because I couldn't make a call w/ my Sprint setup, or the stupid Sprint phone would drop calls constantly. We are talking in-town stuff too.


Oh, so you think it is my phone, do you? Did it with my Samsung I330, and both I500's I've had (my first I500 had a screen issue). My co-worked all report the same thing; a bunch with Treo's (mostly Palm based one, though a couple Windows Treo users have also described this), and my boss's Razor-type phone also does it. It's not the phones, its the crappy service. Their data service is unreliable as hell too, which sucks, because I use it a lot.

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Cingular can suck it. Had a lot of dropped calls with them. The last straw was when the call dropped when I was on the line with 911 and I was on the fucking Outerbelt. Okay, I can see a dropped call when I'm in, say, Glouster, but on 270? Come the fuck on.


I've been with Verizon ever since. I once thought about leaving for another carrier, but then this jedi mafia guy named DJ showed up at my place late at night, made some references to concrete shoes, and I was "convinced" to stay with Verizon.

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Scott how many mins are you looking for? I can see what I can do..


I work for Verizon but I refuse to give up my Sprint phone.. Verizon has poor quality phones.. especially ANYTHING made by motorola! I also refuse to buy anything from motorola I passed up on a free wireless card for my labtop because it was made by motorola! lol

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Just what Anthony needs, a "Sexy" phone... lol


Anyways, I work for Lucent and we build and test Cell phone systems for Verizon, Sprint and Cingular.


Verizon and Sprint use the exact same technology and hardware, 3&4G CDMA with EVDO. Verizon as of right now is the best out there, best coverage. Sprint is getting there but their problem is the way they set the cell sites up, antenna placement/direction.


In about a year or so, Cingular will gain a ALOT more market share. Lately, we have been slammed with Cingular orders. The latest Cingular technology is similar to regular CDMA, but with a twist, more bandwidth.

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