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Help! Best bang for the buck motherboard and processor??

Guest Ponyfreak

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Guest Ponyfreak

Looking for something faster on my home PC. I remember seeing someone in the picture section that just finished a computer and had very little money in it. I think it had a gigabyte brand mobo?


I am looking for a nice new mobo/processor/RAM package that is faster than the 2400AMD that I have and is economical i.e. 150$ or so. What do you guys reccomend?


Main computer use is video editing and internet surfing.

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I recommend staying with AMD since their processors are relatively cheaper than any equivalent Intel chip. I'm using an A7N8X Delux Motherboard with 1gig of RAM and a 2ghz processor and it does an amazing job with Video Editing and the like. Never had problems with any of my hardware. If you just want something faster just get a quicker AMD chip and update your MOBO and RAM if you have to..
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Pony, sit tight and wait about 2-3 weeks, or possibly just after labor day. From everything I've read, Intel's new Conroe microarch is laying waste to everything on the market. Pentium4D (Netburst) cores are pretty much obsolete, and AMD's lost the performance crown. The upside to that, Athlon64 cores are going to get pretty cheap really quick, and AMD has had the price/performance crown for quite some time. This is only going to make it sweeter.
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Pony, sit tight and wait about 2-3 weeks, or possibly just after labor day. From everything I've read, Intel's new Conroe microarch is laying waste to everything on the market. Pentium4D (Netburst) cores are pretty much obsolete, and AMD's lost the performance crown. The upside to that, Athlon64 cores are going to get pretty cheap really quick, and AMD has had the price/performance crown for quite some time. This is only going to make it sweeter.



He's quite right,,

805's are supposed to be around 50-70bucks

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Pony, sit tight and wait about 2-3 weeks, or possibly just after labor day. From everything I've read, Intel's new Conroe microarch is laying waste to everything on the market. Pentium4D (Netburst) cores are pretty much obsolete, and AMD's lost the performance crown. The upside to that, Athlon64 cores are going to get pretty cheap really quick, and AMD has had the price/performance crown for quite some time. This is only going to make it sweeter.


Can I get a link to more info on this?



Shawn, The 805 seems appealing, especially for $50-70. But I would have to buy a new proc, mobo, ram, and prob a new vid card too. Could my existing ddr-400 be used with an OC'ed 805?

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4ghz + On air is completely unreasonable..


Why is that? If it can do it, and you can afford the electricity...


The Core 2 Duo 6400 looks VERY attractive, low heat dissipation, not terribly expensive, and stupidly fast.


I think Intel may have hit a home run with this one. I'm very curious as to what AMD's response will be, but, for the time being it looks like they are in the same position (processor-wise) as they have been, only this time they aren't the price leader.


2007 could be a rought year for AMD.

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Can I get a link to more info on this?



Shawn, The 805 seems appealing, especially for $50-70. But I would have to buy a new proc, mobo, ram, and prob a new vid card too. Could my existing ddr-400 be used with an OC'ed 805?




Just about every board is DDR2


I would honestly stick AMD.

They are going to be dropping like flies.


Should be able to get a 3500 or 3800 X2 for 150-160 before too long.

O/C it with a good air cooler (Freezer 64 Pro) Or (CNSP96500LED)

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I disagree with whoever said that AMD has lost the performance crown. Yes the core duo goes faster than a lot of AMD stuff, however the core duo isnt a bang-for-the-buck processor. Its a look-at-me-ive-got-money-to-blow-on-whatever-i-want processor.


If you want to build a budget machine, there are many routes you can take. For example, for a gaming machine, you dont need the best of the best of the best. Some of the best budget gaming machines out there are Celeron D's for christ sake. The Sempron platform is fine for gaming also. Also, believe it or not, you can buy a Pentium M motherboard and proccy for cheap, overclock the summabitch out of it, and that makes a great desktop machine too because Pentium M's were built for low heat and power consumption in laptop situations.


However if you do a shit ton of video stuff, like encoding, transcoding, and the inbetween, that is a situation where you need the best of the best, or just a step below it. A step below it would be, like in an above post, an AMD X2. Just look for sweet deals on the internet, sometimes you come across stuff that you will find to be too cheap to pass up.


If you just do web browsing, go to a cheap computer store and pick up a PII-266 for $20.


/2 cents

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Can I get a link to more info on this?

Here... have a whole crapload.


I disagree with whoever said that AMD has lost the performance crown. Yes the core duo goes faster than a lot of AMD stuff, however the core duo isnt a bang-for-the-buck processor. Its a look-at-me-ive-got-money-to-blow-on-whatever-i-want processor.

