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car broken into AGAIN


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I live in a pretty nice neighborhood in Hilliard. This makes the second time my van has been broken into in my driveway. They took my son's VBS music the first time, this time they only took change.


Two nights ago I came into the neighborhood at about 1000pm. I saw a car that had parked away from all the houses with two guys in it. Temp tag, dark blue or black thunderbird. They started following me when I drove past. I don't like that sort of thing so I drove around the neighborhood, doubling back and driving in circles, they continued to follow. I pulled over and they passed me, so I followed them for about 50 feet and they took off.


I called the police and they came quickly but I had no idea where they went.


Should I setup a video camera? Right now the expense doesn't justify it because I am out a total of like $5 but I don't like cowardly thieves.

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They went through all the trouble of caseing you just to take 5$ in change? Is there a possibility they thought you had some expensive equipment in your truck, which im guessing is a work truck. They don't sound too intelligent if they followed you in circle's either.
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I would get a camera system My parents mailbox keeps getting vantalized and we are considering it.


You can build yourself a system with 2 infrared cameras and a recorder for ~$500 I will probably be doing this once I move in. I found a VCR that allows you to record up for 6 weeks on one tape. but you can change it to lesser if you want more frames.


Its a wise investment IMO. right now it was only $5 but later it might be a home invasion. since the cops won't do shit in that situation (tracking down the burglars) take the identification into your own hands


I tried to see if i saved the website on my bookmarks but i didn't. just do an online search. hell they have the cameras at walmart.

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I would get a camera system My parents mailbox keeps getting vantalized and we are considering it.


You can build yourself a system with 2 infrared cameras and a recorder for ~$500 I will probably be doing this once I move in. I found a VCR that allows you to record up for 6 weeks on one tape. but you can change it to lesser if you want more frames.


Its a wise investment IMO. right now it was only $5 but later it might be a home invasion. since the cops won't do shit in that situation (tracking down the burglars) take the identification into your own hands


I tried to see if i saved the website on my bookmarks but i didn't. just do an online search. hell they have the cameras at walmart.


fill that mailbox with cement.

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Last I heard they will not track temp tags. For the camera, go to Harbor Freight on W Broad and they have color or black and white cameras with night vision for $20-$30. I have the b&w and it works pretty good, it's better closer up but for the money it's good. Has RCA's to hook to your vcr. And if they are getting into your pool, they have an underwater model good to like 60' with a 5" moniter for $40 I think.
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I don't have a truck, they broke into my minivan. But they followed me in my civic. Nothing about me looks like I have anything in my car, I am super happy they didn't steal my baby seats.


yup, VBS = Vacation Bible School

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Guest GSRchick714

Wow, thats messed up ....and whats the point of taking something so minuscule?


If you don't mind me asking, where do you live in Hilliard? I live out there too and I'm just curious because so far, my neighborhood hasn't had much crime except when people leave their garages open.


I would suggest getting a camera...like ppl above me said, the police won't go searching for the person so you'll have to catch them!

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Its a wise investment IMO. right now it was only $5 but later it might be a home invasion. since the cops won't do shit in that situation (tracking down the burglars) take the identification into your own hands



911 call:


911 What's your emergency?

Someone just broke in my house.

Are they still there?


Can you see them?


What are they doing?


Bleeding??? From what?

Gunshot wounds. Hold on, one of them is trying to move, he's reaching the gun he dropped. hear phone set down (BOOM!.... damn the new 500 Mag has some kick) picks up phone again.. Seems the one still had some life in him and was reaching for his gun to shoot me... so anyway, would you send over an ambulance, with a mop to get the blood off the floor........


The way ALL home invasions should end....

as far as idenitfication,,, sure its the asshole laying here bleeding form the gaping hole in his chest from a large caliber handgun

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911 call:


911 What's your emergency?

Someone just broke in my house.

Are they still there?


Can you see them?


What are they doing?


Bleeding??? From what?

Gunshot wounds. Hold on, one of them is trying to move, he's reaching the gun he dropped. hear phone set down (BOOM!.... damn the new 500 Mag has some kick) picks up phone again.. Seems the one still had some life in him and was reaching for his gun to shoot me... so anyway, would you send over an ambulance, with a mop to get the blood off the floor........


The way ALL home invasions should end....

as far as idenitfication,,, sure its the asshole laying here bleeding form the gaping hole in his chest from a large caliber handgun



while I agree with you. there are so many technicalities with shooting an intruder. I would rather have insurance pay for all my goods than have to possibly spend the rest of my life in jail.


I know it sucks because shooting them would be fantastic but its not worth the possibility of spending your life in jail...with video u might identify them or their car get your shit back and still send them to jail.

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fill that mailbox with cement.



Makes it hard to get your mail. Do what my dad did, find some surplus 3/4in plate and get it bent into a mailbox shape, then install the rear plate, front door, and the little flag. The last time somebody tried to hit that thing, we found pieces of their aluminum bat 50 feet away! Bet it did a number on their wrists too....

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