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Are they serious?


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So my condo assoc thinks that they can harass me because I am a young college student and I was fined for 2 legitimate issues last year. So far this year they have fined me for issues that never occurred (said I had a statue on the porch) and have tried to put a lein on my condo (they fucked up my account, said I was paid up to date, but I underpaid when the fees went up, tried to put a $19 lein on my place )

now today I get this letter....


Dear Mr. xxxxx


It has been observed that you have hanging baskets that need to be hung. 2 hanging baskets are permitted to be hung on the front porch. Owners my also display a reasonable number of potted plants on the steps of their unit.


If you are intending for your hanging baskets to be potted plants, please remove the hangers from the baskets.


Thank you for you imediate cooperation in this matter as it is greatly appreciated.



(the poor lady that works at the property management company that the condo nazi's make write letters)


Are they fucking serious??


The by-laws state

Owners may display a reasonable number of potted plants on the steps of their unit. These pots may not obstruct walkways. Pots may not exceed "20x"20 in size


So I have 2 pots on the front porch, what difference does it make if they have hangers.

Stand by for the posting of the reply letter I am writing

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my reply

New Albany Park Board of Directors

Mike Montgomery, Jared Dominak, Barb Lower, Sue White, Darren Spade:


On June 15, 2006, I received a letter from the New Albany Park Condo Association. This letter was in regard to the potted plants that I have on my front porch. The letter asked me to remove hangers from the pots.


I am tired of the intimidation attempts by this condo association and the non-uniform enforcement of the rules and regulations. The letter I received is borderline harassment. The potted plants that are on the steps to my condo are within the written rules of the association. The rule on potted plants reads as follows


“Owners may display a reasonable number of potted plants on the steps of their unit. These pots may not obstruct walkways. Pots may not exceed "20x"20 in size”


The pots on my steps are within the regulations set forth by the board. The pots having hangers on them, by the rules set forth by this association board, is a non issue.


If this attempted harassment continues, I will be forced to seek legal action against the board.





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what the fuck....i cant stand the little communites that old ladys have board meetings avery wedsday to talk about the blade of grass the mr. johnson missed while cutting his grass on the 3rd of october. or that mrs. beasly has 1 to many hangin wind chimes. these people need to get a life. and for the record new albany thinks they are sweet.. every building must have the brick front with the double struck morter joint. errrrrr glad i dont live there. im feeling for yea, and good luck with the haterz
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I hate homeowners associations... I'm not allowed to have a freaking shed in my back yard.... it's bullshit... I have a completely cramped garage that could be solved if I had a shed, but noooooooooo someone's pussy hurts and doesn't like seeing a tasteful shed built in the back yard.... it just amazes me how it goes from my house to a board of people can tell me what I can and can't do to my house, and if I don't listen, they can take MY house from me.... fuckers!
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That is exactly why I will not move into a condo or get a house that has any home owners association. It is your property and I feel you can do what ever the hell you want to it. If you want to dig a 60 foot deep hole in the front yard, as long as it is protected in a way that no one can get hurt, I see no reason you can't have that.
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ah the things i have to look foward to, im buying a condo within the next 3 months.


Look forward to many many many letters regarding how loud your camaro is if you plan on keeping it there. At mine, when I had the mustang, I got about 2 letters a month during the summer

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Look forward to many many many letters regarding how loud your camaro is if you plan on keeping it there. At mine, when I had the mustang, I got about 2 letters a month during the summer


I would have unbolted my exhaust at the headers and driven around the complex a couple times.

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Lol I like the idea of being elected president. Other than that your basically out of luck. I live in westerville and my hood is old enough that there aren't any HOA's around to worry about. I just have the usual assholes that call the cops for stupid crap.



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Learn your bylaws and use them to your advantage. You are paying the condo association. If there are any issues with your condo that fall under exterior maintenance or services, then you get to harass them, legally. Get a copy of the terms and post them here if you would like some advice.
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Learn your bylaws and use them to your advantage. You are paying the condo association. If there are any issues with your condo that fall under exterior maintenance or services, then you get to harass them, legally. Get a copy of the terms and post them here if you would like some advice.


ah don't worry, I've got that covered... I have expierience as a property manager. Thanks for the offer though

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In the city if Irvine, CA, (yes, the whole city, not just a community) has laws that are incredibly stringent. One my fav's:


You are not allowed to have a car with any visible rust.


No people, I'm not making this shit up. It just goes downhill from there. I could drive my beater into Irvine and would get harassed all the damn time. I'd drive my nice car where I lived and get harassed all the time. :rolleyes:

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