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So given the stigma of soccer

El Karacho1647545492

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What do normally non-viewers of soccer think about this past World Cup? I know a lot of people who don't ever give a shit about soccer, but because of the attention given to the World Cup by ESPN and ABC, a lot of people who would normally be otherwise oblivious tuned in to watch soccer.


So if you're one of those people, what'd you think about possibly the most brutal, violent, and controversial World Cup tournaments in history?

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I usually don't watch soccer, and when everyone else was getting pissed because i kept turning the final off, I realized I still don't care about soccer.


I guess if the US was in it I would, but I don't see the point in getting hype over Italy or France kicking a ball around.


I'm sure everyone else will disagree here but that's my imput.



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I hate France. Took out Brazil again! The refs STUNK! Alot of the players need to get their stuff straight though. It was a dirty World Cup. The United States needs a new coach. The palyers played well, but watching them, they just never looked like the actually believed they could win at any given time. After hearing a interview with the coach after the team got back to the states, I can see why. Although they (the players) did blow a lot of chances against Ghana.


I dont classify as a "normally non-viewer" but theres my two cents.




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I loved watching the world cup. I played soccer for like 14 years so I have always been into watching it. All I have to say about the finals is that Italy won it in regulation the foward WAS NOT offsides. Refs def did suck and Zadina cheep hit was uncalled for.
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I actually enjoyed it, and learned how to be patient and appreciate the skill level involved, even when there were no goals scored. I'm also looking forward to Club play when it resumes. I can't wait for 2010.


That being said; there were some things that bothered me:

The flopping and diving is way too overdone, and takes away some credibility to me. I'm sure it's been a part of the game for a long time, but I'd be hard pressed to pretend to be hurt like that. If you get taken off on a stretcher, you should not be running back on the field 1 minute later. We've all played tackle football with no pads before...grass is not that hard.


The yellow and red cards are handed out like candy, and the penalties are way too harsh for them. Missing a match on 2 yellow cards in two games is just nuts to me, especially when they're close judgment calls, or handed out because the other team's player flopped without even being touched. They actually broke the record for cards handed out before the quarter finals were even over.


Some teams played way too careful. I'm sure all the cards handed out made some teams play safe. I also understand you can't get sloppy and let players get behind you, but the way Ghana played against Brazil, was the most exiting shut-out of the tournament. Granted, they had nothing to lose, but they did force the action.


Even though I wrote more about what I didn't like, there was actually more of it I did enjoy. Just pointing out some things that the new viewer might get turned off by, very quickly.





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My dad is from Portugal, so believe me when I say that I know a thing or two about the number of cards thrown about this tournament.


For you non-viewers, there were 16 yellow cards and 4 red cards handed out in the Portugal v Netherlands match, which broke a world record and ensured that one man would never referee another soccer game as long as he lived; or so vowed the current FIFA president (and when the president of all soccer as we know it says you're out of a reffing job, you're probably out of a job).


It was a really sloppy tournament; Argentina and Italy dominated by being the best at diving and flopping, which I might add has always been part of the game. Soccer is very much about skill, but it is also about getting away with whatever you can; just do a video.google.com search for Diego Maradona's "Hand of God" play, in which he scored a goal in the World Cup semis (I think) with his left hand.


The refs this year were instructed to call extremely tight games and hand out cards with less warning in order to discourage flagrant fouls; however, when players got frustrated with this, the game turned ugly. By the last couple rounds, soccer had returned to its old status as an extremely physical game because with all the cards, people were getting fed up with it.

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there were so many great matchups in this tourney that its a damn shame that all we can talk about is the refs. the semi finals and finals were excellently called by the officials. they let the players decide the game, and for the most part kept themselves out of it.


i agree with scott, one of the best games in the whole tourney was brazil-ghana. ghana was the better team, but theres just no escaping the majesty of brazil. give them a half a chance, and bam, youre down 2 nil. the americans played inspired soccer against italy, didnt even show up for the game against the czech republic, and got the worst end of a bunch of marginal calls against ghana. that being said, arena is gone. my sleeper pick for new us coach, bob bradley. my "really want this guy to come coach us" pick, jurgen klinsmann. either way, i was rooting for italy throughout the knockout rounds, and it was nice to see them finally get over on a pk shootout. cannavaro is the man of the tourney, in my mind.

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As with most "sports" involving balls, they are increadibly borig to watch. Who the hell wants to watch other people have fun and be paid millions to have fun?

