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To the simple bitch in the yellow evo


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Tinman Whats Up Im The Guy In The Yellow Evo. I Can Post From Dr Zo6s Computer Because Im L337 With The Hax0r Skillz!!!1!! Anyway, Pal, Ill Have You Know That I Put On My Hazards Because All 4 Wheels On My Car Were Spinning At The Same Time And I Knew There Was Something Wrong Right Then. So How Do You Like Me Now, Huh?!? Dont Make Me Get All Drift King On Your Ass Because I Will Meet You Down At The Easton Parking Garage Right Now.


And I Am Not Typing In All Caps Because I Am Yelling This Is Just How I Roll When I Am On The Internet. Hahahalolololhahahaha!



"I rev in your general direction." -- Anonymous

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Tinman Whats Up Im The Guy In The Yellow Evo. I Can Post From Dr Zo6s Computer Because Im L337 With The Hax0r Skillz!!!1!! Anyway, Pal, Ill Have You Know That I Put On My Hazards Because All 4 Wheels On My Car Were Spinning At The Same Time And I Knew There Was Something Wrong Right Then. So How Do You Like Me Now, Huh?!? Dont Make Me Get All Drift King On Your Ass Because I Will Meet You Down At The Easton Parking Garage Right Now.


And I Am Not Typing In All Caps Because I Am Yelling This Is Just How I Roll When I Am On The Internet. Hahahalolololhahahaha!



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i think this kid wrecked his old civic while trying to race a 240sx backwards or something stupid like that.


He wasn't racing him backwards, he had just pulled an Uber1337 two hundred and seventy degree reverse J-turn so he could slam it in reverse, whip out his Glock and cap the bitch driving the other car. but then that dude got hit by a benz. flipped over, and exploded.



i swear, it happened to my friend's friend.

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wow, i get no love for inspiring the shakespearean reset. dang.


the good doc and caxide are among few that i would expect to get that. ken is in that group as well.


Thats what I get for not reading the whole thread...


You get original credit.

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No one has fessed up on DubOhio, but I got a pretty good idea who it is,


Tinman what do you want a race for money to show this kid what a dumbass he is or where can you find him?


I'm not looking to race him, he was the instigator. But If he wants to run it will cost him, at least a couple of Franklins.

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I may know one of his friends. If it's the yellow evo I think it is, his friend has a "quick" black one. The guy with the black evo is named garrett, he may be on dubohio if you wanna call him out as a spokesman.
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I may know one of his friends. If it's the yellow evo I think it is, his friend has a "quick" black one. The guy with the black evo is named garrett, he may be on dubohio if you wanna call him out as a spokesman.



Thats his friend, garret isnt on too much may wanna try slomo's forums.

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It's shit like this that just reinforces the idea I had about selling all the hot rods and buying an old firetruck and just running it in the parades and saying fuck it. These asshat kids ain't got enough sense anymore to realize how far they are outclassed and get it in their heads that their slow assed cars will outrun a fighter jet. ANd t
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It's shit like this that just reinforces the idea I had about selling all the hot rods and buying an old firetruck and just running it in the parades and saying fuck it. These asshat kids ain't got enough sense anymore to realize how far they are outclassed and get it in their heads that their slow assed cars will outrun a fighter jet. And the sad part is that the little butt plugs are out ricing their shit boxes around, then due to a lack of experience coupled with a level of stupidity that's not measureable by any recognized standard they are wrecking said shit boxes and hurting or killing people in the process. So of course, the guys with actual hot rods and muscle cars that do it right more of the time get zero breaks from the police because all they clump the hot rodders and the fucking little shitbags with the fart cans and and 4 cylinders into the same group.
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It's shit like this that just reinforces the idea I had about selling all the hot rods and buying an old firetruck and just running it in the parades and saying fuck it. These asshat kids ain't got enough sense anymore to realize how far they are outclassed and get it in their heads that their slow assed cars will outrun a fighter jet. And the sad part is that the little butt plugs are out ricing their shit boxes around, then due to a lack of experience coupled with a level of stupidity that's not measureable by any recognized standard they are wrecking said shit boxes and hurting or killing people in the process. So of course, the guys with actual hot rods and muscle cars that do it right more of the time get zero breaks from the police because all they clump the hot rodders and the fucking little shitbags with the fart cans and and 4 cylinders into the same group.


