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Your grandpa called, he wants his car back.


He got it back over a year ago. I haven't had a Lincoln in quite some time. But look at it this way, even when your car is running again, for the short time you'll keep it on the road, know that the Lincoln will still be faster than your ugly piece of shit (This time I mean the Firebird). :)

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He got it back over a year ago. I haven't had a Lincoln in quite some time. But look at it this way, even when your car is running again, for the short time you'll keep it on the road, know that the Lincoln will still be faster than your ugly piece of shit (This time I mean the Firebird). :)

Your grandpa's car was never faster; don't confuse me w/ someone else. My Formula isn't together by my own choice; some of us have multiple projects going on, and I decided to work on other stuff before putting the car back together. My Formula isn't my only toy. :)

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Easy to talk shit about a car I don't own anymore. Why did you refuse a race I offered you if my car was never faster?

#1: I don't recall you ever offering a race to me, ever.


#2: I don't street race. I don't have a problem with people doing it, but I take enough chances with my license as it is.


#3: If you offered a race, which I doubt you did, I know I would have accepted it on the track, without a doubt. I'll race anyone at the track, win or lose.

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Where did I EVER say my car is faster than yours?? Please point out where I did. I did say I know nothing about your car; I don't know anything done to it, what it looks like, etc. So why would I put up my money when I don't have any clue what I would be betting against. Further, I honestly don't care if your car does make more HP than mine or not (not that you have any clue what kind of HP my car puts down, nor how much I really have invested into it).


The last post is the funniest.


Edit:You use the SAME FUCKING INSULTS you did 2 years ago. Get some new material, man.

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The last post is the funniest.


Edit:You use the SAME FUCKING INSULTS you did 2 years ago. Get some new material, man.

Same car, same insults.


Reading back, you challenged me to a dyno-race and the winner pays. That's pretty freaking lame. What's next; since you don't have a car, are you going to try to challenge me to a cock-off? :rolleyes: So where did I back down from a race? You are good a quoting it seems; quote me. :)


Luckily, I value your opinion now just as much as I did back then. I don't know you or give a crap about you.

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