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Official Kraig Sucks Donkey Dick Thread


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okay so here is the deal, i know that there was already a big thing about park ave. screw that. alright i have confirmed with someone here and is calling out any of u with the fast cars he has got a 1000 dollars cash for a race, and i guarentee that there is gunna be more faster cars out there. now i have been promised this buy alot of people so its gunna happen. we will all be at the fast payday loans on park ave. so now is the time to stop talking shit and man up and race. everyone should be out around 10 or 10:30 or earlier. but i can tell u right most racing will go on alittle later in the night once shit clears up and the ricers leave. so if u want to race and maybe take home some money, then i guess that u should show up. pm me if u want any directions or my cell number to contact me personally.
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I always love this kind of post the one that tells people that someone has a grand in hand to race someone Translation ( Hi! I'm a mark(i.e. target)for anyone who is down on there luck and need a quick hustle translation/) I cant figure why stick up kids don't sign up to these car forums it could be very lucrative for them there is always some jackass telling the world they have a roll of currency on them.
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I always love this kind of post the one that tells people that someone has a grand in hand to race someone Translation ( Hi! I'm a mark(i.e. target)for anyone who is down on there luck and need a quick hustle translation/) I cant figure why stick up kids don't sign up to these car forums it could be very lucrative for them there is always some jackass telling the world they have a roll of currency on them.


TJ, exactly my thoughts; I know the guy who posted probably meant well, but, at the same time, I couldn't help but notice what kind of sign he's putting on a lot of people's backs.

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I got $1000 says I'll eat your Z34 with any one of my cars. You game?

why would u even wanna waste the time to race my z34, its slow. but what im trying to figure out is how people said there is no fast cars in mansfield but when we get some for you no one wants to race or they wanna race slow cars.

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all he has is a bmw, and he wants to race anything that anyone has. if u are in pm me.



SO do you think im going too waste my time , or 10.50 @ gallon C-16 on a BMW...... :confused:



Come the fuck ON.. you get on here to defend your home terf(which i can understand) and talk about all these fast cars from up there...(yet too have any proof)


ANd now your posting about some guy with a BMW with $1000, cash that wants some of the faster cars from down here :confused: How about , I just send some of the boys up there, too bitch smack you both , and bring my money down here where it belongs!!!!

sounds alot easyer on all of us, and I dont have too wake up every person in that hole in a wall town in the middle of the night?


How about you bring your ass down here and get waxxed! and then i wont be so pissed of about going clear up there, and having everyone back out of a race, after they see my car.

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we should rig up a shopping cart with a bunch of 3 liter pop bottles to the back, shake the shit out of the cart, open the bottles and see whats up.

I want to try that anyways. pop is cheaper than gas ya know.

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Guest BigRick32187

alright man so here is the deal all the fast cars will be out saturday which is tonight. and here is major plan if any of the "fast" are willing to take part of. we have a bimmer here that is laying 1000 dollars or basically calling anyone of your best or fastest cars or whatever u have. so i think that u guys should highly consider that u take this offering. we will be out there on park ave, and waiting at the fast payday loans building where i promise and have promises from everyone that there will be other fast cars. so i will be looking forward to seeing u guys.







ok that is the pm i got........and supposedly from allthe BS i heard up there. the BMW and owner are "GOD" :rolleyes: anyways supposedly it run ss 8's or some dumb shit like that??? either way if ppl really wanna race this time then they can meet us because i dont see many ppl here wanting to drive up to that shithole!

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Good, bring said fast cars down here; they probably get better gas mileage then us going up there. Also as you probably haven't been doing much browsing before, "my carZ ownerz yous all yeehaw". Most the cars that kept offering you all races are down for tuning now. They're actually being made more efficient.


Not to mention it’s us, here in Columbus, that generally offer the challenges and people either don’t show up, talk more shit, or make up some grand excuses as to why they couldn’t make it. The terms are as always, you come to us, establish a for sure race on the board even before you make your trip. And we’ll hold to it (Dr. vs. bike).


And I think the biggest problem with “I have $1,000 I’ll race anyone” type of people we see is, either, they are the worst shit talkers in the world and are asking to get hustled out of their money, or they really don’t have the balls to make the trip to race someone hoping and counting on the fact that no one will come to them.


We were bullshitting the other day and came up with few cars here in the Columbus area that towards the end of the summer will be very street-able and 1000+ hp. And the people who own said cars aren’t near as coincided as ask someone to race for $1,000 …



Just my opinion…

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This is the deal we where out of town last weekend there is 7 prostreet cars waiting on anyone one with anything you want to bring tonight at park ave so if you guys are really what you say you are and are such big badass racers will see you there tonight if you got the balls to come take our money " YOU BEAT US YOU OWN PARK AVE "we really dont think you got the balls or the cars to run with us so if you do show up tonight cause we know what we got and we sure the fuck aint scared of you bitches "BRING IT " the ball is in your court now we are ready and waiting
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This is the deal we where out of town last weekend there is 7 prostreet cars waiting on anyone one with anything you want to bring tonight at park ave so if you guys are really what you say you are and are such big badass racers will see you there tonight if you got the balls to come take our money " YOU BEAT US YOU OWN PARK AVE "we really dont think you got the balls or the cars to run with us so if you do show up tonight cause we know what we got and we sure the fuck aint scared of you bitches "BRING IT " the ball is in your court now we are ready and waiting


Well what I think is that you guys should grow some balls and come down here. It doesn't matter if you guys where out of town or not..Some of our guys went up there wanting to race and ended up getting sucker punched. So now you call us back and tell us that we have no balls? I think you guys should come down here so we can sucker punch you and take your money.


Man up bitch, its your turn to come here now.

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