Teh only thing that makes any of this is the fans, the hype, the atmosphere. American watchers call it boring because, to them, it is. Why? Because:

-They dont know any of the backgrounds, stories, grudges, etc

-They have no team to pull for, accept the US, which is is unfortunate

-They have no great group of rowdy and enthusiastic fans with which to watch the games.


You think football is fun and exciting? Please. The only that that makes any of this "playing with balls" crap entertaining is the fans.


Watching millionaires kick a ball around? Boring

Watching millionaires from your country kick a ball around while you and 20,000 other people scream to the German fans across the feild "STAND UP IF YOU WON THE WAR!". Priceless.

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brutal, violent


Sorry but these are not word's that i would use to describe soccer. skillful yes but not brutal and/or violent at all. i would be much more happy to watcha rugby match than any soccer match. i played rugby in hs and have to say it's probably the most exciting sport to play and/or watch. Watching player's take dives and 'get hurt' then 5 min later run onto the field again, not my kind of entertainment, it probably ruined the perception of soccer more than helped it in my mind.

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What do normally non-viewers of soccer think about this past World Cup? I know a lot of people who don't ever give a shit about soccer, but because of the attention given to the World Cup by ESPN and ABC, a lot of people who would normally be otherwise oblivious tuned in to watch soccer.


So if you're one of those people, what'd you think about possibly the most brutal, violent, and controversial World Cup tournaments in history?


Were they issued Uzis or something? If they had been, I might have watched.


I DID see a lot of great acting. Some of those players could teach the guys in the NBA a thing or two about doing 'the flop'.


Watching millionaires from your country kick a ball around while you and 20,000 other people scream to the German fans across the feild "STAND UP IF YOU WON THE WAR!". Priceless.


LOL. Now THAT would be fun!

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i don't watch soccer.......i never see it on t.v. anyways

but...i did watch the entire world cup on ESPN and i must say i rather enjoyed it, and came away with an appreciation for the game, so much so that i might just go watch our sorry Columbus Crew play a couple games ;)

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Why do soccer fans sing during the game? Because they are bored. Sorry, I had to.

Why does Ohio State need the best damn band in the land? Because they have small penises!!!!!!

















wait, relating two completely unrelated things isn't funny? fuck

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What do normally non-viewers of soccer think about this past World Cup?


I made the joke as a non-viewer, because i think the game is boring. Also I hate the al of the acting that goes on, the offsides penatly should be removed or changed, the game shouldnt end in a penelty kick, and if the game is so great why dont they have it every year. I do feel with the following soccer has i should try to give a second chance. I am sorry if i offended anyone with my joke.


Oh, Go bucks!

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US Players=wtf

no spirit...come on you can't slack. elimination in the first round when you've finally made it to the top 20 (or 10? can't remember)??

Claudio Reyna. thank god you're retiring, we haven't scored a goal with you on the field.

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I made the joke as a non-viewer, because i think the game is boring. Also I hate the al of the acting that goes on, the offsides penatly should be removed or changed, the game shouldnt end in a penelty kick, and if the game is so great why dont they have it every year. I do feel with the following soccer has i should try to give a second chance. I am sorry if i offended anyone with my joke.


Oh, Go bucks!

haha I know I'm just throwing you shit. But while there is a lot of acting, I can say from experience that a LOT of times you get really fucking hurt for something seemingly non-violent. I've seen a goalie play 4 minutes and make several saves with a torn ACL, and the same for another goalie except with a broken leg.


For every 3 embellishments there is one guy who actually gets seriously fucked over.


Another thing I like about soccer is that, despite a lot of accusations of game fixing (something that travels across all sports), one thing that is much more rare in soccer is substance abuse. Where baseball has become a joke because of steroid use and a completely idiotic players union, soccer has remained somewhat innocent.

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+1 on zidane......moron


anyway i too played soccer the majority of my life could have/should have went to college for it but thats a different story......


my wife hates soccer with a passion she is a total football fanatic but i finally got her to sit down with me and watch the final and i think it changed her mind.


(btw) changing the offsides rule would ruin the game completely

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It's been said a number of times about these refs already, but it bears repeating. *ANY* time more attention is being placed on the officials than on the game itself, there is something seriously wrong. The officials are supposed to be, for the most part, invisible. Sure, you gotta call obvious crap (elbow shots and head butts, cleating and flagrant offsides), but if a team gains nothing by an infraction, you let it go. Don't make yourself an object of attention, then pan it off as being "I was just following instruction." Take that British ref... he's arguably one of the best in the game, but he was so worked up and distracted by having to make questionable calls that he didn't even realize he gave someone three yellows (2Y = 1Red for you non soccer types).
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