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Back From the Republic Of Georgia!


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Hey all, I'm finally back from Georgia (not the state, the country) and glad to be home. For anyone that doesn't know I'm in the Marines and went there to train their army with my company. The country was supposed to have the same type of weather as here in Ohio, but naturally a heat wave hit the area and some days were 110 degrees and there was no rain for the duration of our stay. Beyond that the country and the people in it are wonderful and very proud, not to mention they love having us there. I'll post up some pics here in a few days. Just glad to be home and ready to ride the rest of the summer away.

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Glad to hear that another one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children are home.

Take it easy back in the states, the old "I just got back from Germany, and thought I was back on the Autobahn" line will only get you out of a speeding ticket once! (It didn't get me out of mine, but the LEO dropped it to 89 in a 65)

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didn't get to practice much drag racing there but I did get to practice dodging cars out in the city...not the best drivers there...bad news though...while i was typing the above post my kickstand went through the asphalt and screwed up the entire left side of my bike and bent the foot peg and the clutch lever... 20 mins of riding since i've been back and it breaks...lucky the asphalt was patched where my bike was and hopefully i'll be able to argue with the city to fix it for me.

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if any of you have been watching the news, Russia has invaded the Republic of Georgia, and killed a reported 1500+ Georgians. These are the people that i have been training with for the past month. No word yet on if the unit we were all with has gone to combat, but I would like to ask all of you to lend your support to Georgia whether prayer or well wishes. These people love the US and I hope them the best. If it were up to me I would be back there in a heartbeat to defend them and stand next to them. Pay attention to Russia in the near future because this action does not bode well.

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Way to go, Marine. Glad you're back and safe. Thank You for your service. Wonder if you'd stayed a bit longer, if you might have received a "Georgia Campaign ribbon", and the combat pay, of course. Heck, if you were there in the same month of August, you still might get it. Check and see if any of the pilots or transports claimed enemy fire, all on board get combat pay. Ha!

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Glad to hear that another one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children are home.

Take it easy back in the states, the old "I just got back from Germany, and thought I was back on the Autobahn" line will only get you out of a speeding ticket once! (It didn't get me out of mine, but the LEO dropped it to 89 in a 65)

I read a sotry many months ago about a speed limit being imposed on the Autobahn. Is that true?

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I was in Germany and Austria two years ago. There are speed limits imposed automatically when the traffic gets dense. Big overhead freeway type light boards announce the change. As the traffic picks up, the speed limit drops. Not a problem except during rush hours. And they all take vacation at the same time. No, really, all of them. The freeways just absolutely pack up and come to a dead stop at that time of year. I REALLY like the German thing of no passing in the right-hand lane. Never. A very good idea. You never see a semi or truck in the left lane either. Not on the freeway or in the city.

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