I forget. What does your "hotrod" run?

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I forget. What does your "hotrod" run?


Hell, I don't know. Right now??? Barely. Carb is leaking because of a dried out gasket (I think), it needs plugs, the power valve is blown, and the left front no longer hold air and both rear's have wire sticking out of them they are so bald. And you know what, I couldn't really give two fucks less. How's your car running? I am curious, why do you even care? Remember, I am puffer. Nothing I say here other than STEAKUMS even registers with you any fucking way, so why ask? To reinforce your superiority complex? To reaffirm that my car is slow? GUESS WHAT EVERYONE, KEN WANTS YOU ALL TO KNOW THAT MY CAR IS SLOW. HE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO REMIND YOU THAT I USED SERVER CASES FOR A FIREWALL IN THE S-10. AND DON'T FORGET THAT I WILL NEVER GO 6'S, IN ANYTHING EVAR!!!!! And you know what, number one, it's all 100% true, and you know what else, I don't give two fucks. Your unrelenting bullshit is boring. I cleared out of here once, and didn't post more than maybe once every other month. I guess I have posted more than my allotted share in your eye's. There again, can't seem to bring myself to give a shit. Hold on though, let me.... gonna concentrate real hard... really stretching it here..... NOPE, I still can't bring myself to really give to fucks about your opinion of me. I honestly did try though, really hard even, for all of about 5 seconds, which is really about 4 more seconds than I feel that I should have. Oh fucking well.

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It's shit like this that just reinforces the idea I had about selling all the hot rods and buying an old firetruck and just running it in the parades and saying fuck it. These asshat kids ain't got enough sense anymore to realize how far they are outclassed and get it in their heads that their slow assed cars will outrun a fighter jet. And the sad part is that the little butt plugs are out ricing their shit boxes around, then due to a lack of experience coupled with a level of stupidity that's not measureable by any recognized standard they are wrecking said shit boxes and hurting or killing people in the process. So of course, the guys with actual hot rods and muscle cars that do it right more of the time get zero breaks from the police because all they clump the hot rodders and the fucking little shitbags with the fart cans and and 4 cylinders into the same group.


This entire statement is closed minded and simple. Just ride a horse to would would you. Please tell us you were drinking when you wrote this.

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This entire statement is closed minded and simple. Just ride a horse to would would you. Please tell us you were drinking when you wrote this.


Nope. Stone sober, and straight. Remember what I drive, 1980 Camaro with a 6 inch cowl hood. Muthafuckers in Geo Metro's with fart pipes rev on me trying to get me to run. It's boring, it's a 13 sec car, and I can't drive the thing from here to work without some dumbass wanting to race, and the sad part is, as slow as the car is, I am still faster than their shit. I have now been pulled over twice and jerked around about street racing because some fuckhead pulled up beside me, revved a couple times and sped off and a cop saw it and thought I was racing. Both times it was some fuck in a riced out shitbox, and explaining to the cop that if I HAD been trying to race the guy, I damn sure wouldn't have been behind him. And no, I ain't saying I am fast, but when you can read the morning paper through the douchebags fenders, the body kit he's running not only doesn't match the color of the car, but it ain't even for that car, you assume that it's not exactly a top fuel dragster next to you. So yeah, I said fuck it. I ain't taggin the car this year, and I doubt it will even get pulled out of it's parking spot, other than to mow the grass that is growing up around it. Because, as bad as it sounds, I really do have better things to do with my time.

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The point is, don't you think it is as unfair for the police to equate you with those immature folks who give us all a bad name as it is for you to equate all four cylinder or import drivers with those import drivers who give us a bad name?


Food for thought (for an intellectual anorexic)



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