AMD has lost the raw performance crown. Period. I never said they lost the performance-for-price crown, and with the price slashing about to happen, odds are those sparklies will shine even better. As you say, Core Duo will be a "look at my chip, cause I have.... compensation issues" piece, and it'll stay that way for quite a while as Intel first ramps up production, then milks it for margin.

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I disagree with whoever said that AMD has lost the performance crown. Yes the core duo goes faster than a lot of AMD stuff, however the core duo isnt a bang-for-the-buck processor. Its a look-at-me-ive-got-money-to-blow-on-whatever-i-want processor.


If you want to build a budget machine, there are many routes you can take. For example, for a gaming machine, you dont need the best of the best of the best. Some of the best budget gaming machines out there are Celeron D's for christ sake. The Sempron platform is fine for gaming also. Also, believe it or not, you can buy a Pentium M motherboard and proccy for cheap, overclock the summabitch out of it, and that makes a great desktop machine too because Pentium M's were built for low heat and power consumption in laptop situations.


However if you do a shit ton of video stuff, like encoding, transcoding, and the inbetween, that is a situation where you need the best of the best, or just a step below it. A step below it would be, like in an above post, an AMD X2. Just look for sweet deals on the internet, sometimes you come across stuff that you will find to be too cheap to pass up.


If you just do web browsing, go to a cheap computer store and pick up a PII-266 for $20.


/2 cents



The E6600 (at $316) is faster than ANYTHING AMD currently offers in all areas. And not just somewhat faster - significantly. The Core2 Extreme, simply anihilates anything AMD currently offers.


The performance crown goes to the fastest processor - clearly, that is not AMD anymore.


Even bang for the buck, there simply is no comparison, unless AMD starts selling FX-62s for $200 a piece or the fastest X2s for $100 each.


I'm not an Intel fanboy, but Core is one damn impressive architecture, especially when you consider how much power it (doesn't) use.


edit: meant the E6600, not 6400.

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who gives a fuck.. a processor is a processor. If you want to waste money on the fastest processor out there at the current time.. go right ahead. I just laugh at people who thinks having the newest this and fastest that is the best. The machine I built myself is stable as shit and does everything and anything I ever wanted.. There isn't even anything you can possibly do on a PC that would use the Intel Core's entire processing power.. it's just a waste of money. Same instance goes for the SLI video card shit.. there's not one game out there that requires THAT much processing power to use both card's full potential.. it really is a look-at-what-I-have type deal.
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who gives a fuck.. a processor is a processor. If you want to waste money on the fastest processor out there at the current time.. go right ahead. I just laugh at people who thinks having the newest this and fastest that is the best. The machine I built myself is stable as shit and does everything and anything I ever wanted.. There isn't even anything you can possibly do on a PC that would use the Intel Core's entire processing power.. it's just a waste of money. Same instance goes for the SLI video card shit.. there's not one game out there that requires THAT much processing power to use both card's full potential.. it really is a look-at-what-I-have type deal.


Wrong and wrong....


You can peg any of them while doing dvd decoding,

Playing certain new dual core enabled games......

video encoding..

image editing..


Shall I go on ??


And SLI.. wrong again

Apparently you've never placed Oblivion,,,, esp @ 1600X1200 or higher.


Tee Hee

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Wrong and wrong....


You can peg any of them while doing dvd decoding,

Playing certain new dual core enabled games......

video encoding..

image editing..


Shall I go on ??


And SLI.. wrong again

Apparently you've never placed Oblivion,,,, esp @ 1600X1200 or higher.


Tee Hee


Thanks Shawn - saved me the effort of replying to the idiocy.


Just remember, you can't use 700HP on the street, yet there are many cars running around with those and greater power levels. I would think a 'car guy' would understand this more than anyone. You can never have 'enough' power.

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Can't wait to see what AMD's response is. Unlike the AMD of old, they now have a taste of what it is like to be the performance leader. I don't think they will sit idly by, although no processor archs can't be spun out of thin air in a matter of days.


It is VERY nice to see someone addressing the power consumption of modern day CPUs. Watercooling was becoming very close to a requirement for even midrange systems. Now the GPU makers will need to do their parts.

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Can't wait to see what AMD's response is. Unlike the AMD of old, they now have a taste of what it is like to be the performance leader. I don't think they will sit idly by, although no processor archs can't be spun out of thin air in a matter of days.


It is VERY nice to see someone addressing the power consumption of modern day CPUs. Watercooling was becoming very close to a requirement for even midrange systems. Now the GPU makers will need to do their parts.


What do you have against water cooling..

Its Kewl!



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