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So while waiting for parts and such for my build, I decided to redo the car audio as well. I just wanted something I could hear over the car, but nothing huge and heavy. I went with two 8" subs with a 200 watt amp. I have $170 invested, incuding the amp install kit and materials.


I am not very informed when it comes to audio install. So, Jesse (trublemaker) on here, has invested several hours to mastermind the electronics(easy for him, not for me). Scense he won't let me pay him with money, I now have a beer dept for quite some time.



If you don't know, RX 7's don't have much room to work with on the inside. I wanted to use the stock bins for storage, as the area for the subs to sit in. This would retain the same use of space, and I wouldn't have to mount a box that would be showing. There are so many parts on this install that are absolutly flush and so snug there was no room for error. We were every lucky that everything fell into place perfectly. We are very pleased. Feel free to comment.


Thanks a ton Jesse.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, Jesse's pretty good for a beginner. ;)


Looks pretty good, are you happy with the sound?


Shiieetttt.... :p


I'm really interested to see how good they sound only using those bins and not doing much else. I think any small issues we might have could be very easily cured by some more dynamat and poly fill. I really think they will be fine and that would have been severe overkill for this project and not really needed. I was going to see how well that size of a 'box' would do for those speakers but I couldn't find the T&S parameters anywhere for them. :o


Also, someone who owned the car before Joe put aftermarket speakers and stereo in the car which made the install a lot easier not having to deal with any of that. We put a different head unit in, but that was cake because the car already had a different one in there. The biggest thing was we didn't have to fuck around with putting new speakers in/taking out the Bose stuff. It sounded good before, but just not much down low. I have pretty high hopes for it considering how well it came out looks wise.


I originally got into cars because of car audio; I've been doing this for a while. I also worked for about a year altogether with my uncle custom finishing basements which helped out with my 'know how' on building things a ton. I'm hardly a beginner or an expert in this field.


Joe thanks for the props. I have to also say that Joe did an excellent job of helping. Of course he, like most people was skittish with things like taking the interior apart or the electrical stuff, so he left that to me. But he did really well where he felt ok helping out. The thing I was most impressed with was the fact that he made those baffles to fit one evening that I wasn’t there. Having never done anything like that before, that is pretty impressive. Joe, you know you don’t ‘owe’ me anything for this. Plus you have bought me plenty of alcohol many times before this. I’m just glad I could help you out and that it turned out so well. :woowoo:

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