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To the simple bitch in the yellow evo


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  iwishiwascool said:
The point is, don't you think it is as unfair for the police to equate you with those immature folks who give us all a bad name as it is for you to equate all four cylinder or import drivers with those import drivers who give us a bad name?


Food for though (for an intellectual anorexic)




It's rediculiously unfair that guys with $50000 muscle cars get grouped into the same arena that the asshats with the fart cans do. But it happens just the same. I am not gonna say that all police officers group them, but a number of them do, and so does the general public. All they see is bright paint and a loud exhaust. It doesn't matter to them that one sounds like a pissed off chainsaw with no muffler.


As far as the guys that choose to drive imports, modded of not, I really feel for them. They ride around in a big sign that asks police to come hassle them. Yeah, I realize you have a DSM, and you most likely get targeted for harassment on a regular basis as well. And BTW, I don't group everyone that drives an import as being a ricer.

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that guy in the yellow evo....its not his he rents it from his friend to try to sell it.....the guys name is Steve montemorano.....he has a 93 civic hatch that is his car....he had the evo for 8 days and put roughly 2k miles on it.....doing flat spins all the time he has distroyed the clutch and the owner is 2 stupid and keeps giving the car to him to try to sell
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  Orion said:
well, ken, you spelled it wrong.


calling someone stupid while spelling something incorrectly is a great way to own yourself.


Damn it. My fingers were moving with a swiftness so extraordinary that I missed the "t".


A spikey blonde haired kid just walked in my office and said "you got served".

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  COLD AIR said:
" old firetruck and just running it in the parades "


Might just be faster than your Hot Rod



Yeah, at this point, it would be. Not sure if the Camaro will run, and the Monte Carlo is engineless, so it would be entirely possible. But I think I already said that.

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