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who has WOW cable?


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are they serious? i just got this hooked up in my new apartment and it blows. i had time warner at my dads place before i moved out. it was nice...easy to navigate thru channels, you could search chanels while watching a show, the guide had a nice display. this cable looks like the cable we had with time warner about 7 years ago.


problems im having with WOW cable so far


-page up/page down on guide does nothing

-pressing info shows me the time and channel its on (TW would show what show, playing time, etc) and is in a very primitave looking black and white display

-if i look at the guide and press exit to go back to my show, nothing happens. i then have to bring up the channel i was watching and press select

-the guide itself looks like its from about 1999. and only a few select channels shows whats on


i now know my next apartment will be somewhere time warner services. 75$ for this cable/internet...im not too happy

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I am happy with my DirecTV satellite (Which by the way, doesnt go out if it rains - thats the biggest load of bullshit ever. It has to be REALLY windy for it to go out) and SBC DSL


You lose your service when it gets really windy? That's gotta suck, I never deal with that. And being in Ohio, we have some windy days pretty often :)

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I work for WOW. You most definately have the analog package, and it sounds like your remote isn't programmed right.


Hit CBL at the top. Hold down setup until CBL blinks twice. Type in 0477. That should allow the rest of your functions to work. Also, the analog box needs to be shut off nightly, or left on CH 4 for a few minutes to allow the guide to load.


Warner and Insight's analog package sucks too; buy digital.


I have free wow cable :D anytime I live in an apt I just plug the cable in and viola free cable.When I did ay for the digital service in my last apt it worked fine.

Give me your address, and I'll take care of that real quick.

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I actually saw a wow guy knock on 20 doors in the complex including mine offering discounts or package deals or what ever and saying they were going to cutoff service because alot of ppl were getting it for free hence offering discounts if you wanted to pay and not get it shut off.That was like a year ago and nothing happend because I was prepared to get direct tv but they never cut me off.


When they were doing all that he was saying they werent going to do anything legally and i told him I know they couldnt even if they wanted to.I pluged a cable I payed for in my wall and a signal was there.Not my fault and since im not using a converter box or d scrambler or anything like that he knew he couldnt too..I will eventually pay for it cause I need broadband.Not getting a signal for hours on end sucks but at least my neighbor lets me do it.

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I am happy with my DirecTV satellite (Which by the way, doesnt go out if it rains - thats the biggest load of bullshit ever. It has to be REALLY windy for it to go out) and SBC DSL


I wouldn't go that far to say that is a lie. In major cities it is pretty good all the time. My parents have DirecTV in Mt. Vernon and it goes out just about everytime it rains. The siginal strength is stronger near bigger cities. So it does happen. And it happens more to people that live in areas where normal cable service doesn't even come to and you have to go with satalite service.

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I actually saw a wow guy knock on 20 doors in the complex including mine offering discounts or package deals or what ever and saying they were going to cutoff service because alot of ppl were getting it for free hence offering discounts if you wanted to pay and not get it shut off.That was like a year ago and nothing happend because I was prepared to get direct tv but they never cut me off.


When they were doing all that he was saying they werent going to do anything legally and i told him I know they couldnt even if they wanted to.I pluged a cable I payed for in my wall and a signal was there.Not my fault and since im not using a converter box or d scrambler or anything like that he knew he couldnt too..I will eventually pay for it cause I need broadband.Not getting a signal for hours on end sucks but at least my neighbor lets me do it.


Better be glad it wasn't me comming around to check cable then. I wouldn't be so nice.



Joe, I miss that job. This was one of the few fields you could actually mess with people and not get fired over! hehehehe

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Evan, are you following me??? first you live down the street from my parents, now you live down the street from me again.. WTF? :-P


I have WOW and I have no complaints about the cable itself, but their billing dept sucks wanker... they keep on telling me that I'm late on my payment when I have proof that I paid it... they turned my cable off yesturday saying that I didn't pay it and I had to call and bitch to have them turn it back on when I had proof that I paid it.

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Evan, are you following me??? first you live down the street from my parents, now you live down the street from me again.. WTF? :-P


i just figure if i stay close by, i may have a chance to see the camaro out of the garage for once :D

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I actually saw a wow guy knock on 20 doors in the complex including mine offering discounts or package deals or what ever and saying they were going to cutoff service because alot of ppl were getting it for free hence offering discounts if you wanted to pay and not get it shut off.That was like a year ago and nothing happend because I was prepared to get direct tv but they never cut me off.


When they were doing all that he was saying they werent going to do anything legally and i told him I know they couldnt even if they wanted to.I pluged a cable I payed for in my wall and a signal was there.Not my fault and since im not using a converter box or d scrambler or anything like that he knew he couldnt too..I will eventually pay for it cause I need broadband.Not getting a signal for hours on end sucks but at least my neighbor lets me do it.



I thought that no matter what, if youre not paying for it, it was considered stealing. I could be wrong, but that was how i understood the law.

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I thought that no matter what, if youre not paying for it, it was considered stealing. I could be wrong, but that was how i understood the law.


This is the truth.. I love it when people complain about how their TV got hit by a powersurge through the cable when they are stealing cable..Just remember. Dont complain to the cable company.


I also remember a while ago something about Time Warner actually taking people to court over stealing cable.

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I have free wow cable :D anytime I live in an apt I just plug the cable in and viola free cable.When I did ay for the digital service in my last apt it worked fine.


Our apartment was like that when we first moved in about 2 years ago. It didn't last long, though. So we had to get an actual connection, but we found out that our entire building's cable wiring is fucked up. We were told by one of the installers that it appeared each apartment was getting its cable connection from the one next to it and it continued down the building like that. So after a few months of random cable shut offs from what we assumed was the neighbors fucking with the cables, we made the installers run a seperate line just for our apartment. I watched and made sure that they did it correctly, so it's been fine so far.


Anyways, I wish I could tell you if WOW is better, but they don't install in this complex. I was told I could petition the complex or something to let them come in and install it, but I didn't wanna bother. TW has been ok most of the time. Hell, they sent me free movie tickets for some kind of issue that I hadn't even reported or had happen to me.

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